
Church Votes to Not Re-open Until 70% of Congregation is Vaccinated

A church in Kentucky has voted to keep their church shuttered for in-person services until at least 70 percent of the population is vaccinated from COVID-19 and its variants, with members being told to inform church leaders once they have received the shot in order to reach the proper threshold tally.

“Pastor” Linda Kurtz of First Presbyterian Church in Lexington, Kentucky, a progressive body within the thoroughly reprobate PCUSA denomination, made the announcement on Twitter, explaining:

Tonight, my church leaders decided to not resume in-person worship until 70 percent of our city has been vaccinated. Also tonight, my spouses’ church leaders are bullying him into resuming in-person worship ASAP. Our incidence rates remain sky-high. I’m worried for our safety.

Kurtz further explains that attainintg 70 percent levels of vaccinations will enable the congregation to reach herd immunity, at which is the only point they’ll feel remotely safe attending.

The church has only had online services since they closed in March, and has no intentions of opening up until at least March 28th, assuming enough members are given the shot.

Members who have been vaccinated are to report it to church staff who will be keeping a tally. Though the Church says that it will not share with other members the list of congregants, they say disclosing that information is vital if they want to gather again.

In response to Kurtz’ post, several people chimed in that their churches likewise are not reopening until enough people have been vaccinated, even as they disclosed fears that new variants they are not vaccinated from may shut them down all over again.