
Christian Comedian John Crist Sees Facebook Account Hacked With Pornographic Content

UPDATE. AS OF 11.17.23 at 10:36pm It is still hacked.

Fans of comedian John Crist had to quickly cover their eyes and navigate away from his Facebook page yesterday after malicious actors hacked his account and flooded it with pornographic videos and reels, giving visitors a nasty surprise with every click of the button.

Upon seeing the creepy content, folks flocked online to post about it, with most seeking confirmation that he was hacked and taken over, while others wryly wondered if he’d merely backslidden based on his previous scandals and predilections.

Crist confirmed the hack on Instagram, which was not affected, and passed on his reassurances from confused and concerned supporters.

Thankfully, he had regained control by early Friday morning, with all the obscene content being deleted.

For more on Crist:

‘Reformed’ Sexual Predator John Crist Complains About His 2019 Cancellation: ‘I don’t agree with the way it was done’
Three Years After Getting Busted for Sexual Deviancy, ‘Reformed Predator’ John Crist Releases New Comedy Special
Predator Comedian John Crist Back on the Christian Circuit
‘Christian’ Comedian John Crist Admits He’s Not a ‘Real Man’


‘Reformed’ Sexual Predator John Crist Complains About His 2019 Cancellation: ‘I don’t agree with the way it was done’

Comedian John Crist has expressed his disapproval for the way he was ‘canceled’ four years ago following multiple allegations of sexual predation, telling The Christian Post in a puff profile lauding him for his accomplishments and deft navigation of the Christian culture, “I don’t agree with the way it was done.”

Four years ago, Crist was at the apex of his career, poised for significant success with a Netflix special and a book deal until his reputation tanked and burst into flames after allegations of sexual misconduct came to light.

A popular Christian entertainer known for his comedy routines and hip ethos, Crist’s life came to a grinding halt in late 2019 after Charisma News broke the story that a plethora of women were alleging some very unsavory things about him going back nearly a decade, including harassing and manipulating young womensexting multiple partners at the same timecommitting unrelenting acts of adultery and fornicationbragging about his conquests, and bribing women with tickets to his shows in exchange for sexual favors.

Charisma did some excellent reporting; they had the pictures, texts, and receipts to prove it, sharing that many people knew about it but said nothing and kept promoting him, including folks like Jon Acuff.

Unfortunately, Crist barely copped to the allegations in the Charisma piece, immediately releasing a statement to the magazine where, with a pretty stellar euphemism, he acknowledged:

“Over the past number of years, various women have accused me of behavior that has been hurtful to them. While I am not guilty of everything I’ve been accused of, I confess to being guilty of this — I have treated relationships with women far too casually, in some cases even recklessly.” 

My behavior has been destructive and sinful. I’ve sinned against God, against women and the people who I love the most. I have violated my own Christian beliefs, convictions, and values and have hurt many people in the process. I am sorry for the hurt and pain I have caused these women and will continue to seek their forgiveness. I have also hurt the name of Jesus and have sought His forgiveness.

Stunning and brave. This non-apology apology might as well have said, “I’m sorry that the women were offended by my actions,” for how insincere and evasive it was. By being vague about the extent and scope of these charges, one could easily surmise that only one or two stories are kind of true and the rest are made up accusations by scorned and hysterical women that can be rightfully brushed off or given the skeptical side eye.

This is what lack of clarity and accountability does. Is the sin and guilt he’s copping to about treating women recklessly, or is it specifically about engaging in years of predatory behavior with multiple victims; actions that can only be done when one’s conscience is deeply seared?

Soon after, he disappeared to get “healing” for sex addiction, claimed in the process that he almost killed himself (a tactic manipulators use to garner sympathy), and hid out of sight for a while, waiting for the requisite year to pass so that he could emerge back into the limelight to declare that he was now restored and ready to return to evangelicalism’s good graces.

Sixteen months later, he was back on the circuit, emerging from his imposed exile (made easy by the pandemic) and playing sold-out shows to undiscerning Christians eager to forget all the creepy, pervy, manipulations he did and never apologized for or addressed a year and a half prior.

In an article by Leah MarieAnn Klett, almost none of this comes up. Instead, while discussing his new humorous video and all the ways he successfully navigates “the often tricky waters of humor within the Christian community” and “comically pinpoints the stereotypical elements found in many Christian music videos — the conflicts, the spiritual epiphanies, and the almost instantaneous resolutions” while using his “comedic role as a mechanism to keep everyone honest,” she briefly notes the strike against him.

Crist said he came up with the idea for the music video in 2019 during a four-month stay in a treatment facility. His tenure came after Charisma Magazine reported allegations of sexual misconduct toward young female fans.

While one would have hoped she wouldn’t have glossed over that last point when writing a 1,250-word profile about how peaceful and prosperous Crist is, with his sold-out shows and a public that’s acted like nothing even happened, she quickly moved on, writing:

Crist said that while experiencing a public cancellation was “the worst thing on planet Earth” and “horrific,” it saved his life.

“I don’t agree with the way it was done, but it did save my life,” he said. “I’m now three and a half, four years past it, and I’ve been sober since that day.”

It’s a shame Crist is so displeased with how it played out. Perhaps he can tell us how it should have been done in a way that would have better suited his tastes and disposition, that would have disrupted his life far less, and which he might find more agreeable. Maybe he can point out which verse in the scriptures we see David pouting about the prophet Nathan’s tactics that led to his exposure and downfall, grumbling about being tricked by questions of lamb ownership and made-up scenarios.

Furthermore, this is not Crist being ‘canceled,’ as much as he may want to appropriate that label for clout and sympathy. Instead, churches disinviting him in light of multiple allegations of gross sin over a decade is a just consequence and a proper response to a professing believer playing the part of a pagan while engaging in sexual hedonism.

Besides, we don’t know what Crist is complaining about, as after only a year and a half in the theological doghouse, when he couldn’t perform anyway because of the COVID-19 lockdowns, he emerged more loved and more popular than ever, while a the same time balking at the suggestion that his actions towards those women made him a “trash dude.”

He accomplished this without ever acknowledging the extent of the allegations against him, sneaking by with only vague confessions of “treat(ing) relationships with women far too casually” before being quickly restored to a position of prominence and celebrity, all predations forgotten.

Now that’s funny.


Three Years After Getting Busted for Sexual Deviancy, ‘Reformed Predator’ John Crist Releases New Comedy Special

Three years ago, comedian John Crist was at the apex of his career. The darling of the evangelical world, he was poised for major success with a Netflix special and a book deal until his reputation tanked and burst into flames after allegations of sexual misconduct came to light- forcing both to be canceled.

Crist, a popular Christian entertainer known for his comedy routines and hip ethos, had his life come to a grinding halt in late 2019 ago after Charisma News broke the story that a host of women were alleging some very unsavory things, including harassing and manipulating young women, “sexting” multiple partners at the same time, committing adultery and fornication, and bribing women with tickets to his shows in exchange for sexual favors. Charisma did some good reporting, they had the pictures, texts, and receipts to prove it.

Unfortunately, Crist barely copped to the allegations in the Charisma piece, releasing a statement to the magazine where with a pretty stellar euphemism he acknowledged only that:

“While I am not guilty of everything I’ve been accused of, I confess to being guilty of this — I have treated relationships with women far too casually, in some cases even recklessly.” 

Stunning and brave. This non-apology apology might as well have said, “I’m sorry that the women were offended by my actions,” for how insincere and evasive it was. And that was basically it. That’s all he had to say about it. That’s the end of that.

He disappeared to get “healing” for sex addiction, claimed in the process that he almost killed himself (a tactic manipulators use to garner sympathy), and hid out of sight for a while, waiting for the requisite year to pass so that he could emerge back into the limelight to declare that he was now restored and ready to return to evangelicalism’s good graces.

16 months later he was back on the circuit, emerging from his imposed exile (made easy by the pandemic) and playing sold-out shows to undiscerning Christian eager to forget all the creepy, pervy, manipulations he did and never apologized for or addressed a year and a half prior.

Last week he took his biggest step forward in his redemption arc, releasing his new comedy special “What are we doing?” on YouTube, garnering half a million views.

Captioned “From the frustrations of ordering at McDonald’s and waiting in line at CVS, to the perplexities of expectant mother’s parking spots and getting baptized in the Nile river, John Crist has been there to observe it all and ask simply…What Are We Doing? his show does not make mention of the scandal at all.

By all accounts his fans love it, and we did not see anyone mention his brushed-aside sexual sins in the comments.

Apparently, you don’t even have to admit one’s sins and repent of them anymore in order for evangelicalism to forgive you for being a creeper. All you have to do is be funny.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal

Predator Comedian John Crist Back on the Christian Circuit

Comedian John Crist, once the darling of the evangelical world before his reputation tanked and burst into flames after allegations of sexual misconduct came to light, has returned to the stand-up and speaking circuit after spending a short time in time-out on account of deep-seated sins.

Crist, a popular Christian entertainer known for his comedy routines and hip ethos, had his life and career come to a grinding halt 16 months ago after Charisma News broke the story that a host of women were alleging some very unsavory things, including harassing and manipulating young women, “sexting” multiple partners at the same time, committing adultery and bribing women with tickets to his shows in exchange for sexual favors.

Unfortunately, he barely copped to the allegations in the Charisma piece, releasing a statement to the magazine where with a pretty stellar euphemism he acknowledged only that “While I am not guilty of everything I’ve been accused of, I confess to being guilty of this — I have treated relationships with women far too casually, in some cases even recklessly.” 

Stunning and brave. This non-apology apology might as well have said, “I’m sorry that the women were offended by my actions,” for how insincere and evasive it was.

He disappeared to get “healing” for sex addiction, claimed in the process that he almost killed himself (a tactic manipulators use to garner sympathy), and hid out of sight for a while, waiting for the requisite year to pass so that he could emerge back into the limelight to declare that he was now restored and ready to return to evangelicalism’s good graces.

Looks like that happened, with Crist playing to sold-out shows across the States:

In an extended Instagram stories video, Crist spoke to the controversy, explaining that when he checked into the Arizona rehab clinic his therapist asked him what he wanted to do. (Allegedly he went to rehab. He’s enough of a narcissist that we have no reason to believe he’s not just making that up.) He responded to her:

I want to go home, and I want to withdraw all of my money from the bank, and then I want to go down to broadway- broadway where are all the bars are – and I want to get drunk, and then I want to bring girls back to my condo, and I want to do that every night until I run out of money and then I want to kill myself.

Not the most regenerated way to be thinking. Speaking of his angst, Crist lets it all out:

I believed something about myself that was untrue. I believe that this world would be better off with me not in it…and I look back on everything that happened…I look back on just the whole situation, and all of the consequences were because of my own horrific choices, and I look you guys in the eye and own that and take responsibility for that any day of the week, BUT, the only thing worse – I wouldn’t wish what happened to me on my worst enemy. But the only worse [thing] than what happened to me is if it wouldn’t ever [have] happened to me.

I wouldn’t say happened to me – a lot of the choices I made were my own. But if that would have never happened, I would’ve continued the rest of my life trying to earn y’alls approval on the internet and hoping that you guys would love me.

That’s a hot take on things. Focus on the alcohol, don’t talk about the really bad things, try to garner sympathy and pity, then turn it around on the audience and fans by suggesting that in a way, they bear some of the responsibility.

It’s weird because if that would have never happened to me I would’ve just continued on the road of being a trash dude – I wasn’t trash, but like…I would have ended up at the end of my life alone and sad and wondering why and hoping that the people on the internet would find me funny or relevant or whatever.

Crist claims he wasn’t being a “trash dude” back when he was, again, “harassing and manipulating young women, ‘sexting’ multiple partners at the same time, committing adultery, and bribing women with tickets to his shows in exchange for sexual favors.” That’s the epitome of “trash dude.”

He then goes on to explain that he still makes tons of “horrific choices” previously defined as the above sexting and using and abusing women, and doesn’t want anyone to look up to him or emulate him.

I still make tons of horrific choices and I don’t want to ever set myself up to be some kind of role model or anything. I’m just coming up on 17 months sober, I mean if you don’t believe in miracles come my way.

And even letting anyone know about my sobriety or anything like that makes me nervous, because then what if I go back to drinking again? Then am I crushed again. Am I canceled again? What if I have a girl over to my apartment, and somebody sees me and I’m canceled again? I don’t want to put myself – I don’t know if it’s a bible verse, if anyone’s calling anyone a sinner, call me chief among them, honestly. I don’t know if that’s a bible verse…

The fact that Crist has any fans is beyond us. But they are there. Millions of them. Millions of Christians following him on social media and attending his shows.

All that creepy, pervy, manipulation he did? That was so 17 months ago.

Practically a lifetime.