
Polemics Report: Julie Roys’ Spiritual Abuse, Church Ladies Developing Lesbian Soul Ties, The Survivor Gal Response

On today’s program, JD and David dissect the latest revelations from Julie Roys about her admitted spiritual abuse, then talk about how church ladies can develop innapropriate relationships with each other, and then breakdown the pushback from the survivor bloggers and what it says about the standards they keep. With special guest Tim Hurd


Polemics Report: JD Talks SBC 2022 Drama, Retiring from Polemics, and Other Things

JD and David cover a mishmash of topics, including drama surrounding SBC 2022 and returning from Polemics.

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Podcast: The Pointless United Methodist Breakup+ Doug Wilson Son’s Persecution

On this episode of Polemics Report for March 2nd, 2021, JD discusses a gay “pastor” equating calling homosexuality a sin with wanting gays dead, the split in the United Methodist church, Gab getting hacked, and forced diversity on Nasdaq company boards. Later in the Patrons-only portion, he discusses Doug Wilson’s son facing government overreach and persecution in Moscow, Idaho. 

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

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Podcast: SBC Now Funding Lady Lead Pastors

In this episode, JD reveals NAMB (the SBC home mission board) funding a church plant with a lead lady pastor. Other topics are covered as well, including The Gospel Coalition telling pastors not to speak out as much.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 25:42 — 23.5MB) | Embed

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Church Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Cracked Nipples Don’t Make You a Pastor

On the episode for December 28, 2020, JD is back from “vacation” and ready to talk polemics. After sharing the Gospel, JD launches into an explanation for why Albert Mohler got “Worst Christian of 2020” award from Protestia (he’s been sent a trophy with a goat atop, per our annual tradition). He then discusses numerous topics, including Jonathan Merritt RT’ing a poem and woman who claims that women are uniquely qualified to be a pastor because breastfeeding gives them cracked nipples (we kid you not). JD also gives an Ode to Ken Fryer, who passed away into glory. And then, JD answers some patron’s questions and explains why people missing church for COVID-19 should be disciplined. 

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 51:22 — 70.5MB) | Embed

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Podcast: Seat Belts are RAciSt to Fat People

On today’s program, JD discusses the racial unity lessons learned from Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, then gets to the news topics of the day from Protestia. Afterward, he discusses Russell Moore getting a religious freedom award and why seat belts are RaCIsT against fat people (and why Critical Theory leads to such conclusions). Then, he talks gluttony.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:35 — 65.3MB) | Embed

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