
Jesse Duplantis’ Wife Accidentally Calls Him An ‘Ungodly Man’ Over Scripture Twist +LOL!!!!

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis tried to justify his massive wealth accumulation during a recent broadcast episode of his show, but his wife accidentally called him out as an “ungodly man” over a blatant scripture twist.

The decrepit money-grubber is known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord’ flexes on him by ‘giving’ him a private jet. Perhaps the best living example of a two-fold son of hell that will spend eternity screaming in horror in the lake of fire if he doesn’t repent, we wrote about him recently after he argued that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his gain for decades, then Jesus will tell you to “go to hell,” as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven. Notably, he’s claimed that God has given him half a billion dollars over the last few years to “reach souls,” but that it’s not enough.

He’s claimed to be the fulfillment of messianic prophesies eternally associated with Christ, engaged in gross manipulation when he told folks to give me money so Jesus doesn’t have to cry anymore,  said, “When you see me, you see the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost – you see God Incarnate, and recently insisted that he’s so righteous that he has a hard time sinning.

In his recent show, Duplantis expressed his mild consternation that people keep coming at him for his wealth, saying he’s not bothered because he has a scripture to justify it, such as his 35,000 sqft mansion.

Let me give you a prime example why I don’t care what people think about me, about what I have. Now Look at me. Look at me! I am a very blessed man. Me and Kathy are very blessed. I’m spiritually, physically and financially.

I’ve had more people criticize me over that jet; they still can’t get over it. Criticized me over my house- they didn’t pay for it, I paid for it. Do you understand what I say? All these different things.

But let me tell you why that’s water on a duck’s back to me and I’m gonna give you a scripture and it’s Psalms (Psalm) 49:16 “be not thou afraid when one is made rich, (chuckles to himself) when the glory of his house is increased.”

Duplantis asks his wife and coconspirator to read the same verse in the Amplified Bible, which gives a bit more context, and she accidentally roasts him by showing he’s ascribing to himself the qualities and characteristics of an “ungodly man.” 

“Well, Amplified says “be not afraid when an ungodly one is made rich, when the wealth and glory of his house are increased” and goes on “for when he dies you will carry nothing away; His glory will not descend after him.”

LOLOLOLOL. Bingo. The entire chapter is a Psalm that warns against the folly of placing trust in wealth. It’s a scathing rebuke of those who trust in their wealth and boast in the abundance of their riches’, predicting their ultimate demise in darkness, their riches left behind, and the light forever out of their reach. 

For Duplantis, though, who never met a bible verse he couldn’t molest, he’s too crooked and spiritually bankrupt to admit his error, so he quickly glosses over it and pivots. 

h/t Shawn at Revealing Truth on YouTube


Jesse Duplantis Insists He’s so Righteous ‘I have a hard time sinning. I have to make myself’

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis is known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord’ flexes on him by ‘giving’ him a private jet. Perhaps the best living example of a two-fold son of hell that will spend eternity screaming in horror in the lake of fire if he doesn’t repent, we wrote about him recently after he argued that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his gain for decades, then Jesus will tell you to “go to hell,” as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven. Notably, he’s claimed that God has given him half a billion dollars over the last few years to “reach souls” but that it’s not enough.

He’s claimed to be the fulfillment of messianic prophesies eternally associated with Christ, engaged in gross manipulation when he told folks to give me money so Jesus doesn’t have to cry anymore, and said: “When you see me, you see the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. You see God Incarnate.”

In his December 17, 2023 sermon, he claims that it’s really, really hard for him to sin, suggesting that unless he tries to force himself to do it, it’s not going to happen.

“So I don’t frustrate the grace of God. Do you see? Oh somebody’s gonna get mad at that. I have a hard time sinning. I have to make myself. I have to get in the flesh. But if I crucify the flesh daily, instead of Sunday, and when you do that daily instead of Sunday, then you understand the name of Jesus.

…Why do we believe stuff that hurts us? So I’m really not concerned about sin, or sickness, or disease. I don’t have time for that. Why? I sound like I’m bragging and I’m not. He’s my Lord.
I’m not concerned about sin when he’s delivered me from sin, and He made me righteous. Whether you believe I am or not, has got nothing to do with me. God looks at me says ‘Jessie righteous. Jessie righteous. That’s why I made his hair white. It glows’. Jessie got great joy.

That doesn’t mean the devil don’t try to attack me. I don’t want you to misunderstand that. The devil will try to attack me with sickness. I go “oh oh oh you’re talking to the wrong man here. I pay no attention to you.” No, no. “No, but you better watch what you say” Oh, I’m only saying what God says so why do I have to watch it?”


Arch-Heretic Jesse Duplantis Says He’s Burned Through Half a BILLION Dollars in a Few Years

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis is known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord’ flexes on him by ‘giving’ him a private jet. We wrote about him recently after he argued that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his gain for decades, then Jesus will tell you to “go to hell,” as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven.

He’s claimed to be the fulfillment of messianic prophesies eternally associated with Christ, engaged in gross manipulation when he told folks to give me money so Jesus doesn’t have to cry anymore, and said: “When you see me, you see the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. You see God Incarnate.”

In his recent message at the 2023 Southwest Believer’s Convention, Duplantis explains that he spent half a billion dollars in a few short years ‘touching’ people for God, resulting from a casual conversation with the Trinity.

I thought I could save the world with $100 million dollars.  So I went to the throne of God.  He said, ‘what do you want Jesse?’  He didn’t ask me what I need.  He’s never asked me what I need.  He’s never said  ‘what you need?’  Never.  In my whole Christian life. He says ‘what do you want?’  I said,  ‘Lord,  I need $100 million dollars.’  I said ‘I can touch the world for $100 million dollars’  Whoo.  He said, ‘done’. Gave me $100 million dollars.

Now, if you want to get Wall Street’s attention, you got to get to the $100 million.  They ain’t thinking about anything else.  You hit that $100 million mark,  now you’re getting people’s attention.  Well,  I ran out of money.  So I went back to the throne.  I said,  ‘Jesus?’  He said ‘you need another $100 million?’  I said,  ‘yeah’.  He gave me another $100 million.  I thought,  I’m ready, Jesus! Whoo!

Got back a year and a half later,  I said (insert weird snorting sound).  He said,  ‘you need another $100 million?’  I said, ‘ yes  sir.’  Gave it to me.  He gave it.  That’s $300 million.  I was out of money in nine months on that one.  I’m standing there.  He just leaned over and said,  ‘give him another $100 million.’

 I went five times. That’s a half a billion dollars.  Gave it to me.

By ‘gave him the money,’ he means that he manipulated and twisted scripture so naive (and not so naive) folks would give him their life savings and last mite, hoping to receive miracles, supernatural healing, and financial blessings in return. He continues:

Then I realized that ain’t enough money to touch the world.  Apple has just been diagnosed as a $3 trillion company.  $3 trillion,  and they can’t touch the world, they can’t change the world.  They just make phones.  Now, for us to get America, if we want to get America’s attention,  we got to knock out a $32 trillion debt.  

…See, that’s what we need to do, because the whole world runs and spins on money.  It’s an economic tool.  So when you find vision,  you find duties and opportunity.



Jesse Duplantis Claims God Changed the Words of the Constitution at the Last Minute Before Signing

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis, known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord ‘flexes on him by ‘giving’ him a private jet, is a lost man. We wrote about him recently after he argued that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his gain for decades, then Jesus will tell you to “go to hell,” as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven.

In a post a few months ago, he claimed to be the fulfillment of messianic prophesies eternally associated with Christ and in his new sermon, said that “When you see me, you see the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. You see God Incarnate.” We recently clocked him after he engaged in some massive manipulation tactics, saying that Jesus is perpetually crying and that people need to give him money so Jesus doesn’t have to cry anymore.

Well, the theologically decrepit old codger is up to his tricks again. After giving a brief history lesson on the country’s founders, he offered this tantalizing nonsense.

Now, the author of the Constitution of the United States is President James Madison, who was the fourth president of the United States. But he had this vision that God placed in him. And see what they wanted was not a United States of America, they wanted free and independent states. So each they could do their own thing, free and independent states, but that’s not power. So these four men had the vision.

So what happened when James Madison- he’s called the author of the Constitution- he was supposed to say, ‘we, the people of free and independent states.’ That’s the way it was supposed to happen, but God changed the word on the day that he spoke it, for the Constitution.

He said, ‘we the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union’, you know, the preamble. And so what happened is, God united this United States together at that day under a document called the Constitution of the United States.


Televangelist Jesse Duplantis Says He Lives in a Mansion with a $159K Rolex Because He’s Just ‘Acting Like God’ +Other Wild Heresies

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis, known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord ‘flexes on him by ‘giving’ him a private jet, is a lost man. We wrote about him recently after he argued that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his gain for decades, then Jesus will tell you to “go to hell,” as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven.

In the last few days, he claimed to be the fulfillment of messianic prophesies eternally associated with Christ, and said that Jesus wants to live inside of us because “we are just that good” and are “perfection.” Now, he claims that the reason he doesn’t get sick and also lives in a mansion is because God doesn’t get sick and lives in a mansion, and that because people wouldn’t get mad at God for wearing a luxury watch, they shouldn’t get mad at him.

And Duplantis does love his watches, being featured multiple times on Prophets n Watches.

Now, he explains:

So you’re mad at me because I’m blessed? Well, I’m just acting like my Dad. Because he’s blessed. You’re mad at me because I live in a mansion? I’m just acting like my Father. ‘Cause He living in a mansion. Don’t shout me down I’m preaching good. ‘Oh, well he just never get sick.’ Well, I’m just acting like my Father. He took my infirmity, bore, he didn’t- watch this- he didn’t want sickness on the flesh. Why? Because he dwelt in it.

…So you can say what you want. I think a lot, I think very good things about me. Let me say that again because some of y’all didn’t quite get that. I think a lot of good things about me because Christ in me the hope of glory. You call it bragging? I call it dwelling. He dwells in me and I dwell in him.

Some people get mad because I said something about a watch the other day. You know why? Because they don’t have one I guess. They don’t realize, would you get mad if you saw God wearing a fine watch? No.

…Let me read that St John 1:14 again: “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory.” Ooh man, that’s good. Now, (unintelligible) say we beheld his glory, in the flesh. This is not at the throne of God.

‘Oh, but that’s Jesus.’ Ephesian 5:1 Be ye therefore imitators of God, they should dwell”– they should be amazed at your glory. “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth.”

He was the first begotten of the dead. You got a number? Where’s your number? Do you see what I’m saying? (Editor’s note, he’s saying we are the second and third and whatever number begotten of the dead, referencing Revelation 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood)


Heretic Jesse Duplantis: “When You See Me, You see ‘God The Father’ and ‘God Incarnate’

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis, known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord ‘flexes on him by ‘giving’ him a private jet, is a lost man. We wrote about him recently after he argued that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his gain for decades, then Jesus will tell you to “go to hell,” as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven.

In a post a few days ago, he claimed to be the fulfillment of messianic prophesies eternally associated with Christ and in his new sermon, he says that Jesus wants to live inside of us because “we are just that good” and are “perfection.” He concludes by saying “When you see me, you see the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. You see God Incarnate.”

Transcript Highlights:

We have been taught for millenniums and centuries how bad our flesh is. And we’ve thought if we would beat it the pieces, subject it hard, that God would be pleased. Yet the Bible said ‘present your bodies (as) a living sacrifice.

…Christmas is not a time factor, it’s an eternity factor. Write this down. Christ in us is the dwelling place of God. The place of Revelation. The meeting place of God and man. You know where you want to know where God and man meets? Right here.

So when you see that God and man meets inside of you, and he doesn’t dwell in an ugly place. Let me say it again. Christ in us is the dwelling place of God. Christ in us is the dwelling place of God, the place of revelation. The meeting place of God and man. Wooo! Aint that something? And the Word was made flesh.’

Why did God want to get inside of us? Because we were just that good. When he created he never wanted to become an angel. Think about that. He never wanted to become a Seraphim…He never wanted to become an archangel. He never wanted to become anything he ever created till he created us.

He continues:

Now I’m gonna shock me somebody mad. Why? Because we were perfection at his best. ‘Let us make man in our image.’ What’s a man? What is man that thou art mindful of him? That’s why he said “present your bodies a living sacrifice.” Why? ‘Because I live in there. ‘

So quit thinking you bad, because you’re not. God don’t live in the ghetto, but mankind. Evidently he (God) thinks you a mansion. Uh oh. Not a trailer, aint nothing wrong with a trailer, but a mansion.

…See, let me say again. When Jesus was born, the possibilities of human nature began to be realized. Now how did that happen? In Christ, we breathe in new air. What happened? We have crossed the new boundary line. So I’m gonna say something gonna shock you. When you see me. You see the Father. You see the sun. You see the Holy Ghosts. You see God incarnate. It’s called the incarnation.


Televangelist Jesse Duplantis Says the Most Blasphemous Thing He’s Ever Said

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis, known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord ‘flexes on him by ‘giving’ him a private jet, is a lost man. We wrote about him recently after he argued that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his gain for decades, then Jesus will tell you to “go to hell,” as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven.

In his Christmas sermon The Gift That Jesus Gave To His Father, because he hates Jesus, Duplantis wears a bow as an illustration that he is the gift Jesus gave the Father. Rather than preaching Jesus is the gift the Father gave us to save us from our sins, he offers that he is the fulfillment of messianic prophesies eternally associated with Christ.

In (Isaiah 9:6) “For unto us a child is born. unto us a son is given. And the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Yet the book of Ephesians 5:1 says, “Be therefore imitators of God, as dear children.” So when I look at Isaiah 9:6 where is the government now? Its on us. The government of the world is on mankind.

And because we’re made in God’s image and in God’s likeness, you can call us ‘Wonderful’, ‘Counsellor’, ‘Mighty God’, ‘Christ in us. ‘The everlasting Father’. Wooo! ‘The Prince of Peace’.

That’s what it means to be the gift that Jesus gave to you. See when you are a gift of God, it gives you the ability to act like God. People get irritated when we act like God. But if we don’t, then we’re acting like somebody else. You see what I’m saying?

h/t to Justin Peters. For a fuller commentary on this abomination of a “sermon” click this link on his YT channel.


Charismatic Heretic: Jesus Will Tell You to Go to Hell if You Don’t Believe in Prosperity

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis, known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord ‘flexes on him by ‘Giving’ him a Private Jet, had some theologically unsavory thing to say about health and wealth, explaining that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his own gain for decades, then, the Jesus will tell you to “go to hell”, as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven.

Well you know I figured out something ladies and gentlemen. See, satan doesn’t want you to realize that every dime he’s got belongs to you and God has an economic world.. I mean if you think about it listen, I had a man so mad at me “oh you just believe that God will bless you.” I said ‘sir, you can’t go to heaven- you ain’t gonna like it.’

You’re not gonna like heaven- they got gold streets that make you mad. They got diamond, jasper, onyx, ruby. They got pearly gates. You need to go to hell because there’s gravel down there, you understand what i’m saying? Isn’t that the most assine thing you ever heard in yoruy life? What are you going to do when you get to ehaven and see all that that? I mean what are people going to say? (mimics petulan person with arms cross” “NO JESUS.”

He’s going to say “well then go to hell’…. because he will not have poverty in his kingdom.

I’m Jesse Duplantis and I approve this message

h/t to Reformation Charlotte for the vid

Money Grubbing Heretics

Millionaire Scamvangelists Brag About their Private Jets+ Link Flying to Mark of the Beast

Two multimillionaire evangelists spent a night together at a fundraising event bragging about their private jets while offering a new novel concept for what the mark of the beast is, along with explaining why Jesus hasn’t come back yet.

These money-grubbing musings came at Victorython, a major three-day fundraising event created to raise millions of dollars to support Kenneth Copeland’s Victory Network, his television network that hosts his show, along with every other widow-bilking heretic and false teacher in Christendom.

After yucking it up with the theologically corrupt Jesse Duplantis, his naked greed on full display as he gave us such satanic pearls like:

“I honestly believed this: that the reason why Jesus hadn’t come is because people are not giving the way God told them to give. You see what I’m saying,-I mean when you understand you can speed up the time, you know, and I pray for the Lord all the time, but speed up the time, Jesus sped up the time for Mary at the wedding of Cana.

they talked shop about the importance of owning a private plane- Copeland has three- explaining:

The time has come for ministries, particularly traveling ministries, to have some other method of travel other than the airlines. You get into this situation-‘ we’re not going to let you fly unless you’re vaccinated’- well to me that’s the mark of the beast.

h/t RWW