
Vatican Apologizes to LGBTQ Lobby for Removing Pro-Gay Group Resources from Website

The Vatican has apologized for removing a link to a prominent pro-LGBTQ advocacy group from their website after a bunch of rainbow-stained outrage, restoring the URL and offering a ‘mea culpa’ that they ever removed it in the first place.

On the Vatican webpage under a ‘resources” page, there was a link to a webinar from New Ways Ministry, a controversial pro-LGBTQ organization that has spent the last 35 years fighting for gays, lesbians, and transgender folk to receive full acceptance into the church.

Their stated mission is to foster dialogue among groups and individuals, identify and combat personal and structural homophobia and transphobia, work for changes in attitudes and promote the acceptance of LGBTQ people as full and equal members of church and society.” Wiki notes that “They are a frequent partner Equally Blessed, a coalition of Catholics who support full LGBT equality, and the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics”

A cursory glance at their website shows how the depths of sinful theology they’ve descended into.

Someone at the Vatican removed it, they screamed bloody murder, and within days it was back. The Synod’s communications director, Thierry Bonaventura, apologized for the lapse and once the link to their treacherous teaching was restored, they accepted the apology, writing on their website:

New Ways Ministry warmly accepts the apology of Thierry Bonaventura, the Communications Manager of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, for removing from their website a link to our video encouraging LGBTQ people to participate in synod consultations. We thank him for recognizing the harm that such a slight would have caused LGBTQ people and the entire church.

and in another post

“New Ways Ministry has accepted the apology of a Vatican official who removed a link to New Ways Ministry’s webinar on synodality from the Synod office’s resources website last week. The link has since been restored.”