
Podcast: Heretic Jesse Duplantis, Julie Roys Platforming a Racist, and the Hardships of Having a Sexually-Unattractive Spouse

On this episode of Protestia Tonight, David discusses Jesse Duplantis telling his “church” how they’re all princes of peace, and Julie Roys platforming the Racist Court Jester of Evangelicalism. In the PT VIP, we analyze a Franklin Graham gospel presentation and discuss pastors who don’t do the work of laboring in the text.

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison ask whether or not a spouse can neglect their appearance so much that it becomes physically impossible to be attracted to them anymore. They ask “What is the difference between beauty fading with age and neglecting your personal appearance? Is it sinful to be unattracted to your spouse when they neglect their appearance? Is neglecting your personal appearance after marriage indicative of an inward issue?


Podcasts: SBC Prez. Taking Heat for Slandering Abortion Abolitionists+ How to Effectively Mansplain to Emotional Women

This week, David talks about the controversy that newly minted SBC president Bart Barber has gotten himself embroiled in after taking potshots at abortion abolitionists, while Tim and Harrison ponder the question: “how do I effectively mansplain to emotional women?”

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