
Josh Duggar Sentence Revealed! He’s Going Away for ________ Years

Prosecutors asked that Josh Duggar received 20 years after being guilty of possession and distributing child sex abuse material (CSAM) and his defense pleaded for only 5 years, but a judge split the difference and gave the former 19 Kids and Counting star and professing Christian 12.5 years in prison. He had no reaction when the sentence was read.

Duggar was found guilty in December 2021 of possessing and distributing child porn. These vessels for Duggar’s horrific masturbatory fantasies depicted child sex abuse involving children ranging from 18 months to 12 years of age, with FBI Agent Faulkner describing them as “in the top five of the worst of the worst that I’ve ever had to examine.”

During his sentencing memorandum, the prosecutors cited how Duggar has shown no interest in receiving counseling or therapy for his actions, insisting the whole time that he was innocent and was being framed. This made him a far greater risk to re-offend, and thus the need to keep away from society longer.

Their motion stated that “Duggar has a deep-seated, pervasive, and violent sexual interest in children…and a willingness to act on that interest” and cited the fact that he admitted previously to molesting 5 girls, including his sisters, and that some of the child sex material were videos of sexual sadism and torture of two-year-olds, opposed to all being more ‘benign’ (but still atrociously wicked and disgusting) forms like nude photographs of 13 and 4-year olds.

Duggars’ parents and wife were at the courthouse, along with one brother and sister.

Duggar is 34 years old and assuming he doesn’t pick up any extra charges in prison, will serve 151 months and won’t be out until he’s nearly 47 years old.


6 Sad and Shocking Things We Heard at Josh Duggar’s Trial

Josh Duggar is currently reaping the whirlwind. His federal trial, which began last week in Arkansas and which just saw the Defense rest, sees the former 19 Kids and Counting star and frequently professing Christian defending against charges of possessing child pornography.

Specifically, the prosecution alleges that Duggar, 33, downloaded more than 200 images in 2019, some of which were found deleted in the recycle bin. These vessels for Duggar’s horrific masturbatory fantasies depicted child sex abuse involving children ranging from 18 months to 12 years of age, with FBI Agent Faulkner describing them as “in the top five of the worst of the worst that I’ve ever had to examine.”

Here are 6 things we learned from the trial so far, from the Associated Press:

1. That child porn was found on the computer that he used for work is beyond dispute. His defense attorneys say that someone else put it there, pointing to the absence of porn on his phone and computer as evidence it wasn’t him.

2.  “Federal prosecutors have detailed logs showing, minute by minute, the activity on Duggar’s computer that alternated between him sending personal messages, downloading child porn and saving pictures of notes.”

3. Duggar created a partition on his computer that dual booted to the Linux operating system. On the desktop visible to everyone else, there was a business computer running windows that the program Covenant Eyes installed on it. This was used to hold Josh accountable after it was revealed he’d been consuming ungodly amounts of pornography after he got busted for cheating on his wife during the Ashley Madison privacy breach, as well as molesting four of his sisters. As far as anyone knew, that computer was only used for business.

When booted into Linux, which is done from resetting the computer, it gave him access to an encrypted browser used to bypass the accountability software and to keep and store photographs on the hidden hard drive.

4. Justice Department computer expert James Fottrell “provided details obtained from a backup of Duggar’s iPhone, made on a MacBook Pro laptop, that placed the phone at the car lot on the exact dates and times that the illegal material was downloaded, accessed and shared on the dealership’s desktop computer, putting him at the scene.”

5. “A car receipt naming “Josh” as the sales agent was found behind the partition where the child pornography was downloaded, the Democrat-Gazette reported. And the password to access the hidden section was a variation on passwords Duggar had used on other personal devices for at least five years, and which included his birthday”

6. Duggar has his own computer expert which agrees that porn was downloaded on the computer, and it was done over the three days that Josh was there at work and in the building, but says that there is no proof it was Josh, as he may have been hacked and is possibly a victim of someone wanting to frame him.

The trial will hear closing arguments today, and then the jury decision. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000 on each count.

News Scandal

Josh Duggar Free on Bail After Agent Says Found Pics ‘Top Five of the Worst of the Worst that I’ve Ever had to Examine’

Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Gerald Faulkner has given us a timeline on the Josh Duggar scandal, filling in some gaps and releasing new material on the investigation during his testimony for the prosecution.

According to Faulkner, who appeared for a zoom court hearing yesterday, when homeland security officials raided Duggar’s car dealership and asked to speak with him, even prior to them telling him why they were there and what the nature of their warrant was, he “spontaneously” responded, “What is this about? Has someone been downloading child pornography?”

Officials seized several computers and found the images on an HP device. They report that the computer had Covenant Eyes software downloaded on it, which is an accountability program designed to send any pornography usage to his wife Anna, alerting her of its access. Unfortunately, the child sexual abuse materials were on an isolated part of the computer’s hard drive that wasn’t able to be monitored by Covenant Eyes, on account of a password-protected network he used.

The prosecution alleges that Duggar downloaded more than 200 images on May 14, 15, and 16 of 2019, some of which were found deleted in the recycle bin. These vessels for Duggar’s horrific masturbatory fantasies depicted child sex abuse involving children ranging from 18 months to 12 years of age, with Agent Faulkner describing them as “in the top five of the worst of the worst that I’ve ever had to examine.”

While the prosecution asked that Josh Duggar be remanded, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Arkansas had other ideas, ruling that he was free to go, but that he must be released to a third-party custodian.
Furthermore, Josh cannot have access to the internet at this time, either on a computer or phone. He may not contact minors and cannot leave his custodian’s home, being bound with an ankle monitor with GPS tracking. He is allowed to visit with his own minor children so long as their mother is there.


Josh Duggar Arrested! Held in Police Custody

Just days after appearing in a video with his family and announcing the gender of his soon-to-be 7th child (it’s a girl) Josh Duggar, 33, of 19 Kids and Counting Fame, was arrested and taken into police custody.

He has been placed in federal hold at the Washington County jail in Arkansas, where he is being held without bail.

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At this time, the reason for his arrest and incarceration has not been revealed.

The former reality star has been quiet in the last few years after news broke in 2015 that he had molested several of his sisters. This was soon followed by the revelation that he was seeking adulterous affairs online, and paying to do it, including spending thousands of dollars to have a sexual tryst with porn star Danica Dillon. At the time Josh lamented:

‘“I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife.”

Pray for all parties involved, but especially for his wife, Anna, and their children.

This is a developing story and we will update accordingly…