
God’s Audible Voice Caught on Camera Giving Charismatic Pastor “Keys of David”

The prosperity gospel and the excess of the charismatic movement have devastated Nigeria, where heresy and every sort of weird and aberrant practice run wild with abandon. Look no further than Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin, the prophet and founder of Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry in Nigeria.

Fufeyin specializes in dream interpretation and prophetic training, and claims that he acquired a ‘heavenly master keys’ which is used to unlock prosperity, breakthrough, and success in people’s life. He’s selling these keys for 100,000 Naira, or about $240, which is about a month’s salary for many people in the country.

It’s not the first time he’s hocked something he allegedly acquired form the Lord. Currently, he’s offering several interesting wares on his website, including this spray, which guarantees the birth of a child in a country plagued by high infant mortality rates.

In a video that has since been deleted after reviving a ton of backlash, Fufeyin features himself receiving the keys after a long and earnest prayer, capturing the voice of God. There is some question over whether or not this is a mere dramatization, though given his history and the hijinks he’s pulled over the last 20 years we doubt it. Because the video is gone we can’t verify if this is its true intent, (though why would you delete it if it was a mere reenactment) it remains a small possibility.

God’s voice sounds…underwhelming, to say the least, but the fact that this heretic is running around and being taken seriously is a damning indictment against a theology that is ripe for abuse.

h/t to Shawn of Revealing Truth