
Rejoice! Together for the Gospel (T4G) Closes up Shop: To Host Last Conference Ever

Prominent Christian conference Together for the Gospel (T4G) has announced that 2022 will be the last year that they will be having it and that they plan on shuttering the conference on account of one of their founding members being over it and having other interests that he’d rather pursue.

Founded in 2006, T4G is a three-day, biennial conference filled with preaching, fellowship, singing, and books that has historically been geared towards reformed folk.

The event used to feature thoroughly and well-vetted sound teachers, but many of the characters have drifted in recent years. With this year’s lineup consisting of Sinclair Ferguson, HB Charles, John Piper, Shai Linne, Kevin DeYoung, Ligon Duncan. Mark Dever, Bobby Scott, Christian Lwanda, Greg Gilbert, David Platt, Allistair Begg, Juan Sanchez, and Afshin Ziafat, there are more than a few people that we wouldn’t let within a mile of our pulpits, with Piper, Platt, Duncan and Dever being key among them as those who hold a special danger.

After all, we all remember the article from a few months ago where Ligon Duncan, given over to CRT ideology, said: “My Very Best Black Friends Have Trouble Trusting Me, For Really Good Reasons”. That’s about all the red flag you need.

Also notably absent is John MacArthur again this year. MacArthur used to be a mainstay but decided to forgo the conference in 2019 and now again in 2022- the result of fallout in 2019 over the Dallas Satemenment, Mohler accusing MacArthur of “malpractice for keeping his church open during much of the lockdown, and other considerations and concerns that MacArthurs might have.

In a promo video, Duncan and Dever discuss why the event is the last one, explain that Al Mohler called them, and told them ‘brothers I love you guys very much but I’ve just got to do other things now.” which was a catalyst of the end.

Given the questionable fidelity to the scriptures from several of those speakers, we rejoice that the conference is coming will come to end, and that at the very least, this is one less thing to impact the young believers who might otherwise never be exposed to them.


Mark Devers’ Church Awarded $220,000 after Suing DC for Restricting Worship

Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC) has won a settlement of $220,000 from the District of Columbia and the mayor; the result of suing them both for shutting down their church services and capping attendance to 10 people during the pandemic; an act which CHBC claimed violated their religious liberties.

At the time CHBC wrote in a statement that their church structure and foundational beliefs made gathering together as one body fundamental to their beliefs, noting:

A weekly in-person worship gathering of the entire congregation is a religious conviction for which there is no substitute…the Church does not offer virtual worship services, it does not utilize a multi-site model, and it does not offer multiple Sunday morning worship services….

Since its founding in 1878, CHBC has met in-person every Sunday except for three weeks during the Spanish Flu in 1918. That changed following Mayor Bowser’s first orders concerning COVID-19 on March 11, 2020. Since that time, the members of CHBC—most of whom live in the District—have been unable to meet in person, as one congregation inside District limits (even outdoors).

Christianity Today reports that “In a settlement agreement and release approved on Thursday, the city agreed to pay $220,000 to the counsels representing the church, which broke down to $210,000 for the law firm WilmerHale and $10,000 for the national legal nonprofit First Liberty Institute.”

Furthermore, as part of the settlement agreement, the district agrees that they won’t enforce any future gathering restrictions on them, and if ever another public health crisis occurs, they must treat them the same as any other secular business in terms of restricting their capacities and limits.

We last touched bases with CHBC after revealing that their lead pastor and The Gospel Coalition member, Mark Dever, is a registered Democrat, observing they and 9Marks Ministry took up to $350,000 in PPP loans and knocking Dever for employing some gross revisionism history when it came to the death of Trayvon Martin,.


TGC Pastor Accused of Virtue-Twerking Historical Revisionism over Trayvon Martin

Mark Dever, Pastor at Capitol City Baptist Church, President of 9 Marks Ministry, and council member at The Gospel Coalition was accused over the weekend of engaging in some good old-fashioned virtue-twerking historical revisionism after highlighting the death of Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old young man who was killed by Geroge Zimmerman in 2012.

Zimmerman was found not guilty of both second-degree murder and manslaughter after a jury of 6 women found that he acted in self-defense when he shot Martin, who was in the process of smashing his head against the sidewalk after an altercation. Zimmerman tailed the young man while calling 911, explaining he was following him because he looked “suspicious.”

Dever routinely posts “Today in History” reminders, such as “10 years ago today, Frank Buckles, last surviving US Veteran of WWI died at age 110 (2011).” or “145 years ago today, Lottie Moon wrote in a letter to J C Williams, “But the work is God’s and we do not fear the final results. ‘The heathen shall be given to His Son for His inheritance,’ and we must be content to await His own time.” (1876)”

It was his commentary though, that left many giving him the squinty eye and shaking their heads.

Critics charge that Dever highlights Martin’s black skin in order to stir up racial division, propagating a “white-on-black violence” narrative and inferring that his death had a racial component to it. Pointedly, Dever is saying he was killed because he was black. Why else, they say, would he note it while at the same time choosing not to mention George Zimmerman’s race, who is a Peruvian person of color, as well as not mentioning the race of other people he tweets about, such as the aforementioned Frank Buckles and Lottie Moon?

They also contend that Dever’s commentary of a call for prayer for “justice” in our society is an accusation/contention that Martin was murdered and did not receive justice – hence the prayer for justice in this context. This prompted Pastor Josh Buice to point out:

The article Buice is quoting from specifically states:

George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who fatally shot Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, igniting a national debate on racial profiling and civil rights, was found not guilty late Saturday night of second-degree murder. He was also acquitted of manslaughter, a lesser charge.

After three weeks of testimony, the six-woman jury rejected the prosecution’s contention that Mr. Zimmerman had deliberately pursued Mr. Martin because he assumed the hoodie-clad teenager was a criminal and instigated the fight that led to his death.

Mr. Zimmerman said he shot Mr. Martin on Feb. 26, 2012, in self-defense after the teenager knocked him to the ground, punched him and slammed his head repeatedly against the sidewalk. In finding him not guilty of murder or manslaughter, the jury agreed that Mr. Zimmerman could have been justified in shooting Mr. Martin because he feared great bodily harm or death.

By highlighting Martin’s race along with the need for justice, critics contend that Dever is engaging in some woke revisionism that follows a false narrative, essentially promulgating a race-baiting retelling of events that leaves out crucial content, while making sure to include misdirecting talking points. The result, they say, is damaging.

One commenter in particular was displeased with Dever’s commentary on the subject, doing his own take with Judas Iscariot as the subject to demonstrate what he doing with the language he chooses.

Dever has yet to comment on the brouhaha.

podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Gay Harassers, James White goes PostMill, and Mark Dever Lies About Trayvon Martin

On this episode of Polemics Report for February 27, 2021, JD covers the latest news stories from, including Christians charged in New Jersey with “intimidating” homosexuals by preaching the truth, the propensity for young people to errantly identify as homosexual, and Mark Dever’s historical revisionism regarding Trayvon Martin before discussing “anti-truth” in modern culture and Rand Paul calling out transgenderism for what it is on the floor of the Senate.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

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