
Does this Woke ‘Pastor’ Have the Worst Take on Conversion in Christian History?

Brandan Robertson is an emerging personality on the religious far-left. A proud sodomite, he used to be a ‘pastor’ Missiongathering Christian Church, a San Diego church affiliated with the Disciples of Christ, then left to be the pastor of Metanoia Church, a “digital progressive faith community” that met bi-monthly for a bit, but was quickly shuttered and is now defunct after a handful of services. He also has spoken at the Wild Goose Festival, a famed liberal religious gathering we’d describe as “Gay Christian Woodstock”, only with more drugs and heresy.

A graduate of Moody Bible Institute, he gained prominence on TikTok for regurgitating talking points from the devil himself, such as claiming that polyamorous relationships are “holy, welcome and celebrated” and teaching that premarital sex is “good and healthy.” He’s also argued Jesus used a racial slur in Mark 7 during the account of the Syrophoenician woman, for which he later had to repent of being a racist, suggested that Jesus was likely a sinner who had to grow in sanctification, and claimed that Jesus doesn’t desire our worship because “only the Gospel of John” says he does.

In his newest assertion, which is a recipe for the damnation for the entire world and probably edges out some of the crusaders in terms of how terrible their take is, when asked why he denied in a previous video that Christians should be converting people, the pagan pastor explains:

Jesus never converted anyone, and he never called us to convert anyone. From his birth to his death Jesus was Jewish, and all of Jesus’s disciples were Jewish.

He didn’t call them to start a new religion or to leave their Judaism to convert to Christianity. He simply called them to follow his example and his teaching, and he summed up his teaching in two simple commands; Love God with all of your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Anybody can follow those commands, regardless of their religion, regardless of their culture, regardless of their background. You don’t need to convert to Christianity to follow Jesus’ example. You don’t need to belong to the Christian religion to follow Jesus and be faithful to Him.

And so being a disciple, again, doesn’t mean that you need to leave any religion or culture behind, it simply means that you’re dedicated to following the example and the central teachings of Jesus.


TobyMac ‘Open’ to Reuniting With Former Bandmate-Turned-Atheist Kevin Max for New DC Talk Album

Christian artist TobyMac (real name Toby McKeehan) has said that he’s open about the possibility of reuniting with his former bandmates for a new DC Talk album, despite one of the members now being a pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice pagan.

Last year ex-‘Jesus Freak’ Kevin Max announced on social media that he has been “deconstructing” his faith for years, for all intents and purposes revealing himself to have become a progressive pagan who has renounced orthodox Christianity and now holds to some weird form of belief in the “Universal Christ”. He would later go all in for abortion rights and tweet out support for his gay daughter, as well for Pride Month. Their other bandmate, Michael Tait, has been the lead singer of the Christian group Newsboys since 2009.

After releasing five albums between 1989 and 1998, including the 1995 banger Jesus Freak, the band announced in 2000 that they were taking a break to pursue individual projects. They’ve come together for a few shows since going on hiatus, notably some cruise line reunion shows in 2017 and 2019, but nothing since Max came out as an ex-vangelical in 2021.

Now, in a new interview, when pressed over whether or not DC Talk would ever get back together to launch a new full-length DC Talk studio album, McKeehan told Billboard that he was not opposed to the prospect and that it’s not a “closed door.”

“I don’t know. Sometimes I’ll write a song that sounds more like DC Talk than it sounds like me and I’ll just kind of hold it. So there are a few of those sitting there. Our friend Ryan Tedder sent us a song that he felt like sounded like DC Talk, which we still have sitting there — and it’s amazing, because he wrote it. I don’t know the answer to that [reunion] question. I know that I’m not opposed to it; obviously I asked Michael and Kevin to be on this song, so it’s not a closed door for me.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Desiring God and TGC Author Renounces His Faith, Says He’s in The Best Place of His Life

(Reformation Charlotte) Apostasy is one of the most tragic phenomenons of Christianity. It never ceases to amaze how someone can live such a lie for such a long time only to end up renouncing their faith. Time after time, popular Christian figures have renounced their faith over the centuries–but it appears to be picking up at breakneck speed.

Several popular and prominent Christian figures have renounced their Christianity over the last couple of years including the former editor of Christianity Today, Mark Galli, popular Hillsong musician, Marty Sampson, and purity culture pastor, Josh Harris, among many others.

Now, another prominent Christian figure has renounced his faith–a former Desiring God writer and the author of the book, The Trauma of Doctrine, Paul Maxwell.

Maxwell made his announcement on his Instagram feed earlier today.

“What I really miss is connection with people,” Maxwell says, “what I’ve discovered is that I’m ready to connect again. And I’m kind of ready not to be angry anymore…

To continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Conservative PCA Seminary Puts on New-Age ‘Enneagram Seminar’

A conservative seminary within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) denomination has announced they are putting on a seminar featuring the New Age Occultic Enneagram, claiming that for those who attend, it will “support your ministry,” “enrich marriages,” and “deepen your trust in God.”

The event, put on by Covenant Theological Seminary, is set to feature Enneagram coaches Jeff & Beth McCord, the latter of which recently had a list of 6 New Age Enneagram teachers on her website whom she learned from, but has since removed.

According to Joe Carter, the Enneagram is a “categorization tool that classifies human personality into a typology of nine interconnected personality types.” These are all hardwired before birth and includes things like “Type 2 – The Helper (The Caring, Interpersonal Type: Demonstrative, Generous, People-Pleasing, and Possessive).”

As far as its origins go, he explains:

The earliest mention of the Enneagram is found in the writings of the Russian occultist P. D. Ouspensky, who attributes it to his teacher, the Greek American occultist Georges I. Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff considered the Enneagram a symbol of the cosmos, but made no connection with it to personality types.

It was left to another occultist, Óscar Ichazo, to connect the Enneagram to personality. Ichazo claimed to have discovered the personality type meaning of the Enneagram when it was taught to him by the Archangel Metraton while he was high on mescaline.

One of Ichazo’s students, a Chilean-born psychiatrist named Claudio Naranjo (another occultist) was the first to connect the nine points of the Enneagram to nine basic personality types. (Naranjo also appears to be the one to connect the mention of the Enneagram by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky to ancient sources.)

In short, it’s some thoroughly occultic, demonic, new-age woo-woo trash that no Christian should have anything to do with. It has nothing to do with Christianity, nothing to offer or teach Christianity, and is fit to be burned for the pagan heap of bovine scatology that it is.

We’ve reached out to Covenant Seminary for comment and will update this article accordingly.