
Slain in the Spirit? Pastrix Drops Bodies Left, Right and Center, Turning Service into a Human Car Crash

Mother DuPree is the pastrix of Lighthouse Fellowship Prayer Tower in Ottawa Lake Michigan. According to the church bio, “The Power of God rests on Dr. May DuPree’s life so strongly that at times saints are overcome and slain in the Spirit during the services.” Sounds like a bad time. They further note:

“….Mother DuPree’s mother recalls hearing trumpets during her birth as if the Lord was heralding the birth of someone very special...The Lord gave evidence of her calling early in her ministry when the Power of God would routinely flood the church and leave the saints enraptured, healed, delivered from evil spirits and in many cases slain under the power of God when she ministered.

Lighthouse is a place where the Power of God has free reign in the services to move on his people. Deliverance from demonic influences, habits and even lifelong addictions have been taking place by the power of God. People are being healed from diseases, back problems, blindness and in one case a woman that died on the services was raised by the prayers of the anointed servant of God.

In this case, Mother DuPree oversees a complete and total abuse of the spiritual gifts and a chaotic church service, violating the scriptures which says all things are to be done orderly. Also when we say ‘spiritual gifts’, we actually mean fleshly manifestations of bad intentions. Far from being a spiritual gift is, it is instead a demonic curse- all make believe to put on a show by a congregation riddled with self-delusion.

More bad fruit of the charismatic movement.