
Kathryn Krick’s ‘Honorariums’ Revealed

Apostlette Kathryn Krick is the most disingenuous, fakest deliverance minister working the charismatic circuit today. Leader of the 5F Church in L.A., the well-known and popular huckster has accumulated hundreds of millions of views across her social media platforms, putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry while she ‘casts out’ demons from sad and desperate people. 

For those wanting a deep dive into her many errors, Chris Rosebrough did a long-form exposé here. Krick routinely uses actors to pretend to be possessed so she can then cast out the demons, using not just adults but kids as well:

‘Apostle’ Kathryn Krick and ‘Exorcist’ Bob Larson Use Same Crisis Actor to Act ‘Demon-Possessed’ 
Worst Acting Ever! Hilarious ‘Deliverance’ Feat. Kathryn Krick and Renouncments from ‘Nazi Witchcraft’
Apostlette Kathryn Krick Sets Newborn Baby Free from Demons
Fakest Exorcism Ever? Famous Charismatic ‘Healer’ Uses ‘Demon Possessed’ Kids as Props.
World’s Fakest Exorcist Pays Ladies to Be ‘Possessed’ on Two Different Nights.
Most MODEST Demon Ever? ‘Possessed’ Man Keeps Adjusting Shirt, Belt During ‘Exorcism’

A recent report by@FullFrontalExposure has revealed how much the wolfish apostolette charges for her presence.

Along with charging for flights, meals and lodging for both Krick and her executive assistant Jeanntal Marchall, which are separate from the main bill, fees for Krick’s revivalist services/ speaking engagements are:

One service: $3000
Two Services $7000
Three services $11,000

These are not for full days of speaking multiple sessions, but rather per service/ session/ talk.


Most MODEST Demon Ever? ‘Possessed’ Man Keeps Adjusting Shirt, Belt During ‘Exorcism’

Apostolette Kathryn Krick is the most disingenuous, fakest deliverance minister working the charismatic circuit today. The well-known and popular huckster has accumulated hundreds of millions of views across her social media platforms, putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry while she ‘casts out’ demons from sad and desperate people. 

For those wanting a deep dive into her many errors, Chris Rosebrough did a long-form exposé here. Krick routinely uses actors to pretend to be possessed so she can then cast out the demons, using not just adults but kids as well:

One of the hallmarks of these deliverance ministers is how modest and ingénue these demons seem to be, never cursing or using foul language while inhabiting, and always careful to tug their shirts down or hike their belts up, lest a stray belly or buttcrack be accidentally flashed. In fact, they’re downright prudish! Case in point: this one she featured earlier in the month, which in the short clip she posted, adjusted his pants and belt no less than three times. Slowed down edits added by us.


MUST WATCH! Exorcist Kathryn Krick Promotes ‘Pay to Pray’ Demon Deliverance, While Child Writhes on Ground

Apostolette Kathryn Krick is the most disingenuous, fakest deliverance Minister working the charismatic circuit today. The well-known and popular huckster has accumulated over 900,000 followers on TikTok and 10.5 million views, with her other socials adding tens of thousands of more followers and fans.

She is uncomfortably bold in her public exorcisms and fake miracles, putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry. For those wanting a deep dive into her many errors, Chris Rosebrough did a long-form exposé here. Krick routinely uses using actors to pretend to be possessed so she can then cast out the demons, using not just adults but kids as well:

‘Apostle’ Kathryn Krick and ‘Exorcist’ Bob Larson Use Same Crisis Actor to Act ‘Demon-Possessed’ Apostlette Sets Newborn Baby Free from DemonsFakest Exorcism Ever? Famous Charismatic ‘Healer’ Uses ‘Demon Possesed’ Kids as Props.World’s Fakest Exorcist Pays Ladies to Be ‘Posessed’ on Two Different Nights

In a recent video from an event in February 2022, Krick describes, in her own words, what happened, according to a post on Facebook:

This Mother sows a seed into the kingdom of God and her son is delivered – this was a prophetic key that unlocked his deliverance.

When ministering to this boy I discerned that there was something specific that was keeping her young boy in bondage after she shared that she went to many ministers and he was never delivered, as well as after I commanded the demons to go and they were not leaving.

She shared that she had been giving hundreds of dollars to psychics over the years. I discerned that the key to unlock his deliverance was to sow into the kingdom of God (to any ministry where God is moving in power). She did that and he was immediately set free!

Our only consolation is that, like many of her videos, there’s a possibility it’s all just staged.

But likely not.


World’s Fakest Exorcist Pays Ladies to Be ‘Posessed’ on Two Different Nights

Kathryn Krick is fast becoming one of the most well-known and popular charismatic huckster apostles, accumulating over 900,000 followers on TikTok and 8.5 million views, with her other socials adding tens of thousands of more followers and fans. According to her website:

Apostle Kathryn is the Lead Pastor of Five-Fold Church, where miracles happen, people are healed, delivered, and transformed as the prophetic anointing flows powerfully. Apostle Kathryn is passionate about seeing people receive the power of God through the prophetic and apostolic ministry of Jesus; to see people set free, full of zeal, and transformed into mature vessels of God. 

She is uncomfortably bold in her public exorcisms and fake miracles, putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry. For those wanting a deep dive into her many errors, Chris Rosebrough did a long-form exposé here.

What she’s also well known for, however, is using actors to pretend to be possessed so she can then cast out the demons, using not just adults, such as in our Exposed! ‘Apostle’ Kathryn Krick and ‘Exorcist’ Bob Larson Use Same Crisis Actor to Act ‘Demon-Possessed’ but also children Fakest Exorcism Ever? Famous Charismatic ‘Healer’ Uses ‘Demon Possesed’ Kids as Props. It’s not as cringey as this hilariously fake exorcism, but it comes close.

This time, one studious soul captured the crooked Krick casting out the same person on different nights in Canada in order to draw “ooohs” and “awwwww’s: from the crowd, a sure-fire way to empty their pocketbooks of those “kingdom seeds” she’s so desperate for.

h/t @GomesHasti

bad theology Charismatic Nonsense

Fakest Exorcism Ever? Famous Charismatic ‘Healer’ Uses ‘Demon Possesed’ Kids as Props

Kathryn Krick is fast becoming one of the most well-known and popular charismatic huckster apostles, accumulating over 900,000 followers on TikTok and 8.5 million views, with her other socials adding tens of thousands of more followers and fans. According to her website:

Apostle Kathryn is the Lead Pastor of Five-Fold Church, where miracles happen, people are healed, delivered, and transformed as the prophetic anointing flows powerfully. Apostle Kathryn is passionate about seeing people receive the power of God through the prophetic and apostolic ministry of Jesus; to see people set free, full of zeal, and transformed into mature vessels of God. 

She is uncomfortably bold in her public exorcisms and fake miracles, putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry. For those wanting a deep dive into her many errors, Chris Rosebrough did a long-form exposé here.

In fact, we wrote about her previously, after she and another exorcist used the same actor to act demon-possessed.

Well this time she has hit a new low and engaging in some real demonic behavior herself, by acquiring a couple of children to pretend to be demon-possessed, in order that her gullible audience can “oooh’ and “ahhhh” and seek signs while she supposedly “cast them out.”

This is dark, dark behavior folks, from Krick, and from those parents who put them up to this.

Naturally, she posted:

Last night in Maryland, Jesus delivered these precious sisters! The look on the faces of the girls when they were free is truly one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. This family showed up to the church for the Revival is Now Maryland event at 7AM and the event didn’t start til 7PM!

Last night Jesus delivered these girls first! Renouncing by the parents was key to the deliverance! The demons were forced to flee! The girls continued to receive more deliverance during the event after this moment. The mother of the girls testified today “we have been on a long journey with deliverance, but for the first time our girls have total freedom!!

The youngest, Jacey, who is 8 received not only freedom but also the baptism of the Holy Spirit!“JESUS! Speechless, and I’m in awe and wonder. Thank you Jesus for freeing these precious girls and this whole family! He is so faithful!.”

We found the mother’s comment, and it is striking in how deceived she is, but also, how normal this type of thinking is for charismatics, who explains…well, read it yourself.

h/t to Revealing Truth for the vid.