
Former PCA Pastor Scott Sauls Flees the Denomination, Becomes Egalitarian

Prominent (former) PCA Pastor Scott Sauls has left the Presbyterian Church in America, citing a newfound acceptance of lady preachers and pastrixes as the impetus for his departure.

Sauls used to be a pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC, where he rubbed shoulders with, was mentored by, and was closely aligned with Tim Keller before ultimately ending up at Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN.

A prolific contributor to the PCA’s ByFaith (the denomination’s outward messaging arm), he frequently defended the controversial Revoice movement and served as a foil for conservative Presbyterians by coming across as a slightly more buttoned-up version of David French or Russell Moore in his spewing of leftist propaganda, all the while chastising his critics for being too mean. We featured Sauls two years ago after he asked Christians to compare their marriages to homosexual relationships, inquiring:

Is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some gay marriages? Some gay marriages are deeply committed, as out of step with scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least on the same level…to have some sort of credibility.

In an ironic turn of events, Sauls was placed on an indefinite leave of absence from his church after admitting to a troubling leadership style that was anything but kind and winsome- two traits that he routinely criticized conservatives for not being. Six months later he resigned from the church, with 81% of members voted to accept his resignation.

According to the Presbycast Pravda, what ByFaith did not say is that despite being restored as a member in good standing by his presbytery just two days after resigning, he has left the denomination entirely, leaving a letter where he cited his budding egalitarianism as the cause for his departure. In a letter cited by the Tenneasean, we read:

“With mixed emotions and too many meaningful memories to count, I request release from my ministerial call,” Sauls said in a March letter to the presbytery, according to a copy The Tennessean obtained. “I have begun exploring ordained membership in other biblically orthodox denominations whose polity makes provisions for these new realities.”

Sauls cited both a new professional trajectory and his views on women in ministry as reasons for leaving the PCA, a denomination through which Sauls gained national prominence partly due to his association with the late Rev. Tim Keller.

So where is he going? The Presbycast reveals:

Sauls (as we understand it) intends to affiliate with ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, a loose denomination formed in 2012 by refugees from the liberal, homosexual-affirming PCUSA. Those who formed ECO were a sort of “last straw club.” The last last straw was the ordination of open, practicing homosexual ministers and gay marriage in the mainline church. ECO now positions (markets?) itself as “the Presbyterian denomination built for the 21st Century.” Assumedly, the PCA was built for previous centuries.


Presbyterian ‘Pastor’ Says Killing Babies in Abortions is a ‘Blessing’ and an ‘Act of Love’

(Life News) Killing an unborn child because she’s a girl is a “moral good.” Killing an unborn boy because he has Down syndrome is “an act of love.” Killing an unborn baby just because you forgot to use birth control and don’t want to be a parent yet “is an act of grace,” “a blessing.”

That essentially is the message that a Presbyterian pastor has made it her mission to share with Christians across the United States. Of course, the Rev. Rebecca Todd Peters does not mention killing or babies in her sermons promoting abortion on demand. According to Religion News Service, Peters gave a sermon July 9 at the Community Church of Chapel Hill in North Carolina, explaining why she believes Christians should support abortions for any reason without restriction.

“Abortion is a moral good. Abortion is an act of love. Abortion is an act of grace,” Peters told the congregation. “Abortion is a blessing.”

As she spoke, she wore a bright pink stole displaying the logo of the billion-dollar abortion chain Planned Parenthood, according to the report. Peters is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), an… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Micaih Bilger and published at Life News


PCA’s Greg Johnson Suggests ‘Christian’ Gay Couples can Live Together, so Long as They “Desexualize” the Marriage

A pastor in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) has seemed to endorse the notion of civil unions for gay couples who become saved, saying that he wouldn’t encourage them to break the marriage apart but rather simply encourage the couple to stop having sex with each other.

Greg Johnson is the most controversial figure within the conservative PCA, gaining publicity in 2018 when he hosted and defended the abomination that is Revoice. (See notes below) Since then, he’s been staunchly opposed Overture 15, a proposed amendment to the denomination’s Book of Church Order designed to combat Revoice’s wreckage and make the denomination more biblically faithful with a purer sexual ethic.

His church is presently under investigation by their Presbytery after one of their ministries hosted a lurid concert event featuring filthy trans performers. The church is upset that anyone is questioning this ministry or choice of event, complaining that the possibility of being forbidden to let similar events occur will negatively impact their ministry to the pagans.

As a result of being occasionally taken to task by denominational leaders who have by and large utterly failed to deal with him and his theological shenanigans much sooner, and are now (poorly) dealing with the consequences of gay chickens that have come home to roost, Johnson’s church is intending to leave the PCA as soon as they can, but not without chumming the waters while he prepares to get going.

Speaking on the Apologia – Centrum för Kisten Apologetik channel on October 27 2022.

Question: It seems ok to recommend single gays to stay single, but what about gay people that are already in relationships- may be married and have kids? What should the church recommend to them?

Yeah, if the gay couple with a family you know, came to Jesus in my church, my goal would not to be to break them apart. (Unintelligible) I think in discipleship, really, the goal would be to desexualize the relationship, because the love they have for one another is not the problem. 

You know, that’s not sinful. The commitment they have to one another is not sin. You know, it’s sexualization of that. And so, in all honesty, with a lot of gay couples, you know, when they’ve been together for a number of years, they’re not very sexually active. Some are, but a lot aren’t. 

You know, I know one guy told me that, you know, after the first 10 years of sex just got boring. And so his partner, the most they ever do is snuggle in front of the television, but, they’re still there for each other. And so, that would be my direction in that kind of situation.

Johnson does not want to break them apart, because he believes the power of the Holy Spirit to sanctify gay people, “such were some of you, but you were washed,” is a fantasy. He believes homosexuals are an untouchable class whose sexuality cannot be redeemed and that even God doesn’t have the power to straighten their bent orientations. 

Rather than what would be an appropriate direction to take take the situation in- the couple publicly renounces their marriage, stop living together, get in counselling, get discipled, and stay single or get married to someone of the opposite sex- Johnson, the seeming expert on how frequently gay people engage in their perverse approximation of sexual intercourse, offers only that he’d seek to “desexualize” the relationship but not break them apart. This is trash advice.

Furthermore, Johnson says that the love they have is not the problem- but it is! Because it isn’t love, it is a sin. Any feeling/ sensation/ emotion/ affection that a man or a woman has for the same sex that is beyond strong platonic affection is vile and a corruption of God’s intentions.

Johnson doesn’t even believe that gay people cuddling and snuggling is a sin to be discouraged. So long as the couple agrees to stop bumping together their incompatible bits, that’s about the extent of what they must change about their situation after coming to Christ.

Johnson’s response betrays how truly compromised he is, and is an indictment on the Missouri Presbytery for letting it get this far.


PCA Leader Says Pastors Should Tell More Stories about Gay People From the Pulpit To Be More Loving

Weeks after Pastor Greg Johnson and the elders of Memorial Church in St Louis, Mo, announced their intentions to leave the conservative Presbyterian Church of America, the results of finding that they can no longer support sound doctrine and instead want the freedom to preach their particularly noxious brand of subversive sexual theology, Johnson explains that one of the best ways to make gay people in our congregants know we care about them is to preach more positive illustrations about homosexuals from the pulpit, using illustrations that intentionally note people’s sexual deviancy and sexual sin, even if it’s not relevant to the story.

Speaking to Martin Helgessen on the to the Apologia – Centrum för Kisten Apologetik channel on October 27 2022:

Question: What do you think we should do at our church to make LGBTQ people know that we care about them

Is homosexuality only discussed in the context of discussing everybody else’s sins? You know, because you don’t ever want to pick on- you don’t ever want to preach on one sin that the whole congregation doesn’t experience and make one or two people who do feel horrible.

But it’s things like that that you can do, making sure that positive stories of gay people make it into the pulpit. You know, if you’ve preached with illustrations, you know, there’s one story that I’ve been telling for years.

I had a very small little Honda Civic in the late 1980s, and we had a horrific snowstorm…so I was trying to get out of my alleyway to get to school, grad school, and my car had gotten stuck in the snow, so that my wheels were spinning, but they weren’t touching the ground anymore. And I remember just thinking, ‘this is horrible. How am I going to get out of here?’ Like, ‘how long will it take for snow to melt under me? Will that even happen?’

He continues:

And then a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud pulls up, something from the 1930s, this expensive antique car and out pop three gay men. And two of them have shovels, and the other one has a top hat and a big fur coat.. and he tells his friends to dig me out. And meanwhile he’s talking to me he’s like, ‘so what do you do? Are you a student?’ Like, yeah, I’m a student. ‘What do you study?’ Historical theology.

But the point is, the Good Samaritan was the gay man who, in a snowstorm, got out his 5000 pound Rolls Royce and two of his buddies to drive around shoveling theology student’s cars out of ditches, you know? Who’s the Christ figure? It’s this gay guy.

Tell stories from the pulpit like that. I have probably a dozen or more stories like that in my book. Talk about CS Lewis and his gay best friend Arthur, you know, and their friendship as a model of what friendship could be. You know, there’s stories to be told. And also just make sure that there would never be anything said up front that would make someone feel targeted. Stay out of politics.


PCA Pastor, Revoice Advocate Greg Johnson to Leave Denomination

Pastor Greg Johnson and the elders of Memorial Church in St Louis, Mo, have announced their intentions to leave the conservative Presbyterian Church of America after finding that they can no longer support sound doctrine, according to the letter sent to congregants, which reads in part:

After fifteen months spent fasting, praying, waiting, consulting and listening, now write to call a meeting of the congregation for 5:30–6:30 p.m. Friday, November 18, 2022, in the Auditorium for the purpose of deciding on matters pertaining to denominational alignment. We are recommending the congregation vote to withdraw from the Presbyterian Church in America 

Johnson, an open homosexual, is perhaps the most controversial figure within the denomination, gaining publicity in 2018 when he hosted and defended the abomination that is Revoice. (See notes below) Since then, he’s been staunchly opposed Overture 15, a proposed amendment to the denomination’s Book of Church Order that is designed to combat the wreckage of Revoice and make the denomination more biblically faithful with a purer sexual ethic.

The authors of this amendment argue that ministers of the gospel are to be above reproach in their Christian character and self-conception. They say a pastor is disqualified from serving in ordained office in the PCA if that man identifies himself in terms associated with the LGBTQ+ movement or has a Gay self-conception.

“Men who describe themselves as homosexual, even those who describe themselves as homosexual and claim to practice celibacy by refraining from homosexual conduct, are disqualified from holding office in the Presbyterian Church in America.”

Johnson hates this, and his repeated and public condemnation has been tearing at the denomination’s seams. We hate that he hates this, and believe that any man who makes his sexuality part of his identity and affirms he’ll always struggle with same-sex attraction; denying the efficacy of a new heart upon one’s sexuality and denying that “such were some of you” is the normative expectation for Christians who are being sanctified by Christ, is not qualified to be pastor.

Not only is Johnson and Memorial continually castigated for their role in Revoice, but the church is presently under investigation by their Presbytery after one of their ministries hosted a lurid concert event featuring filthy trans performers. The church is upset that anyone is questioning this ministry or choice of event, complaining that the possibility of being forbidden to let similar events take place will negatively impact their ministry to the pagans.

Rather than let everything play out, the church wants to leave as soon as they can, before Johnson goes to a church trial, in order to avoid bad optics from whatever denomination they join in the future:

We have now learned that, yes, once a court of the church (whether local Missouri Presbytery, denominational supreme court or General Assembly) takes a case, thereby entering into judicial process, the pastor involved must see the case through unless another denomination receives him into it. Other denominations can be hesitant to receive a pastor under such circumstances, and would likely require a supermajority vote to receive him. This could hold us all up.

…Other possible cases against our pastors are also developing. The flow of these baseless judicial attacks is unlikely to slow down. We are being deliberately targeted. To protect our pastors—and to keep our presbytery from having to do multiple formal investigations of baseless accusations—we therefore think it wise to take this next step in realignment sooner rather than later.

They conclude by saying:

Our intention has been to bathe this process with prayer and with love. We believe this decision to be the most loving option for Memorial, for same-sex oriented believers, for our pastors and, yes, for the PCA itself.

We hope that Memorial’s withdrawal from the PCA will strengthen the hands of our friends within the denomination. As their opponents have capitalized on the “wedge issue” they found in knowing the PCA had a celibate same-sex oriented pastor, we can now remove Memorial from that equation. Critics will have to find some other cause with which to rally their troops. Lord willing, that will help our friends in the denomination as they work hard to once again take leadership to ground the denomination in a humble, winsome and missiological grace.

For more on Revoice:
Revoice Conference is Bringing Back the Roman Catholic Lesbian Who Praised X-Rated Gay BDSM Film
Revoice Introduces ‘Semi-Celibate Throuple’ to Christendom
So who are all the She/Her, They/Them, and He/Hims Speaking at Revoice?
Revoice Founder Insists Christians Repent Of Signing Nashville Statement on Sexual Ethics
Revoice President says Being Pro-Life Means Being Pro-Trans
‘Revoice’ Founder Calls Own Denomination ‘Rampantly Homophobic’ for Rejecting LGBTQ Clergy
Revoice Leaders Promoting “Homosexuality is a Blessing” Nonsense


PCA Denom. Bans Any Man Who ‘Describes Themselves as Homosexual’ from The Pastorate

SBC take note. This week at the 2022 Presbyterian Church of America’s General Assembly, members passed Overture 15, which squarely takes aim at pastors who identify themselves as being a ‘gay Christian’ or ‘same-sex attracted’ and yet still aspire to the office of the pastorate.

According to Scott Edburg of PCA Polity: “The authors of this amendment argue that ministers of the gospel are to be above reproach in their Christian character and self-conception. This amendment would disqualify a man from serving in ordained office in the PCA if that man identifies himself in terms associated with the LGBTQ+ movement or has a Gay self-conception.” It reads.

“Men who describe themselves as homosexual, even those who describe themselves as homosexual and claim to practice celibacy by refraining from homosexual conduct, are disqualified from holding office in the Presbyterian Church in America.”

Passed by a vote of 1167 to 978, it now heads to the Presbyteries for full ratification and to be included in the Book of Church Order. Last year the GA voted in support of a previous overture that did the same thing but then supporters needed the approval of 2/3 of presbyteries, or 59 of the 88, but failed to meet that mark, with 30 voting it down, effectively killing it.

It is hoped that it would make it all the way through.

This momentous vote is a teeth-shattering, cartilage-crushing, skull-splintering blow to the satanic scourge that is Revoice, with the General Assembly declaring that same-sex attractions in and of themselves are sinful, not just same-sex acts. Furthermore, any man who makes his sexuality part of his identity and affirms he’ll always struggle with same-sex attraction; denying the efficacy of a new heart upon one’s sexuality and denying that “such were some of you” is the normative expectation for Christians who are being sanctified by Christ, is not qualified to be Pastor.

This is a far cry from the Southern Baptist Convention, where the last couple of presidents of the SBC argues that the Bible only ‘whispers’ about homosexuality, and fully accepts and endorses celibate ‘gay pastors’

Revoice founder Nate Collins, the subversive organization bent on normalizing the strangefire notion that is “same-sex attracted Christians” while introducing new language and phrases like “sexual minorities” into the Christian lexicon, has taken to social media to weave a false narrative of outrage and distress after being curb-stomped with cleats by the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) General Assembly, who voted that everything he stands for and believes is wrong and will not be tolerated within the conservative Presbyterian denomination.

It’s not a stain to the witness of the church, but rather a badge of honor. If the SBC has any hope of surviving, they need to do likewise.


‘Revoice’ Claims Victory after the PCA Presbyteries Kill Anti-LGBTQ Overtures

8 months ago, the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) voted at their 2021 General Conference 1438-417 (71%) to adopt Overture 23, which states in full:

“Officers in the Presbyterian Church in America must be above reproach in their walk and Christlike in their character. Those who profess an identity (such as, but not limited to, ‘gay Christian,’ ‘same-sex attracted Christian,’ ‘homosexual Christian,’ or like terms) that undermines or contradicts their identity as new creations in Christ, either by denying the sinfulness of fallen desires (such as, but not limited to, same-sex attraction), or by denying the reality and hope of progressive sanctification, or by failing to pursue Spirit-empowered victory over their sinful temptations, inclinations, and actions are not qualified for ordained office.

This momentous vote was to be teeth-shattering, cartilage-crushing, skull-splintering blow to the satanic scourge that is Revoice, where the General Assembly declared that same-sex attractions in and of themselves are sinful, not just same-sex acts. Furthermore, any man who makes his sexuality part of his identity and affirms he’ll always struggle with same-sex attraction; denying the efficacy of a new heart upon one’s sexuality and denying that “such were some of you” is the normative expectation for Christians who are being sanctified by Christ, is not qualified to be Pastor.

They also voted 1130-692 (66%) to affirm Overture 37, which reads in part about pastoral candidates: :

Careful attention must be given to his practical struggle against sinful actions, as well as to persistent sinful desires. The candidate must give clear testimony of reliance upon his union with Christ and the benefits thereof by the Holy Spirit, depending on this work of grace to make progress over sin… While imperfection will remain, he must not be known by reputation or self-profession according to his remaining sinfulness, but rather by the work of the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus.

In short, it was seen as a decisive win for critics of the denomination’s drift in recent years- faithful men and women who have been rattling their cages against Trojan Horse Schemes that were used to smuggle in liberalized language and postures used towards homosexuals and sodomites that is not found in the scriptures.

These “creeper-in-unawarers” denied that sanctification in Christ means that one’s sexuality will be ultimately, inexorably be redeemed by him, but rather they said that all must adopt a “humble hermeneutic; while arguing that some people will always struggle with their lusts and that their struggles are not sin but in some way a gift to the church.

After these two overtures were adopted, they were supposed to head to the Presbyteries for full ratification and to be included in the Book of Church Order, but they never got that far. They needed the approval of 2/3 of presbyteries, or 59 of the 88, but failed to meet that mark, with 30 voting it down, effectively killing it.

Cowards all.

Thankfully, while it failed to meet the 2/3 threshold, a majority of presbyteries did vote for ratification, meaning that with the next General Assembly coming up in a few short months, the remaining conservatives within the PCA who have not yet bowed the knee to the rainbow Baal will have a theological knife fight on their hands, as they yet again push the General Assembly to reject the leaven of Revoice and embrace the biblical view of sexuality.


PCA Church Leads Corporate Confession For Puritan “Genocide,” Cultural Appropriation And Pollution

Using a shaming template from race grifter Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, who recently led World Vision through a year of struggle sessions and woke training, Christ Central Church, a supposedly conservative PCA congregation in Charlotte, North Carolina, crafted a special Thanksgiving-themed prayer of corporate confession for their congregants, on account of the sins they were told they bear for the actions of the Puritans and Pilgrims who settled the United States hundreds of years ago.

During several services, Revs. Josh Kim and Howard Brown led the same scripted confession over multiple weeks, allowing for a time to respond and repeat, urging congregants, to declare themselves complicit in “genocide,” cultural appropriation, and pollution”, according to Woke Preacher TV, who provided the clip and information in the intro.

On account of the clip being fairly but extensively collated, we have included a transcript of both men talking as well as the audience response, spliced together to create a more seamless and clear impression, but the original wording can be reached and confirmed at the source link.

November is National Native American Heritage Month. And in light of that, in the prayer of lament, repenting of the corporate and personal sin against indigenous people was written by our own Deacon.

This is a very specific confession:

This was Thanksgiving week so just give me a minute, please. When I grew up, we didn’t know any better. And we were either the pilgrims or we were what we call the Indians. Remember that? And you can make your feather into a turkey feather, or you can make your feather into what we called Indian headdress. We were taught in my public school that the Pilgrims only brought good things to the Indians. And it was a happy Thanksgiving- Pocahontas and all that. Remember Disney’s Pocahontas? The very European look and Pocahontas with the brown skin?

But we’ve learned that it wasn’t that easy. The thankful part is we know that God’s sustained two people groups, we know that God did his part and both groups suffered in some ways, but the oppression was beared by the First Nation folk,

You may say, ‘well, well, I have not done this, or I’m not part of this’- whatever it may be. But what we’re saying is that we have created this system together, and corporately together. We’re coming and repenting, asking God’s grace to reign in this area. So join with me in this great prayer will repentance. Lament as we come, lamenting with one another in preparation of coming to the Lord with the Lord’s Supper.

I want you to take this confession and assurance with you as you celebrate Thanksgiving. Think about what it means to those who were oppressed during that time. And let’s be thankful to God for forgiveness and reconciliation, conciliation and reparation and restoration and the many things.

I’ll read the leader portion. Remember, Lord what happened to the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, what is also called North America, when the Europeans arrived upon its shores. Look and see the disgraceful way we have treated those created in your image.

Our ancestors sinned the great sins of greed, theft, and genocide. Our ancestors are no more but we bear the shame. Our own myths, peace and exceptionalism, have been exposed. Woe to us for we have sinned. Our hearts are faint, and our eyes grow dim.

We have appropriated, looked away attempted to silence native cultures. We have not treated your natural creation with love and care as commanded in Your Word. We have not been the stewards you call us to be. The land lies desolate, far from this Shalom and harmony found in the garden and continues to be harmed by pollution, misuse and resource exploitation.

You, Lord, reign forever… Forgive us, Lord, restore us to yourself that we may return, renew our days of old.

Let us take some time to personalize these things. I do urge you to pray with all your heart. If you’re thinking,’ Oh, that’s that liberal stuff, Oh that CRT stuff.’ No, this is that Biblical stuff. And I can show you numerous places in Scripture (where) groups of people had to apologize and ask the Lord for forgiveness for the ways they treated other tribes in the Bible. Calm your heart before the Lord and recognize we all participate in these kinds of sins.

bad theology Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA

PCA Pastor Promotes Pastrix Daughter’s Pro-Abortion Message

We want to talk about “Pastrix” Michelle Higgins and the PCA that made her. We’ve covered the Truth’s Table host a bit in the last few weeks, particularly how she is pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, and has crafted a theology developed to promulgate the queering of the Trinity. While it might be easy to surmise that she’s just some random pastrix who cut her teeth on liberalism and progressivism since she was a child, and now is all grown up, she is anything but.

Michelle grew up within the Presbyterian Church of American, which is by and large a conservative denomination (contrasted to those devils at the PCUSA). Her Father is Mike Higgins, who is the senior pastor at the PCA South City Church St. Louis, while also being a professor and administrator at Covenant Theological Seminary—which is a PCA denominational school. In fact, it was in that very same school that she earned her M. Div.

Before she became senior pastrix, she was on staff at South City Church as a “Director of Worship and Outreach.” It was during her tenure there that she sought to host an event through her organization “Faith and Justice” at her church in 2019, where she invited an openly lesbian speaker to preach. Once this was discovered, South City, after sustained fire and criticism, announced they would no longer be holding it, and Michelle found another church to host it—Oak hill Presbyterian Church, an inclusive church that supports homosexuality and abortion.

This event caused quite a brouhaha in the PCA, and after enough people complained, this incident came under “investigation” by the Missouri Presbytery. This is the same presbytery that “investigated” Greg Johnson and exonerated him, and basically concluded “no harm, no foul.”

Shortly after the controversy, Michelle was no longer on staff at South City. In the summer of 2020 Michelle became a pastor at the ultra-progressive St. John’s Church), which is part of the United Church of Christ denomination.

Pastor Mike Higgins is still her biggest fan, however, and continues to promote and praise her many acts of bible butchery. One discernment minion brought this salient fact to our attention, writing:

To scroll through Mike Higgins’ Facebook page and see his statements and reading habits shows that Michelle is not rebelling against the teaching she received from her father but following in his footsteps and taking his teaching further! Overall, he has been somewhat ambivalent (publicly) about his daughter being a preacher. But in case there were any questions about where his allegiance is, he recently preached from her pulpit (July 25, 2021).

After learning of her calling [by Satan no doubt] to lead St John’s church, Mike Higgins likewise sent her congrats on Facebook:

Then when Michelle Higgins appeared on ABC’s Soul of a Nation promoting abortion as a form of “Reproductive Justice” her father likewise gave her a shout out on Twitter:

He gave her a similar shoutout after she gave an interview with NPR where she voiced her support for the LGBTQ community.

It’s hard not to surmise that he shares her views, given what he said a few years ago as well.

Our researcher further explained more ties that Michelle has:

Michelle has gained a following outside of St. Louis through her Truth’s Table podcast and social media activism. This is known in many PCA circles. For instance, both Michelle and her father have been promoted, protected, and (in some cases) platformed by woke PCA leaders. One notable example of this can be seen in a series of leaked email from the National Partnership (NP) leader Mike Khandjian. These leaked NP emails mention the need to defend Michelle for her statements on the Truth’s Table podcast and a hearty promotion of that podcast to others. 

[Note for context: The National Partnership is a “secret” invite-only group of left leaning PCA pastors and elders created to guide voting and invigorate left-leaning pastors to be involved in PCA denominational politics. It seems to be headed by James Kessler and Mike Khandjian, although no official list of leadership is available.] 

While Higgins is no longer affiliated with the PCA, her biggest cheerleader is. He and other theological malcontents, while still reeling from the Revoice curb stomp that took place a few months ago at the 2021 PCA General Convention, are bound and determined to continue pushing the PCA away from Christ and into the open arms of their father the devil.

Editor’s Note: Bonus rant by Higgins when she got mad on her show that some people believed women couldn’t be pastors:

What does that word mean? What does the word ordainable mean? It literally means possesses a penis. It does not mean is currently in seminary, has graduated with an M. Div., and has gone before a licensure committee. Ordainable means that the person is able to be set to the practice of potentially becoming a church leader.

And specifically in some denominations church leaders may only be male and therefore when you whittle it all down that word is how we live out a theology that we have proof-­texted to death, to twist and to turn, in order to re-­erect a wall that God, I believe, tore down in his flesh.

Jesus, in his male body, tore down a dividing wall that now allows me to be just as complete as a woman, and yet in my own context no one will hear me unless maybe I develop and design a penis­-shaped microphone cause if all you need to have is a penis in order to be heard then maybe we should have a line of penis microphones. Because it is all that you need to have to pass out communion, to take up the offering, to shake hands with the visitors when they come in.

[Editor’s note: Although the qualifications for an elder, including a pastor, do include being a man, it includes MUCH more. For a complete list, please consult 1 Timothy 2-3, and Titus 1 as starting points.]

Evangelical Stuff Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

‘Revoice’ Founder Calls Own Denomination ‘Rampantly Homophobic’ for Rejecting LGBTQ Clergy

The leader of Revoice, the subversive organization bent on normalizing the strangefire notion that is “same-sex attracted Christians” while introducing new language and phrases like “sexual minorities” into the Christian lexicon, has taken to social media to weave a false narrative of outrage and distress, a manifestation of being butthurt after he and his kind were curb-stomped with cleats by the the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) General Assembly, who voted that everything he stands for and believes is wrong and will not be tolerated within the conservative Presbyterian denomination.

The PCA passed the first phase of Overture 23, which says that homosexual attraction, thoughts, and temptation are in and of themselves sinful and that any pastor that either identifies themselves as an “LGBTQ Christian” or who is embroiled in a continued struggle against homosexuality, is not fit for the pastorate and is disqualified from the ministry.

Yea and Amen!

This has led Nate Collins to lash out online, venting his frustrations at having to pick up his broken teeth and severed tongue off the hot asphalt—all the inroads he thought he and his organization made over the years washed away down the sewer by the cleansing rain of faithfully applied scripture.


Nonsense about oppressing “sexual minorities” and trying to co-opt racial language aside, Collins then went on to claim that his denomination is “rampantly homophobic” and was “silencing” said “minorities” on account of the General Assembly applying the equal rule to all men. Unable to contain himself, he also took a shot at the notion that “same-sex attraction” is “sinful” without explaining why being attracted to minors shouldn’t likewise be included in that list of acceptable exceptions.

Nothing about this of course is homophobic. At the very beginning of the General Conference, the Moderator was clear that he was going to be enforcing strict time limits, and as a result, many people’s mics were cut off. This happened more than once, and even Collins himself admits this was “by the book.” Furthermore, the man wasn’t “actually silenced” but rather he had his audio dimmed because he was being too long-winded; a plight suffered by more than one man. For Collins, who was scrambling to hide the blush over the stinging rebuke bestowed upon him, however, it might have been a personal slap in the face, and serves to demonstrate that it is not the facts that matter to him and the Revoice crowd, but rather the stories he can spin them into.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at