
Greg Locke Regrets ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Chant During Church Service-‘It’s an Embarrassment to the Body’

Well, that was unexpected, and yet a blessed relief. During last Sunday’s service, Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, publicly rebuked his congregation for shouting ‘Let’s go Brandon’ during the service a few weeks ago, calling it an embarrassment to the body and explaining that they never should have said.

During the morning service two weeks ago, guest speaker Mark Burns of Harvest Praise & Worship Center lead the congregation in a spirited chant of “Let’s Go Brandon”- a phrase designed to be a stand-in for the coarser and profane “Fu– Joe Biden’- in the middle of his sermon. (Video Here)

Though Locke was seen laughing and cheering for the other comments about Biden and taking back the country, there is no video of his reaction while that chat was being led and apparently, it didn’t sit well with him. Explaining that he has no issue with the phrase or even being associated with it, he told his congregation (rightly) that it should never have been shouted in church, and cautioned his church from even cheering when he mentions it.

I have people mail me ‘Let’s go Brandon’ shirts. Don’t talk Don’t talk. Don’t talk.

I’m cool with it. I’ll wear it. I’m going to do a ‘Let’s go Brandon’ rally. I get it. But that nonsense should have never been shouted under this tent a few weeks ago. It didn’t matter who started it, didn’t matter who did it. It was an embarrassment to the body.

Oh listen, I’m all for the sentiment ‘Let’s go Brandon’. Absolutely. I could care less what that demonic-possessed pedophile thinks about me in and church. Not ‘Brandon’. I know what it stands for. I’m cool. I can handle it. I can wear the shirt it doesn’t bother me. I go preach in these rallies, doesn’t (bother me) In this tent: leave it alone. Let’s go Jesus! Let’s go Jesus! Let’s go Jesus! That’s what I talking about in his house. Yes, let’s go Jesus.

I know what he means and I’m cool with what he means. I’m cool with what he means. I want him out too. And it wasn’t Mark’s fault. It wasn’t anybody’s fault because we were all caught up in the moment, right? It’s just fun. It’s new I’m just saying let’s be careful.

So we can go around town- I’ve heard kids say it at the Japanese steakhouse and (almost) choked on my chicken I laughed so hard. But in the house we gotta guard what we say. Okay, this ain’t a Trump rally- this a local church. This ain’t a Republican National Convention. Far as I’m concerned two heads of the same snake. I have no loyalty to none of them devils; Republican or Democratic. I will be an equal opportunist employer, I’ll call them all out no matter who they are. I’m just saying we’ve got to guard what God’s doing here.