
Another Church Mandates Vaccine to Worship, Compares Vaccine-Hesitant Christians to Pharisees

More churches are jumping on the “No Vaccine, No Church” bandwagon, mandating that only the elect of God and unbelievers wanting to know the Lord those who have been vaccinated may attend church, with the latest culprit being Bishop Paul Morton of Changing a Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church, an Atlanta-based Megachurch that announced their upcoming service may only be attended by those who have been vaccinated; proof of which will be required at the door.

Not only will they have to be vetted for the vaccine, but they will likewise have to do temperature checks and still wear masks at all times while inside.

Children under the age of 12 may not attend church, as they are not legally allowed to be vaccinated.

The move comes after another Atlanta church, The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church, did the same, refusing to let even children come, lest the dirty little vermin “spread the ‘rona.”

Unsurprisingly, this church has some pretty terrible preaching. Woke Preacher Clips published a video yesterday where a few weeks prior, Morton drew a comparison between the vaccine-hesitant and the Pharisees in John 9.