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Voddie Baucham Discharged from Hospital after Surgery went ‘Perfectly’

With news that Voddie Baucham’s heart surgery went “perfectly,” we have a few more details about what happened, what was done, and what the recovery will look like.

Baucham informed supporters through the GoFundMe site:

They suspect that the heart failure was induced by an arrhythmia (actually two). This is good news because the procedure I underwent is designed to eliminate such arrhythmias, this allowing my heart to recover and remodel. In other words, I am not expected to stay on the heart failure track (which ultimately leads to transplant) but regain full heart health.

Of course, time will tell if they fixed it all, and I will be monitored closely for the next few months. But we are hopeful.

In an update to his Facebook ministry page, he elaborated that with the surgery successful, he was discharged from the hospital on Saturday the 27th, but would be staying in the area for the next two months in order to get checked up and have more appointments, follow-up, etc. In a video on his page, he explains:

They say I’m going home tomorrow, so we’re very pleased about that. We’ll be staying here in the area, having to come back for some checkups in a week and in a month. But I just wanted to let you know that the procedure I underwent yesterday was very successful and that things were better than they expected, and I’m expected to make a full recovery. We’ll learn more in the coming 10 weeks, but for now, things are looking pretty hopeful.

We have been amazed, Bridget and I both, and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support and prayers from people all over the world.

I scared her the other day as I was sitting in the bed just weeping. She thought something was wrong, and what happened is I was reading comments from the GoFundMe and I just had to stop. I was overwhelmed. And so thank you. It meant more than you could possibly know.

There’s still a road ahead. There’s still work to be done, but the hope is my heart will be able to repair and remodel and I’ll be able to get back to normal and not really have to worry about this as an ongoing thing.

So again, just wanted to thank you. Just wanted to you know how much I appreciate, and how much Bridget and my family appreciate your prayers and your support and wanted you to sort of see me with your own eyes, to know that things are going well, and that I’m doing well, that I’m on the mend.

God has been gracious, God has been kind. I will definitely say more about the series of events that led us to where we are and the series of events that took place so that the team who did this – amazing team, could do this when they did it, but for now, I just want to say thank you.

With Baucham’s GoFundMe being given by 13,000 donors who collectively gave over 1.4 millions dollars, he will have a lot of comments and prayers to sift through if he plans on reading them all.

His mother, Frances Baucham, also posted some pictures showing that her son was on the mend while weeping tears of joy.

Continue to keep Voddie in your prayers.

Breaking News

Voddie Baucham GoFundMe Raises $400,000 in 12 hours After News of Heart Failure

A GoFundMe campaign for Voddie Baucham has raised more than $400,000 in less than 12 hours, after the Zambia-based pastor announced that he had experienced a medical emergency and asked for prayer for his health and family, as well as any funds that could be incidentally given.

Initially sent to his supporters via a newsletter, Vodie recounted that after a recent stint in America (January 21-February 09) where he returns several times to preach on his Winter Tour, he felt unwell. He chalked this up to fatigue at such a busy tour, doing a whirlwind 17 dates in 18 days. He explained:

On the way home, there were stretches when I felt what I could only describe as being waterboarded every two or three minutes. That night, upon arriving in Lusaka, I contacted our family doctor. The next morning I was at a medical center doing a series of labs and tests that revealed the worst. I was experiencing full-blown heart failure.

As I write this update, Bridget and I are making arrangements to fly back to the USA, where I will undergo a series of labs, exams, and treatments. Some of those will be significant. Hence, the call to prayer and plea for help.

Well, the saints have responded. Not only did they donate likely tens of thousands to his ministry page, but a GoFundMe page was set up by Pastor Tom Ascol, a ministry partner of Voddie seeking to grant as direct and as quick access to the funds as possible. The campaign has raised an incredible $400,000 in less than 12 hours, over half their goal of $750,000, and likely will add another $100-200,000 within the next 24 hours.

The biggest donation was an anonymous gift of $10,000 and nearly 4000 people donated at the time of this article.

Pastor Ascol explains in the description of the campaign:

Voddie Baucham is a faithful servant of Christ. He has been a dear friend for nearly twenty years and serves with me as a board member of Founders Ministries and founding faculty member of the Institute of Public Theology. As his newsletter below indicates, he is facing a serious medical trial. Christians around the world are praying for him and his family. Many would also like to help out financially, realizing that as he, Bridget, and their family walk this path, they will face significant expenses.

In response to many requests to help out directly, I am setting up this fundraiser to assist the Bauchams as expenses mount. All gifts given will go directly to the Bauchams. As the President of Founders Ministries, and in behalf of our board I encourage you to give as you are able to help our brother.

Continue to pray for Voddie and his family.