
Michigan House Passes Bill Making It a Felony to Use Wrong Pronouns, Fineable up to $10,000

Michigan continues its race towards oblivion, with its recent groundbreaking legislation, House Bill 4474, sparking a fiery debate statewide. The bill, which criminalizes ‘harassment’ or ‘intimidation’ through the misuse of pronouns, is one of the first in the country. 

The Democrat-dominated Michigan House of Representatives passed HB 4474 with a 59 to 50 vote on June 20. The bill now advances to the state Senate for review. If approved, it will require the signature of fascist Governor Gretchen Whitmer for enactment, which she intends to give.

This new bill forms part of a package aiming to replace Michigan’s Ethnic Intimidation Act, achieving the holy grail of progressivism. It effectively makes it a hate crime to induce feelings of terror, fear, or threat using words. House Bill 4474 goes beyond the original law, encompassing sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identity or expression, and physical or mental disability. The bill reads:

“‘Intimidate’ means a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.”

It doesn’t take much for ‘words are an act of violence’ crowd to feel threatened. The proposed legislation stipulates that deliberately using wrong pronouns with the intent to intimidate constitutes a hate crime. Convicted offenders could face a felony charge, punishable by up to 5 years in prison or a fine not exceeding $10,000.

You know that they’re just itching to enforce it. 


Lutheran Seminary Preacher Changes Scripture to Call God He/Her/They

“And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected man. And there was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Give me justice against my adversary.’ For a while he refused, but afterward he said to himself, ‘Though I neither fear God nor respect man, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will give her justice, so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming.’” And the Lord said, “Hear what the unrighteous judge says. And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Luke 18:1-8

The Rev. Jason Chesnut is the pastor of Anam Cara, an ELCA online-only church. He is the founder of Ankos Films, Slate Project, and won the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago’s 2022 Witness to the World award. The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago is perhaps the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s wokest and progressively radical seminary. With only 145 students and 14 staff, the school is so irrelevant that it recently had to sell off its campus to the University of Chicago on account of failing finances. 

Speaking at their chapel on October 12, the ‘Rev’ Chesnut blasphemously alters the scripture to change God’s gender. Not content to merely refer to the Lord as a “she”, which has been a common woke trope for decades, Chestnut also refers to God as a “they”, even though he would scream bloody murder in any other situation where ‘revealed personal pronouns’ are not honored and accepted.

In that same city a widow came to him asking, begging, “Give me Justice against my opponent! Give me Justice against my opponent. Give me Justice against my opponent! Give me jus- for a while he refused. But then he said to himself “I don’t fear God or respect people but I will give this woman justice because she she keeps bothering me. Otherwise there’ll be no end to her coming here and embarrassing me.”

‘And the Lord said”-listen to what the unjust judge says- “won’t God provide justice to His chosen people who cry out to Her day and night? Will They be slow to help?” Now I tell you, God will grant them justice quickly.


Podcasts! Pronoun Hospitality, JD Greear, and What Actually Constitutes Spiritual Abuse

On today’s episodes we challenge the idea that the bloody and sinful history of Christendom stands in judgment of Christianity, discuss what actually constitutes spiritual abuse, look at new accusations of plagiarism and how cut and dry it actually is+ fun patron questions.

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison discuss whether Christians should show gender hospitality, consider whether JD Greear’s statement on the usage of preferred pronouns clear enough, as whether we are lying to others by using preferred pronouns, and then discuss whether or not transgenderism is a mental illness?

LGBTQQIP2SAA News Politics

Biden White House Immediately Updates Contact Page With ‘Transgender Pronouns’

(LifeSiteNews) – Just hours after Democrat Joe Biden’s swearing-in as President of the United States, the official White House contact page has already been updated to ask users to include their preferred gender pronouns, another early gift to LGBT activists.

Among the White House website contact page’s usual fields for name, prefix, phone number, and such is a new “pronouns” field, with the options “she/her,” “he/him,” “they/them,” “Other,” and “Prefer not to share.”

That the website was updated so quickly after Biden took over for former President Donald Trump may suggest it was the work of left-wing employees already within the Trump administration, a longstanding source of frustration for…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Calvin Freiburger and published at Lifesite News. Title changed by Protestia.