
Pastrix Paula White Says Christians Must NOT Convert Jews

White-Caine is the false teacher scandal-riddled head pastrix of City of Dreams church. She’s been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades now and absorbing and parroting back tall tales, vision from God, prophetic utterance, and every wacky theology to come down the pike and from the mumbled mind of charismatic misfits. We last wrote about her after she repeatedly partnered with the demonic Moonies cult and was accused of serial adultery by one of her former husbands. 

In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, Paula White engages in some dispensational heresies of John Hagee-ian proportions, insisting that Christians should not seek to convert Jews but rather learn from them.

Paul made very clear that God extended his love to the Gentiles, but he did not take something from the Jews and tell us to go back and course correct or convert them. I do not want to convert Jews or send them to [live in] Israel for the rapture. The plan for salvation for the Jews is God’s.”

Adding that it was an “an injustice to ourselves” to not understand the first five books of the bible and the law within, White added that “there are so many churches in America that are deeply hungry to understand Torah. You can be Jewish without being Christian, but you cannot be Christian without understanding Judaism.”

h/t Now The End Begins


Pastrix Paula White-Cain Accused of Inappropriately Accessing Money from Legendary Band Journey

The legendary rock band Journey has accused Pastrix Paula White-Cain of inappropriately “accessing the band’s financial resources”, according to a cease-and-desist letter filed by band member Neal Schon.

White-Caine is the false teacher scandal-riddled head pastrix of City of Dreams church. She’s been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades now and absorbing and parroting back tall tales, vision from God, prophetic utterance, and every wacky theology to come down the pike and from the mumbled mind of charismatic misfits. We last wrote about her after she repeatedly partnered with the demonic Moonies cult and was allegedly accused of serial adultery by one of her former husbands. 

In 2015 White married Jonathan Cain, the keyboardist and songwriter for Journey. Cain and Schon are the band’s only original surviving members, and each holds a 50% interest in the band’s operating entities. We featured Jonathan Cain and his wife recently after they stopped by televangelist Jim Bakker’s show to perform a ‘Christian’ rendition of their hit song ‘Don’t Stop Believin.’

Schon says that White-Cain gave herself access to the band’s account without his consent or knowledge and then began spending money that was not hers to spend. He is demanding that she remove herself from account access immediately, according to the NY Post, with the cease-and-desist- letter saying:

We have learned that despite the prior mutual agreement between Mr. Schon and Mr. Jonathan Cain that the business of the band and the Journey Related Entities would be handled only by Mr. Schon and Mr. Cain as individuals, your name appears as an authorized signatory on the City National Bank accounts of Freedom JN LLC.

…We further demand that you immediately cease and desist and refrain in the future from inserting yourself in any business of the band and any legal entities used by the band, as this contradicts the existing agreement between Mr. Schon and Mr. Cain.

White’s Lawyer Alan Gutman says that his claims are basely and without merit.

“Neal’s attorney recommended Neal and Jonathan own their respective 50% interests in the band’s operating entities through their personal trusts. Paula is a co-trustee of Jonathan’s personal trust. Therefore, Jonathan and Paula signed as the co-trustees of Jonathan’s personal trust. But that never would have happened if Neal’s lawyer had not recommenced it.”


ICYMI ‘Journey’ Songwriter and Keyboardist Joins Televangelists Paula White and Jim Bakker for ‘Christian’ Rendition of Hit Song

Jonathan Cain, the keyboardist and songwriter for the legendary band Journey, stopped by Jim Bakker’s studio back in 2017 to perform a ‘Christian’ rendition of their hit song ‘Don’t Stop Believin.’

Though best known for his role in the band Journey, Cain, 72, who married Televangelist heretic Paula White in 2015, has enjoyed a solo career as a Contemporary Christian artist for quite some time. During his intro, Cain offers a seemingly retconned version of how the song came to me, adding in a sprinkle of heresy right at the end.

My father, when I was starving in Hollywood, I asked him if I should come home because frankly rock and roll was kicking my butt. My father said ‘son I’ve always had a vision for your career, don’t you come to Chicago you stay there. The Lord’s got plans for you. Don’t stop believing.’

I said ‘okay dad I won’t stop’ and it’s a good thing I had the best old man in the world who never stopped believing in me, and I got the greatest God in the world who never stopped believing in me. Amen’

It’s worth noting how unenthused Jim Bakker looks, particularly at the 2:07 mark.


Paula White Joins Forces with Demonic ‘Moonies Cult’

New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) queen Paula White demonstrated a further lack of biblical discernment and an increasing glut of demonic hand-holding when she got up on stage and gave a keynote address at the World Christian Leadership Conference which took place August 11-15, 2022.

The conference was founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the widow of the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation and the World Unification Church. She is a billionaire and regarded by many as the “Messiah” and the “True Parent to all mankind,” whose goal is to unite all faiths in world peace and harmony.

I.e., they’re Moonies.

She and her husband founded the Moonies cult and the rally is a means to spread further the moonies’ message of anti-biblical, Christ-hating syncretic ecumenism.

While we don’t have audio yet from the conference, two years ago she gave a 6 minutes message, praising Mother Moon’s efforts to unite all faiths together, describing her efforts as an “encouragement to the body of Christ.”

Is that any way to be talking about a cult leader? One who makes Walter Martin’s Kingdom of the Cults due to it being dangerous, damnable, and directly antithetical to the gospel of Christ? A movement of nearly 2 million people openly denies that Jesus is God and was born of a virgin, yet wants to reunify Christians with other world religions?

For White who has been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades now and absorbing and parroting back tall tales, vision from God, prophetic utterance, and every wacky theology to come down the pike and from the mumbled mind of charismatic misfits, the fact that she cannot discern the difference between the orthodoxy of moonies and biblical Christianity should not surprise us at all.


Paula White Partners with Demonic ‘Moonies Cult’, Praises Founder and Prays for ‘Unification’

New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) queen Paula White demonstrated a further lack of biblical discernment and an increasing glut of demonic hand-holding when she got up on stage and gave a keynote address at the Cheongshim Peace World Center in partnership with PeacelinkTV, participating in an interfaith prayer ceremony alongside Budhists, Shintoists, Confucianists, and others.

The conference was founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who is the widow of the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation and the World Unification Church. She is a billionaire and regarded by many as the “Messiah” and the “True Parent to all mankind” whose goal is to unite all faiths in world peace and harmony.

Ie, they’re Moonies.

She and her husband founded the Moonies cult and the rally is a means to further spread the moonies’ message of anti-biblical, christ-hating syncretic ecumenism.

Paula White however has no issue with attending such an event or linking up with other false religious in prayer and joint supplication for this wicked religious figure.

Thank you. What a great joy and honor it is to be here today, giving honor to the distinguished faith leaders and to all those that are serving in capacity of religion and faith and making a tremendous difference. I am honored to participate in this historic interfaith prayer rally for the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula.

I want to take a moment and honor as well as encourage Mother Moon for her great work as a spiritual leader who loves the Lord and seeks to carry out and to comfort the heart of God in all the areas of conflict in the world.

She is truly a jewel from God. I thank you for not quitting or giving up Mother Moon, for the persecution and suffering has been intense. Because of your courage, tenacity and bold spirit that is cloaked in love for God and humanity, we are seeing revolutionary opportunity around the world for peace and unity as we are reminded in Matthew chapter 5 verse 9 ‘blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God.’

…Today as we bombard heaven, I know in all of my heart we will see God’s intention of restoration

Is that any way to be talking about a cult leader? One who makes Walter Martin’s Kingdom of the Cults due to it being dangerous, damnable, and directly antithetical to the gospel of Christ? A movement of nearly 2 million people that openly denies that Jesus is God and was born of a virgin, and yet wants to reunify Christians with other world religions?

For White who has been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades now and absorbing and parroting back tall tales, vision from God, prophetic utterance, and every wacky theology to come down the pike and from the mumbled mind of charismatic misfits, the fact that she cannot discern the difference between the orthodoxy of moonies and biblical Christianity should not surprise us at all.

Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics Scandal

Paula White Called a Serial Cheater by Ex-Husband in an Allegedly ‘Hacked’ Facebook Post

A post made by false prophetess Paula White’s ex-husband calling her a serial adulterer was the work of a hacker who gained access to his account, according to his church.

The post, which is curiously still up there, was made from the personal Facebook page of Randy White, the Bishop and co-founder at Without Walls International Church. In the post, he says that years ago she asked him to divorce her, but he refused, wanting to stay married, until she had a series of adulterous affairs on him that ultimately ended the relationship. He further launches a series of blistering invectives against her, saying that the vast majority of what she says is nothing but lies and that he was betrayed by her.

For 10 years I have watched ppl listen to her lies, this was the night she begged me to tell the ppl we were getting a divorce…I said no! But her mind was made up. She sent 10 men to my house and told me how wrong I was for divorcing her.

…I said men you are talking to the wrong person. I wanted to stay married. But when she had at least 5 multiple affairs to all married men, she needed another way out. I can tell you now that 80% person of what she has said, preached and wrote about isn’t even close to the truth!!! I know the whole truth because I had to live it…want more??? let me know #betrayal

Notably, Paula White has been married three times. She was first wed to musician Dead Knight before meeting Randy in 1987. She divorced her husband and he divorced his wife and the two married in 1990. They divorced in 2007. Shortly after, she was involved in a scandal where she was caught on camera leaving the hotel room of Benny Hinn, holding hands together as they walked.

Hinn was married at the time, and both parties insisted they were just good friends and nothing improper happened, though they never gave an explanation for their handholding. Then, Paula met her third husband Jonathan Cain and started dating him while he was married to his wife. Cain and his wife finalized their divorce a few months before he and Paula got married.

Though the WWIC claims Randy’s page was hacked, there has been no comment or personal assurance from him directly. Furthermore, if you look at the writing style and use of terms, phrases and punctuation, of another post he wrote months ago, it really does look like something Randy would have written, unless the hacker was trying to copy his style, along with his and use of “ppl:”

Well, yes, today was my birthday and thank you for all the gifts, cards, letters. ppl ask me what I am doing, still a pastor, and for the last 10 years and with millions of my own money/we exposed the army base that killed my daughter and her mother and thousands of ppl. I challenge you to go to The greatest gift you could give me is coming to this Sunday at 9 am. Thank you for all you have done for God. And He will bless you

Also about an hour before the alleged hack, someone also posted this message with ominous implications. No one at this point has claimed this message was likewise hacked, so it is a curiosity.

We’re not saying Randy wasn’t hacked, but more than a few things seem off about this story, and we will await to hear from Randy directly before we buy it.

Charismatic Nonsense Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Paula White Joins Forces with Demonic ‘Moonies Cult’, Praises Founder and Prays for ‘Unification’

New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) queen Paula White demonstrated a further lack of biblical discernment and an increasing glut of demonic hand-holding when she got up on stage and gave a keynote address at the World Christian Leadership Conference.

The conference was founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who is the widow of the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation and the World Unification Church. She is a billionaire and regarded by many as the “Messiah” and the “True Parent to all mankind” whose goal is to unite all faiths in world peace and harmony.

Ie, they’re Moonies.

She and her husband founded the Moonies cult and the rally is a means to further spread the moonies’ message of anti-biblical, christ-hating syncretic ecumenism.

Naturally, White was invited and she gave a 6 minutes message, praising Mother Moon’s efforts to unite all faiths together, describing her efforts as an “encouragement to the body of Christ,” saying:

I am so honored to be with you, and what an encouragement to the body of Christ and to you Mother Moon, for your tireless efforts and your work as you have continued to bring faith leaders from all over the world to work together in peace and unification, to bring together people for the better cause. I congratulate you.

And while we see there is much work still to be done, we look at the great accomplishments that you have set as an example for all of us to follow…

God wants to bring restoration. So I pray that you, myself, along with Mother Moon will be a part of that great restoration. Jesus said it like this, in Matthew 12:30 he said: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather, scatters.”

We thank you for that spirit of gathering on you, Mother Moon. May the spirit of “gather” come upon you right now and may God do a great work to gather us together.”

Is that any way to be talking about a cult leader? One who makes Walter Martin’s Kingdom of the Cults due to it being dangerous, damnable, and directly antithetical to the gospel of Christ? A movement of nearly 2 million people that openly denies that Jesus is God and was born of a virgin, and yet wants to reunify Christians with other world religions?

For White who has been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades now and absorbing and parroting back tall tales, vision from God, prophetic utterance, and every wacky theology to come down the pike and from the mumbled mind of charismatic misfits, the fact that she cannot discern the difference between the orthodoxy of moonies and biblical Christianity should not surprise us at all.