
Bethel Church’s Chief Prophet and Healer Struck With Ailment ‘I Wouldn’t Wish on Anybody’

Kris Valloton is Bethel Church’s chief prophet and healer. The leader of the Bethel School of Supernatural ministry, he’s claimed his prayers have regrown and recreated hymens before and can fix vehicles just by laying hands on them.

He and his church recently claimed that people were healed just by looking at paintings one of their resident artist created, and a bethel pastrix claimed to have healed through ‘holy snoring’. Perhaps most egregious of all is Bethel head Bill Johnson was shilling his ‘healing school’ heresy while his wife was dying of cancer, the same healing school that were shut down for better part of the last two years on account of COVID.

Bethel Church teaches that “It is always God’s will to heal everyone” and Johnson himself says he never prays “if it be your will to heal”, as that is a prayer of “unbelief”.

Despite believing the same thing, and despite his great claims of healing, Valloton shared on Facebook three days ago that he had to visit the hospital to pass a kidney stone and has had a ‘tough couple of days.”

All the more evidence that no one is being healed at Bethel.

h/t Dissenter