
Church Group Gets Kicked Out Of Shepherds Conference For Passing Out THIS Heretical Literature

A church group attending the Shepherds Conference and handing out literature offering $25,000 to anyone who can come to their church and convince them that justification is not by faith alone, were kicked out of the event, with members appealing to John MacArthur to show more grace at their removal.

The group in question are members of Christ Covenant Church (Denver, CO) led by ‘pastor’ Scott Jarrett, who have become convinced justificaton by faith alone is not sufficient for salvation.

They have the same conference challenge on their website. In order to apply to teach them and possibly earn $25K, you must:

  • be a pastor, teacher, apologist, theologian, or scholar affiliated with a recognized Evangelical church, school, institution, or ministry.
  • agree that all 66 books of the Protestant Bible are the inspired and infallible words of God and are the final authority in all things.
  • agree to the discussion being filmed. We own all recordings and can use any portion for our purposes. No portion of the broadcast may be used without our express approval.
  • agree to abide by the rules of engagement established by us for the process of discussion. 

Johnson pointing out this heresy prompted them to respond.

At some point they were removed.