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Exit Polls Show Evangelical Support For Trump dropped 5%. Big Eva Rejoices

We wrote three weeks ago how certain men who make a living creeping in unawares have been waging a war to shave points off the evangelical vote for Trump and turn the tides of war towards the baby-killing braggarts of the Democratic Party. According to exit polls released by the New York Times, they got their wish.

In 2016, Evangelicals voted 81%-16% for the Republican Party. Following four years of leftists losing their ever-loving minds and promising a radical mandate that would make even Canada blush, the numbers shifted to 78%-23%, with Trump losing 3% but most alarmingly, Biden gaining 7% of the evangelical vote.

While not claiming to be prophets, we said last month, “The good news is that Donald Trump is gaining supporters in the black and Hispanic community commensurate with what he’s losing in evangelicalism. And the irony is sweet; the evangelical talking point against Donald Trump is that he’s racist. It would only make sense in God’s divine irony to make up for his evangelical losses in minority communities.” By all accounts, this has occurred, with Trump gaining large swaths of the Black and Latino vote.

Men and ministries that have encouraged people to either vote for the Democrats, or vote for either party include Tim Keller, JD Greear, TGC, 9 Marks Ministries, John Piper, David Platt, Thabiti Anyabwile, Russell Moore, and a host of others.

Mark ’em even more.