
Kansas Pastor Rips ‘Poor, Broke, Busted and Disgusted’ Congregation for Not Buying Him a Luxury Watch

Money-grubby ‘pastor’ Carlton Funderburke of Church at the Well in Kansas City, MO, has apologized after ripping his congregation for not buying him a luxury watch, saying “I’ve spoken to those I am accountable to and have received their correction and instruction.”

During his August 7th church service, ‘Prophet’ Funderburke derided his congregation as ‘poor, broke, busted and disgusted’ for not buying him a Movado watch, which range between $300-$3500 dollars, acting like an entitled baby who is upset because he can’t have the shiny things.

“This is how I know you’re still poor, broke, busted and disgusted, because of how you’ve been honoring me. I’m not worth your McDonald’s money? I’m not worth your Red Lobster money? I ain’t worth your St John Knits? (Luxury clothing brand for women) Ya’ll can’t afford it no-how. I ain’t worth ya’ll Louis Vutton? I ain’t worth your Prada? I’m not worth your Gucci? ….I’m saying this because I want you to understand just what God is saying…You can buy a Movado watch in Sam’s. And y’all know I asked for one last year. Here it is, the whole way in August and I still ain’t got it.”


Kansas City Pastor GOES OFF on congregation calling them "poor, broke busted and disgusted" because they didn't give him enough money to buy a new watch he's been wanting. It's pastors like these that give the church a bad name smh an also why a lot of our generation left the church. What y'all think? 🤔

♬ original sound – kcdefender

Coming under fire, Funderburke further stated in a video released to his church “though there is context to the content behind the clip, no context will suffice to explain the hurt and anguish caused by my words.” and that “I regret that your first impression of me is one of anger, hate and resentment. My actions and my words are inexcusable. I offer no justification or defense. That moment was mishandled and mismanaged. I deeply regret this moment and I solicit your prayers and your forgiveness as we grow forward.”


Kansas Abolitionists Rejoice After Trojan-Horse Abortion Amendment Goes Down in Flames

Kansas, a state with a Republican supermajority in the legislature, rejected “Value Them Both,” a ballot referendum on an incrementalist constitutional amendment that would have granted legislators the constitutional right to regulate abortion. Protestia reported on the amendment back in June. The language of the amendment differed significantly from the amendment proposed by abolitionists and then tabled by legislators, under threat from incrementalist political activists who promised to run primary opponents against any legislator that supported the complete abolition of abortion. 

If passed, the Value Them Both Amendment would have enshrined the incrementalist position into the state’s constitution, making abortion law subject to the whims of each new legislative session. While Value them Both proponents envisioned that this would lead to a steady ratcheting up of the law until abortion only happened on occasions that are rare and heavily regulated (notice how similar this sounds to the old Democrat Party position on abortion), the results of the referendum show that such an amendment would likely have unintended consequences in the form of abortion policy that constantly wavers rather than offering the unchanging protections that are found in the proposed abolitionist personhood amendment that would have defined a pre-born child in Biblical fashion, as a “human being” from the beginning of conception.

The adoption of Value Them Both would have made adoption of the personhood amendment impossible without the repeal of Value Them Both, as the incrementalist amendment guaranteed the right of legislators to regulate abortion, a concept antithetical to the idea of pre-born personhood. The Value Them Both Amendment also contained moderating language that liberal judges would have likely interpreted as a license to legislate rape, incest, and life of the mother exceptions from the bench, as well as contrive the right to the existence of the abortion industry.

Many mainstream media outlets have declared that the defeat of the Value Them Both Amendment is a defeat for pro-life policy in a traditionally conservative state and a bellwether for how the rest of the nation will respond to the fall of Roe Vs. Wade. Contrary to media claims, the amendment itself was not an actual abortion ban but rather an amendment that would allow for the regulation of abortion, specifically in an incremental manner. Absent from the mainstream media coverage of the referendum is the role that abolitionists played in the defeat of Value Them Both.

The abolitionist position of opposing Value Them Both as an unbiblical compromise was presented in public debates by AIM (Abortion Is Murder) Kansas. During the campaign leading up to the referendum, the abolitionist position was publicized by abolitionist ministries, including Apologia’s expose on the Southern Baptist Convention ERLC to defeat a Louisiana bill that would have outlawed abortion in Louisiana. Prominent SBC Pastors Bill Ascol and Tom Ascol both addressed the unbiblical nature of regulating the murder of pre-born babies at the SBC’s annual convention in Anaheim. 

Pew research conducted before the referendum shows that the proportion of Kansans who believe that abortion should be legal in most or all cases (49%) is nearly identical to the balance of Kansans who say that abortion should be illegal in most or all circumstances (49%). Given that the referendum was scheduled during the primary election, a time when Republicans who tend to be more conservative turn out in higher numbers, initial polling on the referendum indicated that the referendum would likely pass by only a few percentage points. With only a few absentee votes left to count, Value Them Both was declared a failed initiative, with 59% of voters casting a “no” vote and 41% of voters casting a “yes” vote, a much wider margin than polls predicted. 

While the exact number of abolitionist voters who rejected the referendum cannot be readily ascertained from the total number of “no” votes received, abolitionists remain hopeful that the failure of Value Them Both will function as a springboard to revive the Personhood Constitutional amendment that would effectively abolish abortion as a legal practice in the state of Kansas and facilitate the growth of abolition as a much more prominent national movement in coming years. 


Kansas Pro-Life Groups Propose Trojan-Horse Legislation to Thwart Abolitionists, Backed by SBC

Following a 2019 Kansas Supreme Court Decision that derived a constitutional right to abortion out of thin air, pro-life incrementalists in Kansas proposed a constitutional “Value Them Both” amendment, that would clarify that there is no constitutional right to an abortion, while also proposing a constitutional right to continually regulate abortion through legislation. Abolitionists in the state, led by AIM KS (Abortion is Murder, KS) are warning that the upcoming vote on the amendment is actually a trojan horse that is intended to perpetuate the incrementalist cause, regulating abortion rather than abolishing the murder of pre-born babies.

Abolitionists and pro-life incrementalists agree that the decision by the Kansas Supreme Court requires a constitutional amendment to declare that there is no constitutional right to an abortion, but the incrementalist proposal puts Kansas on the same path as Oklahoma and Louisiana, who saw abolitionist bills that would totally ban abortion replaced by weak incrementalist bills that merely sought to regulate the murder of children. In Kansas the “Value Them Both” incrementalist amendment replaced an abolitionist amendment that conferred personhood on all pre-born children, effectively rendering all abortion murder.

Kansans For Life has actively threatened to run incrementalist candidates to primary any abolitionist political candidates who oppose the “Value Them Both” amendment. The amendment has been marketed as a bi-partisan bill, because it doesn’t actually ban abortion, a point that is proudly declared by the Value Them Both organization.

Liberal elements in the judiciary will likely rule that the amendment’s “laws that accounts for circumstances” clause actually enshrines so-called “life of the mother” exceptions that can be broadly interpreted to allow for abortion in cases where the birth of a child is deemed emotionally or psychologically harmful for the woman, a low bar that can easily crossed by an abortion clinic that works in conjunction with a pro-choice psychologist.

Creators of “Value Them Both” deceptively labeled the amendment as pro-woman and pro-baby, because the bill will allow for future legislation that regulates some abortion, all the while preventing an abolitionist declaration of pre-born personhood that would effectively declare a woman who aborts her baby to be a murderer.

Incrementalists make arguments similar to Denny Burk, who claims that women who have abortions may not fully understand that they are killing a baby. Culpability for murder of a pre-born baby should fall on both the abortionist and the mother. When an individual hires a hitman, both are responsible for murder. When parents give their children over to sex traffickers, both the parents and the traffickers are responsible for the crime of sex trafficking. The incrementalist position departs from logical consistency and the standard of scripture, when it comes to holding women accountable for murdering their children.

Following in the incrementalist steps of the ERLC of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Kansas Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists has endorsed “Value Them Both”, which isn’t surprising considering that the convention has recently taken a wild turn to the left on social issues. There will come a day when believers will answer for the compromise of incrementalism.

Unfortunately, many conservative Christians continue to unwittingly fall for the false advertising of the pro-life industry.