
Man of Conviction? Mark Driscoll Repents of Viral Rebuke, Says He Shouldn’t Have Done it Without Asking Permission

Mark Driscoll has walked back the now-infamous rebuke he gave organizers of the Stronger Men’s conference after they featured a shirtless acrobat (and former (present?)stripper) doing a sword-swallowing routine that many felt was too sexual and inappropriate.

 Driscoll’s rebuke saw him booted from the stage by conference organizer John Lindell, who told him he was “out of line” and “done” for saying they had invited in the “Jezebel Spirit through the performance. 

While many have lauded Driscoll for his courage and convictions, it did not last. Soon after, Driscoll and Lindell sat down, worked through it, and hashed it all out. 

Appearing side by side, Lindell heaped praises upon Driscoll, lauding him as a “John the Baptist figure” that he loves, who is a gift to the kingdom, and whom he looks forward to inviting back next year. 

Driscoll, in turn, praised Lindell as his “spiritual father” and sorrowfully admitted he should have gotten permission before running his mouth and speaking out of turn. While he did not walk back the thrust of his critique, Driscoll insisist that he should have talked to Lindell first, and if Lindell would have asked him not to rebuke anyone, he should have abided by that decision and respected that authority.

 “I should have…talked to you rather than just verbal processing on the stage. And as the father and the head of the house, you could have given me a thumbs up or down. And I need to honor that as spiritual authority”

Not exactly the brave and fearless rebuker he’s been made out to be.