
United Methodists Debating Mandatory Land Acknowledgments at 2024 General Conference is Sad, Sad, Sad

At the General Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) on April 25, 2024, clergy and laity debated a procedural motion to delay a vote on mandatory land acknowledgments to allow more input from international conferences to craft the proposed rule.

While ‘land acknowledgments’ are part of the Holy Trinity of the United Methodist Church identity, alongside LGBTQ celebration an aversion to biblically sound men, they shouldn’t even be a thing, being thoroughly unbiblical and historically revisionist. Here is example of one:

Richfield United Methodist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota acknowledges that we gather
on the traditional, ancestral, and contemporary lands of the Dakota People.

These lands hold historical, spiritual, and personal significance to the Dakota People. We are
grateful for Indigenous Nations and their continued stewardship of these lands and we appreciate
their perseverance and strength. The Dakota People were harmed by the United States government
through broken promises and unjust treaties, including the Cessation 289 Treaty of 1851 which names the Wahpeton and Sisseton Bands. These atrocities effectively stole this geographical area and
further harm and trauma have come through displacement, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. This
church formed in 1854 as one of the first institutions established by white settlers in this geographical
area and benefited directly from this harm inflicted upon the Dakota People.

Because the lot of this group is reminiscent of demons cosplaying Christianity, insisting on the exact opposite of things we should care about, that it would raise a few hackles amongst themselves should not surprise anyone. 

h/t to Woke Preacher TV for the video and first paragraph summary.


Methodist Denomination Labels Terms ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ Offensive

The Methodist Church of Great Britain (UK) continues to function as a vehicle for particularly crazed demons to live vicariously through, recently updating their “Inclusive Language Guide” to recommend members no longer use offensive terms like “husband” and “wife,” but rather inoffensive terms like “parent” “partner” and “carer.”

We covered this irredeemably noxious denomination before, after Cliff College, a school overseen by The Methodist Council of the United Kingdom, sacked Dr Aaron Edwards, a professor of theology, for expressing that “Homosexuality is invading the church.

While conservative Methodists in the United States enjoy freedom of speech to oppose sexual immorality in the church, this is not true for their UK counterpart. Here, the Methodist Council has openly attacked the remaining remnant of conservatives within the denomination, actively using hate speech laws of the UK and pro-LGBT+ cultural momentum as a club to remove dissenters.

According to the inclusive language guide, the denomination crafted the documents so its members may “recognize that we sometimes exclude people” and will better be able to “listen with humility, to repent of any hurtful language, and to take care with how we listen and what we say or write” when dealing with groups which have been “marginalized and/or demonized by common culture.”

Other idiotic recommendations include:



Methodist College Fires Professor For Tweet Against Homosexuality Entering The Church

Methodist College Fires Professor For Tweet Against Homosexuality Entering The Church

Cliff College, a school overseen by The Methodist Council of the United Kingdom has sacked Dr Aaron Edwards, a professor of theology for expressing that “Homosexuality is invading the church.” The college initially suspended Edwards for his tweet in February, pending an investigation. Following the investigation, the college chose to fire Edwards for his Biblically-oriented assessment of homosexuality. The college has also threatened to report Edwards for right wing extremism to “Prevent”, a thought-police and counter terrorism branch of the UK government.

The moves by Cliff College are not surprising, considering the extreme leftist trajectory of The Methodist Church in the United Kingdom. While conservative Methodists in the United States enjoy freedom of speech to oppose sexual immorality in the church, the remaining remnant of conservatives with the UK Methodist Church have been attacked by leftists within the Methodist Council who use the hate speech laws of the UK and pro-LGBT+ cultural momentum as a club to remove dissenters like Edwards from positions of power. The Methodist Church of the United Kingdom has formulated a six-point position to “Safeguard LGBT+ lives”, effectively placing sexual deviants as the head of the church and muzzling the truth of the scripture in the church.

When a denomination begins to apologize for the prophetic voices who call its people to repentance, as The Methodist Church of the UK has done to Dr. Aaron Edwards, it is only a matter of time before they begin to call what is evil, “good”. In the case of The Methodist Church, they have already begun delighting in evil. The church has even formulated prayers in celebration of LGBT+ history month. The prayers effectively declare that sexual deviancy is part of God’s “rainbow creation of diversity.”

One of the most revealing items from the UK Methodist denomination website is a video entitled “Being Trans in the Methodist church.” The 9 minute video focuses solely upon the ideology and viewpoint of a “Jacob”, an individual who appears to be a biological woman who pretends to be a man, while also pretending to be a worship leader in the local Methodist synagogue of Satan. Apparently “Jacob’s” local church plays along with his delusion.

One can only imagine that the church hardly focuses on God, with Jacob as their worship leader. She only uses the word God 3 times in her sad little biopic. Two of those uses are to tout “God in Love Unites Us”, the LGBTQ affirming report of the UK United Methodist Church. The final use of “God” in the video is simply “God bless” at the end of the video. The entire video is pure egocentric LGBTQ propaganda. The Methodist Church UK as a denomination has given itself over to satan, in exchange for the approval of the surrounding culture. Instead of calling people to repentance, the Methodist church now prides itself in being able to participate in that which is evil. 

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 16:18