
Former PCA Youth Pastor on FBI’s Most Wanted List

Aside from Perimeter Church’s reputation for being the source of much woke rhetoric and spawning several church plants populated by critical race theorists, despite being a member of the conservative Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), the 5000-member Georgia megachurch also has a new claim to fame; having a former youth pastor on the FBI’s Most Wanted List.

Christopher Burns was a youth pastor at Perimeter Church who later stepped down to become a financial planner. According to reports:

Prosecutors allege that for years, Burns lived a double life, swindling approximately $10 million from dozens of investors in a years-long Ponzi scheme that spanned three states. Under the guise of a “peer-to-peer” lending program with high-interest promissory notes, Burns allegedly used the money to fund his lavish lifestyle—which included a boat and numerous trips to Disney World.

But the day before Burns was scheduled to hand over documents related to his businesses as part of an ongoing civil investigation, (in 2020) the 40-year-old vanished without a trace. In his wake, Burns left behind a slew of angry investors out millions of dollars, unanswered questions, and a family left to pick up the pieces.

His son Phillip, who was 15 years old when his father vanished two years ago, told the Daily Beast:

“I have [had] to rethink my entire life. He was my role model. It hurts so much that he left that day. I believe he is still out there somewhere… but [he] is not a part of our family and our lives anymore.”

If captured and charged he woud have to repay $12 million to his victims, civil penalties of nearly $650,000, and could face as many as 20 years in prison.


PCA Pastor Says Your Marriage Should Be As Committed as Some Homosexual Marriages

A Presbyterian (PCA) pastor known for his promotion of the REVOICE conference is under fire for suggesting that to have the credibility to speak on the subject of the acceleration of LBGTQ ideology into the mainstream and how it affects society, one’s heterosexual marriage needs to be as committed as some homosexual ones are.

Scott Sauls, the Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN, in a conversation with Jeff Norris of Perimeter Church, explains:

“If you’re a Christian and you’re you’re distressed about the the acceleration of LBGTQ into the mainstream and how it affects society, how it affects your kids etc, and maybe you consider yourself kind of a culture warrior for biblical marriage, please realize that the very first responsibility that you have to have any right to speak into these things, is to have a biblical marriage.

Which means you’re not looking at porn, which means that you are not only not committing infidelity against your spouse, but you are actively pursuing your spouse and and leaning into a dynamic in your relationship with your spouse that pictures Christ and the church as it’s portrayed to us in Ephesians 5.

If you don’t have your own marriage and sexuality within your marriage in order, then you’ve got no business being a more moral bullhorn for culture or for anyone else. So let’s just make sure that we have the moral authority to be able to even talk about these things with any level of concern 

 So many of these conversations that actually could have gone really well were a reality of of moral inconsistency on the part of the one who’s doing the preaching about how other people need to look at their lives in this regard.

“Ask yourself: is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some some gay marriages. You know, some gay marriages are deeply committed, as as out of step with Scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least, you know, on the same level of commitment in your biblical marriage. You know, so that at least you have grounds from which to, you know, have some sort of credibility.”

The problem is that theologically speaking, gay marriage is no more a marriage than a man who kidnaps a 10-year-old girl and “marries” her in some hidden room in his basement. Saul’s error is making the compassion in the first place. ‘Gay marriage’ is not just a type of marriage that is merely “out of step with scripture,” but rather, it is a monstrously sick, grotesque aberration.

It is thoroughly blasphemous and is a representation of unrestrained defiance to the word of God. The scriptures say, ‘For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.’ If marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to be a picture of Christ’s headship and love for the church, then what does it say about that love and headship when there are two men or two women?

It is no less than a declaration that Christ does not love his church, did not give himself up for her to make her holy, did not cleanse her by the washing with water through the word, and did not present HER to HIM self as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

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