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Hillsong Caught Bashing Trump on Official Twitter Feed, Quickly Deleted

Hillsong Church found themselves being retweeted by scores of atheists and critics late Tuesday night, but not for the reason they hoped. A now-deleted screenshot from the heretical and spurious name-it-and-claim church’s official Twitter handle shows whoever has access to their social media page taking a shot at President Trump during the debate, seeking to have Trump’s mic muted, calling him a bully, and saying they have no respect for the embattled incumbent.

Naturally, this prompted a host of retweets, with the primary punchline that Hillsong Church finally says something right, even if by accident, with people asking “Can I sow a seed on this word?” and “Hallelujah! Testify!”

Within mere minutes, however, the Tweet was gone – disappeared into the ether, with a brief apology and explanation that the tweets were from a staff member (ex-staff member?) who likely forgot to log into his or her own personal account when posting the offending tweet, and that the views expressed do not represent Hillsong.