
Pope Francis Fires Popular ‘Protestant Priest’ for Criticizing Him All the Time

Pope Francis continues his progressive romp through Roman Catholic church teachings, enraging conservative Catholics after personally firing Bishop Joseph Strickland and relieving him of his duties as bishop of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas.

Strickland has been a thorn in the side of the Vatican for many years, with many likening him to a ‘Protestant priest’ for how frequently the firebrand prelate has publicly opposed the pope. 

He has publicly questioned and criticized Covid lockdowns and mask mandates, including the way churches were shutting down because of it. He accused the Vatican of having a “deep state,” called the pope’s plethora of comments on support for civil same-sex unions “very dangerous” and “confusing,” called synodality “garbage,” criticized his fellow bishops for picking and choosing their theology, criticized the pope for giving communion to Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, endorsed a video that attacked Francis by calling him a “diabolically disoriented clown and accused the pope of a “program of undermining the Deposit of Faith.

That’ll definitely do it. 

A letter from the Vatican’s daily Bulletin reads:

The Holy Father has relieved from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Tyler (U.S.A.) H.E. Msgr. Joseph E. Strickland and appointed the Bishop of Austin, H.E. Msgr. Joe Vásquez, [Bishop of Austin] as the Apostolic Administrator of the vacated diocese

While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, saying that he’s open to priests blessing homosexual relationships, so long as there is no suggestion that they’re blessing gay marriages, and continuing to promote and endorse notorious LGBTQ-affirming priest James Martin

In particular, it is the contrast between Martin and Strickland and the promotion of one and the punishment of the other that has Roman Catholics feeling so bruised. Ultimately, continuing to publicly put Pope Francis on blast for not living up to Roman Catholic teaching and operating as a transgressive faith-traitor wore on the decrepit pontiff too much, and Strickland was removed. 

We pray Strickland repents the false gospel of Roman Catholicism and embraces salvation by grace and faith alone, because this clarity on a host of critical issues would be a welcome addition to the battle.


Pope Francis Reappoints Notorious Pro-LGBTQ-Priest to Major 5-Year Post

James Martin is a Jesuit priest, the editor at large @Americamag and consultor to the Dicastery for Communication @VaticanNew. He’s a very prominent American Roman Catholic known for having an outreach ministry for proud and open LGBTQ Catholics, whom Martin is fighting for full inclusion in the life of the church. In fact, it was just two months ago that martin was urging the Roman Catholic Church to start celebrating PRIDE month.

He also recently took offense after a Sioux Falls Diocese told LGBTQ students they many “not advocate, celebrate, or express same-sex attraction in such a way as to cause confusion or distraction in the context of Catholic school classes, activities, or events…” arguing that ‘‘people should be able to, and encouraged to, celebrate who they are and, more importantly, how God made them, including LGBTQ people. 

Previously Pope Francis commended his work, saying that his ministry seeks to “imitate the style of God” and that “your pastoral zeal and your ability to be close to people, with the closeness that Jesus had, and which reflects the closeness of God.”

In a new post on social media, Martin announced that Francis has reappointed him to another five-year term as the consultor for the Vatican’sVatican’s Dicastery for Communication which is the office that helps to coordinate “the communications coming from the Holy Father, the Holy See and the Vatican in general.”

And people wonder why we don’t believe the Pope when it comes to same sex marriage. Actions speaker louder than words, and the decrepit Pontiff’s habit of doing one thing and saying another is all but shouting at this point.

Roman Catholic Stuff

Roman Catholic Church Fires Popular ‘Alt-Right Priest’ for Calling Democrats ‘Godless’ and Refusing them Communion

It’s official; popular Priest James Altman been officially removed from the office. In a statement released by La Crosse diocese, they explain:

“The obligation of a bishop is to ensure that all who serve the faithful are able to do so while unifying and building the Body of Christ…Bishop William Patrick Callahan, in accordance with the norms of canon law, has issued a decree for the removal of Father James Altman as pastor of St. James the Less Parish….The decree is effective immediately and for an indeterminate period of time. During this time Father Altman, must refrain from exercising the function of pastor.”

James Altman, dubbed the “alt-right priest” by critics, served at St. James the Less parish. He amassed a large following on social media and earned the ire of local leftists along with his Bishop, William Callahan, for partaking in the aforementioned sins:

(Saying) ‘anti-Black and LGBTQ+ rhetoric, stating that all Democrats are “Godless” hypocrites going to hell, spreading misinformation on vaccines and COVID-19, frequently appearing on far-right media platforms and more.’

Two months ago, upon hearing that this was in the works, Altman made the announcement of his likely termination on his YouTube channel, telling the congregation:

Unfortunately in our cancel culture, if the Left whines like they do, like a spoiled brat, often enough they succeed in canceling so many voices of truth. And now they are whining like, if I may say it, the pansy babies that they are, to cancel me…allegedly because I’m divisive, as they like to say, or as a bishop has stated to me, ‘I am ineffective.’

For the record, dear family, Bishop Callahan has asked me to resign as pastor as of this past Friday, two days ago, because I am divisive and ineffective. In response, my canon lawyer asked for clarification as to the justification, and a chance to review what was in my file that suggested I was so divisive and ineffective.

And I say all this only because I’m no expert on canon law, but understand only that while we are contesting the Bishop’s request, he could in theory appoint a parish administrator whilst I remain a pastor without duties until the appeal goes through Rome, which could take upwards of a year or more.

Altman disputes that he is ineffective, pointing to the fact that despite earning growls of rage from progressives and nods of appreciation from conservatives, the church has flourished in every way possible, with attendance being up nearly 102 people and already doubling last year’s total in donations and tithes given.

What really is at play here, dear family, is that other shepherds are offended because I simply state the fact that they abandoned their sheep in a time of need as you’ve heard me say so many times.

If this alleged virus was allegedly a fraction as dangerous as they said it was, all the more reason to keep our churches open and get you the sacraments so that you stayed in a state of grace. They put your eternal souls at risk – they despise me for speaking that simple truth.

Despite the biblical truths that Altman is advocating for, it is beyond tragic that he is a Roman Catholic and therefore has no hope of salvation lest he repents of his sins and believes in Christ by faith alone.

Church Featured

NM Archbishop Threatens to Suspend Priests if their Sermons go over 5 Minutes

Roman Catholic priests in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico have been threatened with suspension and other disciplinary measures, including the right to preach, if their homilies exceed the prescribed 5-minute hard limit set by the Archbishop.

In an internal memo shared by Journalist Damian Thompson, the Archbishop John C Wester condemns priests for exceeding 5 minutes of preaching, saying that having such an excessively long homily of 7 or 8 minutes would scare the congregants into either not coming to church, or would needlessly expose them to the coronavirus.

“We’ve received reports of some homilies going well over the 5 minute limit set by the Archbishop.

“This not only increases exposure time to others, but increases the discomfiture to many congregants, to the point of some not attending Mass because of it.

“If such long homilies continue, the AB will consider severer actions for subject clergy, up to and including possible suspension of the faculty to preach.”

The Archdiocese still prohibits singing in services, and unbelievably, the time 5 minute limit on the homilies is actually a new relaxation from previous guidelines, which stated that homilies ought to be “very brief” and “three minutes max.”

When reached out for comment, A spokesperson for the Catholic News Agency said:

The intent of Father Glenn Jones’ memo was to underscore the seriousness of the pandemic, Archbishop’s great concern for human life and the health and safety of our parishioners.