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John MacArthur’s Attorney: Michelle Obama Would Be Less Depressed if She ‘Found Christ’

(Montana Daily Gazette) In the wake of Michelle Obama’s claim that she has been given ‘depression’ by President Trump, the attorney for a California mega-church pastor has claimed that Mrs. Obama wouldn’t have the malady if she ‘found Christ.’

Dr. John MacArthur ranks as possibly the most respected pastor among serious-minded Christians in America. The dutiful theologian has pastored Grace Community Church in Los Angeles since 1969 and completed preaching verse-by-verse through the New Testament over the course 42 years, during which he published a study Bible, commentaries, and countless books through his ministry, Grace to You. MacArthur has split from mainstream evangelicalism in recent years, much thanks to their widespread liberal drift led by ‘The Gospel Coalition,’ a leftwing progressive organization funded by political dark money, which successfully masqueraded as a Christian ministry for more than a decade before coming out as a tool of the Democratic Party. Now, MacArthur is standing up against tyranny against Christian churches on the part of Gavin Newsom and is being represented by top attorney, Jenna Ellis.

Ellis, who also represents President Donald Trump, made the remarks on Twitter in response to Obama’s self-diagnosis of Trump-caused depression.

Obama claimed on her podcast, “I’m waking up in the middle of the night because I’m worrying about something or there’s a heaviness. I know that I am dealing with some form of low-grade depression. Not just because of the quarantine, but because of the racial strife and just seeing this administration, watching the hypocrisy of it, day in and day out, is dispiriting.”

Ellis’ remarks have infuriated atheists, who claimed, “More to the point, though, ‘more Jesus’ won’t…

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Editors Note. This article was originally published at the Montana Daily Gazette