
‘Pastor’Jamal Bryant Says Jesus Was ‘Out of Order’ and ‘Wrong’ for 85% of His Life

Jamal Bryant is a political idealogue who cosplays as a Senior pastor every Sunday morning at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, which is quite an ironic name for a church that is pro-abortion and preaches the twisted false gospel of Liberation theology.

A left-wing goat of a pastor and serial adulterer, Bryant is known for his leftist political antics. When Roe v. Wade was recently overturned by the Supreme court, Bryant decried the decision to allow states to restrict abortion as “racist” in a baby dedication Sunday sermon, claiming that the elimination of abortion would somehow increase the black infant mortality rate by 30%. Late last year, he said he wants to grow cannabis on his church property so that black males can farm it, using it as an evangelistic tool and as a way to teach them a skill.

At an installation service for Bishop Marvin Sapp as Senior Pastor of The Chosen Vessel Cathedral, Bryant says that Jesus was ‘wrong’ and out of order for the vast majaority of his life.

Jesus accepted his call to ministry at 30. He had been in carpentry since he was 13. He ran the family business since he was 17. At the risk of being heretical tonight, might I suggest to you that 85 percent of Jesus’s life he was out of order. 85 percent of his life he was doing what he was not called to do. God y’all done got quiet.

For 85 percent of his life he was not flowing in his God-given function. 85 percent of his life he is doing what his natural father wanted, but it did not line up with his divine DNA.

85 percent of his life and he’s anointed, he’s called, he’s chosen and he’s wrong.

h/t Learn to Discern