Coronavirus News

Michigan Hospital Officials Tell Sons: Without COVID Shot, You Cannot Visit Dying Mother

(Liberty Counsel) An elderly Romanian immigrant lies dying of old-age complications in a Troy, Michigan, hospital. Her sons, both deacons in their churches, want to pray over and anoint their mother before she passes. One of them drove 800 miles to help his brother anoint their mom before she takes her last breath.

But the hospital will not allow either of these sons to see their mother, let alone deliver last rites—because neither will take a COVID injection.

The sons have offered to use every possible protection other than the COVID shots because they have religious and moral objections. They volunteered to wear the most extreme personal protection/biohazard gear and undergo any type of COVID testing prior to a visit.

Still, the hospital will not let these loving sons near their mother unless they take the experimental, “emergency use only” COVID shots.

Yet, the hospital’s policy states that patients who do not have COVID, are in serious or critical condition or who need help communicating, may have visitors. When we received the call for legal help, we immediately went to work to assist this family.

This family’s deeply held convictions prevent them from taking the shot. But the hospital refuses to honor their religious exemptions or reasonable requests…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Mat Staver and published at Liberty Counsel.