Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy Money Grubbing Heretics

Kat Kerr Prophecies God will Supernaturally Storm Capitol Hill and ‘Kick Out’ Biden

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and ‘Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess making a fool of herself when she tries to control the weather, or recounting how when she visits heaven (trips out on acid/ given visions by satan) that even God and the angels refer to Joe Biden as ‘Sleepy Joe’, or weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb, she’s refusing to accept that Trump lost the election and that her prophecies were false, showing herself to be the ultimate “always Trumper.”

In this case, she describes how God appeared in her bedroom, visibly upset and mad as a hornet, saying that Trump won in a landslide and that Biden stole it.

Promising divine retribution, the Lord of Lords declared that nothing will stop him from enacting his divine plan into motion of “putting My son Donald Trump back in that White House” and promising to kick Biden out of the White House in what might be generously described as a supernatural storming of Capitol Hill.

She says that God says:

Can you not stand and not turn to the left and give himself as a partner to the evil that wants to take this land? Well, I say no, it will not happen. It will end and it will be done because I say it will be done!

Watch My hand move! Now that man is done with their process, I will put My show on, and no one will ever forget when that happens. There will be great celebrations in the streets of this country and around the world. That great victory has come on behalf of the body of Christ, on behalf of My America, that I’m not giving up to any enemy.

So be ready to see what will happen, regardless of what they show. The lying frying (?) news and the liars and the stealers and the takers will pay greatly for what they have tried to do. So they will fail and fail greatly in every way, because that landslide will pull every one of them down, and justice will be served, says your God.

So stand in the light, or run to the darkness. But nothing will stop Me from My plan of putting My son Donald Trump back in that White House. Even if they inaugurate the villain and try to put him there, I will kick him out. I will remove him and I remove every obstacle that’s in the way. Maybe they’ll show that in the news, says your God.

Watch the whole thing below, with the specific comments at the 6:30 mark. She gets a little crazy.

Hopefully the Almighty will have better luck than the rioters in Washington did.

HT to the give of scum and villainy known as the Friendly atheist for the transcript.