In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Police Statement Lies About Pastor Who Went Viral After Kicking Cops from Church

Police in Calgary have responded to the viral video showing Pastor Artur Pawlowski of the Cave of Adullam Church in Alberta (Also Street Church) chasing off police officers from his church, calling them “Nazi Psychopaths” and Gestapo as he did.

“Out! Out of this property, you Nazis! Out! Out! Gestapo is not allowed here. Out! Immediately Gestapo is not allowed here! Do you understand English? Get out of this property. Go! Go and don’t come back without a warrant. Out! Nazi!”

The police, wanting you to disbelieve your own lying eyes, issued a statement, rife with falsehoods and PR talk.

Firstly, anyone can tell from the video that there was more than one police officer there, not simply just one. They were in uniform, and they had guns on them. Upon close inspection, we count at least three.

Second, they say they were there for less than a minute, yet the video starts when they are all already inside and having all gained entry.

Third, the man was uncooperative and raised his voice because police repeatedly refused to leave and kept on trying to argue with him why they should be allowed to stay despite not having a warrant.

Fourth, the police can claim that they entered peacefully all the want, it is still a violation of Criminal Code 176, which makes it a crime to disrupt a church service, even if it is Alberta Health Services or the Calgary Police doing it.

176 (1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years or is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction who…

(2) Every one who willfully disturbs or interrupts an assemblage of persons met for religious worship or for a moral, social or benevolent purpose is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction.

This is an embarrassment and shows the dishonesty of the police trying to tyrannically enforce their will on the people.

Breaking Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Video! Canadian Pastor Chases 6 COVID Cops Out of Church ‘Get Out You Nazi Psychopaths!’

A pastor in Canada lit into police officers and Alberta Health Service who entered his church without permission in order to shut down the service on account of suspicion of violating Covid shutdown limits on churches, which caps attendance to 15%.

Calling them “Gestapo” and “Nazi’s” and roaring at them to leave and not to come back without a warrant, Pastor Artur Pawlowski of the Cave of Adullam Church in Alberta, Calgary chased them out with tails between their legs, refusing to hear any justification or explanation, surprising the officers who did not expect resistance at disrupting their church service.

Out! Out of this property, you Nazis! Out! Out! Gestapo is not allowed here. Out! Immediately Gestapo is not allowed here! Do you understand English? Get out of this property. Go! Go and don’t come back without a warrant. Out! Nazi!

“Get out of this property immediately. Out! I don’t want—out of this property immediately! I don’t want to hear a word. Out! Out of this property immediately until you come back with a warrant.

He continued shouting at them they slowly back down, his voice rising as his righteous indignation burst forth.

I don’t want to talk to you, not another word. I don’t care what you have to say, Out! Out! Out of this property…Nazis are not welcome here. Out. And don’t come back without a warrant. Do not come back without a warrant, you understand that? You are not welcome here.”

“Nazis are not welcome here. Gestapo is not welcome here. Do not come back, you Nazi psychopaths!

Unbelievable sick, evil people! Intimidating people in a church during the Passover. You Gestapo Nazi communist fascists! Don’t you dare coming back here!”

This is not pastor’s first run in with the law. He also runs Street Church, a ministry to the homeless in Calgary and was fined $1200 last year for being outside feeding the homeless, with the government deeming that a non-essential activity and for violating social distance protocols, even though his ministry has over 100 volunteers and feeds thousands per day.

In Canada section 176(2) of the Criminal Code makes it a crime to disturb church service, even for police. This law is the same that pastor James Coates and his elders cited last week, when police wanted to enter the sanctuary in the middle of service and so a headcount, and were refused.

176 (1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years or is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction who…

(2) Every one who willfully disturbs or interrupts an assemblage of persons met for religious worship or for a moral, social or benevolent purpose is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction.*

In a follow up video Pawlowski explained:

“Unbelievable. We’re living in a takeover of the government with their thugs, goons, the brown shirts, the goons, the brownshirts, the Gestapo wannabe dictators. Coming to the church, armed with guns and Tasers and handcuffs to intimidate during Passover Celebration?

Well, I guess that’s what it is, they want to enslave us all like the Egyptians did. They want to be Pharaohs of today. People, if you’re not… wake up, stand up, I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow if Canadians will not rise up. Look at what’s happening in Germany. Germany has been taken over by fascism. The wannabe Hitlers are already ruling.

You cannot even leave for one city to another, it’s a total lockdown. If you won’t be vaccinated like a dog or a cat you won’t be able to buy or sell, or go to school, or work. Is that he future you want? Is that what you want for your children or your grandchildren? Seriously? Is that the future of Canada? Unbelievable.

Friends, you have to join the fight. We have rallies. We are meeting every week and we need numbers. We need to stand up against them and we need to file lawsuits against them. Craziness right now, while we still have the window of opportunity. Because if we don’t do it now we won’t have tomorrow. Our rights are being taken away from us so quickly it’s unbelievable.”