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Beth Moore’s Ministry is Hemorrhaging Money

Beth Moore, whose theological hot flashes have enabled her to build a Lifeway empire on the basis of bad teaching and ecclesiastical usurpation, is hemorrhaging money and has been for many years.

In a post at The End Times, Elizabeth Prata has done a deep dive into the finances of Moore’s Living Proof Ministries, showing that the 501(c)(3) has been in steep decline for some time, with no signs of slowing down.

The most recent filing is for the tax year 2019, filed in 2020. For the last three years, Living Proof Ministries has been operating at a loss. Tax Year (TY) 2016 was the last year, according to the filings, that LPM made money, and only $133,439 at that. TY 2017 showed a net income loss of -$540,356. TY 2018 showed a net income loss of -$722,828. This was the first year also that the Ministry’s functional income fell below 2 million dollars.

Along with the losses, we also see the ministry compensation, with Moore bringing in nearly a quarter-million dollars and the rest of the family likewise making a very nice living (Fitzpatrick was Melissa Moore’s last name before she divorced her husband.)

The gifts and grants to the ministry have also declined as well, with a chart from The End Times showing a precipitous drop in support, starting from a high mark of 2014.

Interestingly enough, the drop in support coincided nicely with our criticism of her and follows a trajectory of continued losses and decline in financial support. With her losses, she has also been less generous with their own giving to other ministries, dropping from$225,607 on the earliest report to $39,000 on the most recent one.

Furthermore, the type of organization that Moore donates to has shifted. She used to donate to churches, (including Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, what a shocker!) missions, organizations that donate bibles, the International Mission Board, and other SBC organizations, and now donates in large part to social causes, social justice causes, and anti-racist organizations.

Though we don’t have her 2020 returns yet, it would not surprise us in the least to see that she donated to Black Lives Matter.

While the ministry is losing money, Moore continues to have a massive influence and her social media presence is unrivaled within her space. Her ministry is in no danger of shutting down, as much as we pray that it might be, but it is drifting and her audience is changing.

As people see that drift, which we have been documenting for years, the populace will react with their pocketbooks, hurting the ministry for the healing of God’s sheep.