
Freddie Haynes ADMITS He Takes Orders From Kamala Harris Allies

In a recent sermon, Frederick D. Haynes, the shameless impastor and pagan syncretist of Friendship-West Baptist Church, casually admits he takes orders from allies of Vice President Kamala Harris while politicking for her during the Sunday worship service after she began to campaign for president.

Notably Frederick is pro-choice, supported Obama’s stance on supporting gay marriage in 2012, was endorsed last year by pastor Charlie Date. He also recently appeared at a conference with Russell Moore, endorsing racial justice myths and grievances. He reveals:

Monday [after Biden’s exit from the presidential race] I got to go to San Francisco, and I’m preaching already for the Sun-Reporter newspaper. They’re having an honorific event for black men.

And my girl Amelia Ashley-Ward, the outstanding publisher, she texts me after midnight and says, ‘Listen.’ And she’s real good friends with the Madame Vice President and says, ‘Here, you need to do a speech on black men and the 2024 election.’

Now, she tells me that after midnight, and I’ve been working on another speech. And she tells me after midnight I need to do a speech on black men and the 2024 election.

God began to speak immediately, and I ended up talking about black men and the politics of ‘black jobs.’ And so I said it’s our black job to keep a white supremacist out the White House so that what is now the new black job of a black woman.

h/t to @wokepreacherTV for the headline, clip and transcript


VP Kamala Harris Applauded at National Baptist Convention For Denouncing “Extremists” Seeking to Outlaw Abortion

Guest of honor Vice-president Kamala Harris was greeted by a round of applause at the National Baptists Convention’s 142nd annual session in Houston, Texas, telling roughly 2000 people in attendance that there’s no conflict in being both Christian and pro-choice, denouncing extremists who are seeking to outlaw abortion.

“As extremists work to take away the freedom of women to make decisions about their own bodies, faith leaders are taking a stand, knowing one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held religious beliefs to agree that a woman should have the ability to make decisions about her own body, and not have her government tell her what to do.

And she will choose in consultation with her pastor or a priest or a doctor and her loved ones. But the government should not be making that decision. In this moment, let us heed the words of First Corinthians; Be on your guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous, be strong and do everything in love.”

The National Baptist Convention (NBC) is the largest predominantly Black Christian denomination in the United States and the second largest Baptist denomination in the world. Claiming over 8 million members and 21,000 congregations, they sit between the more conservative National Baptist Convention of America and the openly liberal Progressive National Baptist Convention.

The NBC has has no official position on abortion, and a result many of their congregations are pro-choice. While their president Dr. Jerry Young is professingly pro-life, their denominational policy is to allow each individual congregation to determine its own views on abortion. According to a 2012 Pew Research poll, 57% of National Baptist Convention believe abortion should be legal in all or most situations.

h/t WokePreacherTV