
Union Seminary Offers Course on how to “Think and Feel with Other Species, with the Trees, with the Soil”

Union Theological Seminary, a repository for every sort of half-baked pagan prerogative where no true Christian has stepped foot on campus since 1927, has announced that they have a Masters of Arts program where students can paint with all the colors of the wind and “think and feel with other species, with the trees, with the soil, with the rivers.”

The course is taught by Professor Claudio Carvalhaes, who describes himself as an “earth thinker” and “theologian” and is an ordained pastor within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It’s part of a Masters of Arts in Social Justice, where students in the program will be “equipped to think critically, intersectionally, and creatively about human and planetary flourishing and the ongoing pursuit of a more just society and equitable world.”

This is not unexpected by Union by any means. This is the same seminary that “confessed to plants” in their chapel service in 2019.

h/t The Dissenter