
Beth Moore’s Church Hosts ‘Interfaith Dialogue’ With Iman Who Chants the Quran From the Pulpit


Several days ago, Beth Moore’s home church hosted an interfaith dialogue between Rev. Michael Dearman, a priest from HopePointe Anglican Church who is married to Rev. Katie Dearman, and Osman Fuad, the Iman and resident scholar at the Woodlands Islamic Center.

The event took place at St. Timothy’s Anglican Church, a liturgical church within the Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast, which is part of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA.) Moore became a member of this church years ago after jumping ship from the SBC, when she could no longer handle their criticism of her egalitarian opining and inflammatory rhetoric (see endnotes) 

Both speakers presented and spoke on the topic of forgiveness and reconciliation for around 20 minutes and then opened up the floor to a Q&A. Here, they answered questions on what it means to have the assurance of salvation and whether we should forgive war criminals like Vladimir Putin.

Notably, at one point during his presentation, Fuad explains that a key theme in the Quran is the topic of forgiveness. He proceeds to chant a Surah Az-Zumar verse from behind the pulpit, so that he can later translate it and reveal “what Muslims find within God’s capacity to forgive.”

For more on Moore, she frequently claims direct revelation from God (like her famous tale of God telling her to brush a guy’s hair instead of witnessing to him), affirming so-called woman pastors and those who affirm LGBTQ+labeling her entire denomination racist, and claiming white supremacy is running rampant” in the church. She has liked tweets dissuading believers from sharing the Gospel at BLM protests and recently said that the pulpit has become a threat to women’. She has criticized complementarianism, as ‘it wipes out half the gospel force’, shared her Ennegram personality, and has begun preaching at churches.


Woke Lutheran University Commencement Has Prayer to Allah ‘The Lord of the Universe, the Most Gracious’

Augsburg University, the cauldron of wickedness and wokeness, is one of the crown jewels of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).

Founded by conservative Lutherans in 1869 as Augsburg Seminary, the school is the walking emblem of the depths of downgrade an institution can descend into. Once known as a faithful institution, they changed it to Augsburg College and Theological Seminary in 1942, Augsburg College in 1963, and Augsburg University in 2017, walking in lockstep with the ELCA as it too transforms into a thoroughly pagan entity.

Their website claims

Augsburg is an institution guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran Church. We are rooted in this tradition. This global Christian tradition welcomes our engagements with expansive and diverse expressions of faith, spiritual practices, and various belief systems present here and in the world. We strive to strengthen faith in service and love across the campus with emphasis on the student body.

Augsburg also offers a chapel service every day, which includes worship and prayer, as well as a communion service once a week, while noting they “uphold Radical Hospitality as an expression of God’s love for all people in the world.”

They are also completely pro-LGBTQ, being an affirming institution, and pro-abortion, offering students ways to access abortion pills and Planned Parenthood as a community partner and women’s resource center if they need an abortion.

During the 2022 Commencement service, after the University pastrix and Director of Campus Ministries leads everyone in prayer, referring to the “Holy and divine one, you are known and called by many names. . .” without ever mentioning the name of Jesus, another prayer is given- this time to Allah.  

Welcome, everyone. I am Pastor Babette Chapman, your university pastor. Please assume an attitude of prayer for meditation. Holy and Divine One, you are called and known by many names. Today we all gather family, friends, faculty and staff in the spirit of love and celebration, to honor all of you. Be with us today, Oh, God as we are full of promise and unspeakable joy. This is a day that you have made and we are glad, so very glad, and we rejoice in it…


Aassalamu alaikum. May peace be upon you. Congratulations graduates. I like to do a verse from the Quran, the chapter opening of the Quran Fatiha. First I’ll read it in Arabic and then English….

In the name of Allah -the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
All praises due to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Honour of the Day of Judgement, you alone we do worship, you alone we turn for help
Guide us to the straight path, the path that whom those who have (unintelligible) your grace,
Not those who have earned your anger, nor those who went astray. Amen

h/t to Exposing the ELCA


Professing ‘Christian’ Steve Harvey Says ‘There’s No One Way to Heaven’

Family Feud host and self-professed Christian Steve Harvey stunned his fans after appearing in a video on his YouTube page where he denies that Jesus is the only way to heaven and engaged in all sorts of syncretistic, pluralistic theobabble.

The 4-minute clip titled “How Steve Harvey Prays” (subtitled ‘There’s many ways to serve GOD and keep your faith) shows him visiting the Grand Mosque in the United Arab Emirates where he proceeded to say:

There’s no one way to Heaven, no one way to paradise. It’s like television, now there’s over 800 channels on cable, and they’re all pretty entertaining. So I’m pretty sure that to get to Heaven, there’s got to be more than one route. Because somebody watching another channel or taking another channel than you, they’re still getting entertained, and they probably still getting to Heaven.

This nonsense would be a far cry from the biblical text, where Jesus reveals in the book of John, “Unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins” and “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.”

These are primary, foundational beliefs, and denying them is tantamount to denying the nature and the person of Christ.

Translation: Steve Harvey is not a real Christian believer.

Pray for his conversion, that God would save him, and reveal the truth to him.

Church Heresies Roman Catholic Stuff Scandal

Video: Pope Francis Makes His Most Outrageously Blasphemous Statement Yet

In a video posted to Twitter that has Roman Catholic Apologists foaming at the mouth and pulling their hair (and probably their teeth out by now) muttering how the Holy See is making their job as his defender pretty much impossible, Pope Francis left the seat of the antichrist that he presently occupies (WCF 25.6 and LCBF 26:4) and urged syncretistic worship with other religions, suggesting these pagan prayers are pleasing to the Lord.

The short video, which must be watched in its entirety, describes how God values the prayers of the unbeliever in other religions and describes the mixing of prayers of Muslims and Christians as “the coming together of brothers and sisters.”

It describes the essential element of our faith to be the adoration of God and love of neighbor, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

All this while Muslims, Jews, and Christians send each other little happy praying hands emoticons to smiles and nods of appreciation.

This sort of blasphemy it is just one more strike against the theologically bereft pontiff, who has been under fire for being willing to give pro-abortion Joe Biden communion, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, and having interfaith prayer meetings and ceremonies with Muslims.

When we pray to God following Jesus, we come together as brothers and sisters with those who pray according to other cultures, other traditions, and other beliefs.

We are brothers and sisters who pray.

Fraternity leads us to open ourselves to the Father of all and see in the other a brother or sister, to share our lives or to support, to love and to know each other.

The Church values God’s action in other religions without forgetting that for us Christians, the wellspring of human dignity and fraternity is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We believers must return to our sources and concentrate on what is essential.

What is essential to our faith is the adoration of God and love of neighbor.

Let us pray that the Lord may give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of other religions and not fight each other, and praying for one another, leaves us open to all.

The scriptures describe the praying to other gods as that which stirred up the anger and wrath and aroused the jealousy of the one true God – an act which demanded a stoning death in the Old Testament, and one worthy of being cast into hell in the New Testament. Furthermore, scripture tells that “anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother,” not who does the will of the devil in Hades.

Someone needs to tell Francis that the prayers to other gods are in actuality prayers to demons, and all someone is doing when they pray to other false gods is building up condemnation to themselves.

But for some reason, we suspect he already knows.