
Jerry Falwell Jr. Sues Liberty Over Plans to Build $35M Shrine to His Dad, ft. Hologram Tour

Let’s take a stroll down the scandal-ridden path of Jerry Falwell Jr., the former president of Liberty University, who, in a predictable twist, has now decided to sue the very Christian college he once presided over for the unauthorized use of his late father’s image. Yes, the same father who founded the school and whose legacy he tarnished by resigning amidst a sex scandal in 2020 following scandalous photos of him taken on a yacht 

Earlier this year, Falwell Jr., who steered the university’s ship from 2007 until his ousting in 2020, slapped the school with a lawsuit for $8.5 million. His claim? Unpaid retirement benefits. He’d already drawn up defamation and breach of contract suits against the university. In a tit-for-tat move, the school responded with a breach of contract and fiduciary case of their own against Falwell. 

The crux of the latest suit is the plan by the university to build a $35 million Jerry Falwell Center. This grand project is in honor of his father, who founded the school in 1971 and would serve as a living monument to the man. 

The proposed architectural marvel is set to feature an engraving of the elder Falwell’s signature at the entrance, a hologram tour showcasing his likeness, and quotes from him emblazoned on the walls.

Falwell Jr. insists that a trust controlled by him and his siblings holds the exclusive rights to his father’s name, intellectual property, and likeness and that the university has continued to use these without the family’s nod of approval. 

He has labeled the planned venture an “ostentatious Disney-esque shrine” and accuses the school of turning a blind eye to the family’s request for a licensing agreement. Oh, the audacity! 

“I asked the university to stop improperly using my father’s intellectual property and sent the university leadership a proposed license agreement that would cover the Jerry Falwell Center, assuming there was meaningful consultation with the family about the use of my father’s intellectual property. Unfortunately, they chose to continue using it without authorization, and in an undignified manner that seems to attempt to aggrandize and deify my father in a fawning way that he would never have wanted or approved.”

Ah, the irony! 

Meanwhile, Liberty University remains unfazed. A spokesman confidently declared that they will “ultimately prevail in this case” and will continue to honor the name of its founder.

The spokesman also shed some light on the lawsuit, stating that it’s in response to Falwell Jr.’s demand of a whopping $7 million for the university’s continued use of his father’s name for the next four years. “Included in his demand is the expectation that, in effect, former president Falwell would also have total editorial control of Liberty’s use of the name of Liberty’s founder.” The university declined the request, so Mr. Falwell filed this lawsuit. And so, the saga continues.


Jerry Falwell Jr. Files Lawsuit Against Liberty University. Again

Liberty University and its former president, Jerry Falwell Jr., continue to trade lawsuits, this time with Falwell filing a new one in the U.S. District Court last week, insisting he is owed over $8.5M following his scandalous departure in 2020.

Falwell previously led Liberty University for 13 years and then was allowed to peacefully leave “on good terms” with a substantial multimillion-dollar severance given to him by a cowardly board of trustees despite being embroiled in a sex scandal and a history of inappropriate behavior, started by the infamous yacht photo.

It was later revealed that Falwell was engaging in activities like throwing Trailer Park Boys-themed parties, posing with pants unzipped with a family friend, liking half-naked pictures of models, giving interviews where he’s either drunk or on drugs, or engaging in bizarre weightlifting videos.  

He and the university have been embroiled in a series of legal antagonization, with Falwell previously launching a $10M lawsuit against them for defamation, and they, in turn, suing him right back. According to reports:

The lawsuit says Falwell was due $7.6M back in 2020 in his retirement account.

Each year after that, the account was supposed to be credited an additional 6% investment return, now reaching that $8.5M figure he says he’s owed.

The lawsuit claims Liberty is unjustly denying those payments because of pending litigation between them in another case.

Back in 2021, Liberty sued Falwell for $10M, claiming Falwell negotiated his new contract in bad faith, without disclosing the scandal involving a Miami pool attendant that was about to unfold.

Falwell is claiming he resigned without cause, and therefore the contract stands.

Liberty has responded, offering that “this claim is part of a larger dispute currently pending in state court. The University will defend the new action on the same grounds it has already plead on the record in the state case. Liberty is confident it is not legally required to pay these funds and will file the appropriate responses with the federal court.”


Evangelical Stuff News Scandal

Seemingly Drunk Jerry Falwell Jr. Crashes Show, Invites Students to Party at his House

Less than two weeks after Liberty University launched a 10 million dollar lawsuit against their former President, accusing him of conspiracy and breach of contract by sullying their reputation with his filthy yacht behavior, sexual escapades with wife Becki, a habit of “liking” bikini-clad images of his former students, and alleging that he failed to disclose “the issue of his personal impairment by alcohol,” Jerry Falwell Jr. showed up at a multi-family gathering celebrating the 2021 class of seniors, and made his way to the stage.

Grabbing a microphone while appearing visibly intoxicated and slurring his speech, Falwell told the people gathered that he was out with his wife Becki when he heard about the comedy show from his daughter who is a junior at Liberty.

Crashing the party, he congratulated the students and invited students back to his house, telling them “I just want to invite all the seniors to our farm on May 8. We’re going to have the real Liberty graduation.”

He then added afterward: “If you’re not a senior but you date one, you can come, too.”

After the invite, he noted that his daughter was “probably so pissed at me right now,” but encouraged students and attendees to spread the word “as fast as you can” about the event on social media, telling them “we gotta move quickly.”

According to RNS, who interviewed him after the April 30 invitation, he laughed it off, saying that he was just joking about it being the “real party” and that he was inviting them because he wanted to “thank the students because they’ve shown me so much love through all this ordeal. Everywhere I go, they’re so forgiving. They’re so loving. And I want to reciprocate by having them out to my farm.”

When pressed whether or not his actions were appropriate, given his sordid history with some of the students, plus the current action against him which resulted in him resigning in disgrace, he was unapologetic, arguing, “I live right here, and I’ve got a big farm, and I got a bunch of students that I love and that love me, and I’m going to do it…I don’t care whether anybody likes it or not.”

This is not the first time that he’s appeared looking flush and inebriated. Not only was he out of it when he appeared with pants unzipped at the yacht party, but he called in a radio show a few days later trying to explain it away. Just five days after he stepped down from Liberty, his wife called 911 because Falwell had called down while intoxicated and there was blood everywhere.

According to witnesses who were at the party, alcohol was not being served there, and he would have arrived in that state.


$10,000,000 in Damages! Liberty Sues Jerry Falwell Jr. for Sullying its Reputation

(ABC News) Liberty University has filed a civil lawsuit against its former leader, Jerry Falwell Jr., seeking millions in damages after the two parted ways acrimoniously last year.

The complaint, filed Thursday in Lynchburg Circuit Court, alleges Falwell crafted a “well-resourced exit strategy” from his role as president and chancellor in the form of a 2019 employment agreement while withholding from the school key details about a personal scandal that exploded into public view last year.

“Despite his clear duties as an executive and officer at Liberty, Falwell Jr. chose personal protection,” the lawsuit says.

It also alleges that Falwell failed to disclose and address “the issue of his personal impairment by alcohol” and has refused to fully return Liberty’s confidential information and other personal property.

Falwell responded to a phone call from The Associated Press on Friday with a text saying he was not available to talk.

It wasn’t immediately clear if he has an attorney representing him in the matter. The AP left a message seeking comment with an attorney who has represented him previously.

Falwell’s departure from the Virginia university in August 2020 came soon after Giancarlo Granda, a younger business partner of the Falwell family, said he had a yearslong sexual relationship with Falwell’s wife, Becki Falwell, and that Jerry Falwell participated in some of the liaisons as a voyeur.

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This article was written by Sarah Rankin of the associated press. Published at ABC News. Title changed by Protestia.


Liberty University Students Call for Shutdown of Falkirk Center for ‘Tarnishing’ Christian Witness

(Christian Post) A group of students and alumni at Liberty University are calling for a think tank at the evangelical Christian college focused on political activism to be shut down.

More than 400 students have signed a petition calling on the Lynchburg, Virginia-based university to shut down the Falkirk Center for Faith and Liberty, a think tank founded last year by then-Liberty President Jerry Falwell Jr. and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. The petition, titled “Liberty United Against Falkirk,” contends that the think tank has “waged war against decency, respect, and Christian charity, all while misrepresenting Liberty students and the Christian church.”

The stated purposes of the Falkirk Center are to “uphold the Christian faith and defend America’s Constitution” and to “inform all Americans in matters of faith and liberty, and then deploy these faithful men and women across every medium and platform to protect and defend our strongest-held beliefs in every facet of society.” The think tank also stresses the importance of “bold, unapologetic encouragement and initiative on the part of every conservative American.”

The petition took issue with the Falkirk Center’s assertion that “although we do, as Jesus taught, turn the other cheek in our personal relationships…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Ryan Foley and published at the Christian Post.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Religion Scandal

Jerry Falwell Jr. Comes to Senses: Drops Defamation Lawsuit Against Liberty U

Disgraced Former Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. has come to his senses and dropped a lawsuit he filed against his former empire, likely realizing that there’s something called “discovery” and deciding he doesn’t want any part of it.

Falwell led Liberty University for 13 years and then was allowed to peacefully leave “on good terms” with a huge multimillion-dollar severance given to him by a cowardly board of trustees despite being embroiled in a sex scandal and a history of inappropriate behavior, started by the infamous yacht photo.

Lawyers for Falwell pulled back the case and the Judge granted the motion to dismiss it, for now, with Falwell having the option to refile it at a later date. He said in a brief statement Thursday:

I’ve decided to take a time out from my litigation against Liberty University, but I will continue to keep all options on the table for an appropriate resolution to the matter.

Falwell claimed in the suit that Liberty violated its employment agreement with him by disparaging him publicly, something they should not be able to do according to his contract, as well as making public comments on the reasons he was leaving. He asserted that these “defamatory or slanderous remarks” wrecked his reputation and caused him immense personal and professional damage.

As to why he’s withdrawn his suite, what likely happened was that Falwell realized that in order for Liberty to demonstrate they had not defamed him with falsehoods, he and family and friends would be deposed and have to answer a series of questions under oath that he definitely did not want to be asked, less his further corruptions and vices be exposed.

With Falwell doing things like throwing Trailer Park Boys themed parties, posing with pants unzipped with a family friend, liking half-naked pictures of models, giving interviews where he’s either drunk or on drugs, or engaging in bizarre weight lifting videos, he likely knew they had more than enough fodder to light that keg.

Interestingly enough, even while Falwell was embroiled in a legal case against his former school, he hasn’t kept too far away from Liberty. He was given a tour of Liberty University’s new Vines Center a few weeks ago, tagging them in an Instagram post.

As for Vines Center’s page, well, they’re posting pictures that certainly seem inspired by their past leader. We’re not sure why they would post pictures like this on an official social media page for a Christian University, which has drawn predictable comments, except to say that clearly, Falwell’s permissive influence over LU is more pervasive than we thought.

Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured

Jerry Falwell Jr. and Wife Played Kinky ‘Would you Rather’ Game with Liberty Students

(Politico) When Jerry Falwell Jr. and his wife Becki strolled around the Lynchburg, Va., campus of Liberty University, the evangelical school which Falwell led as president, they would play a secret game called “Would you rather.”

The middle-aged couple would point to students, men and women, and imagine what it would be like to have sex with them, according to a former student who said Becki told him about the game.

The former student, a member of a band with the Falwells’ son Trey, has said that Becki initiated oral sex with him while he stayed overnight at the Falwell home, following other attempts to seduce him. She confided to him the details of the game she and her husband would play, and told him multiple times how she and Jerry would take note of students’ appearances.

“Her and Jerry would eye people down on campus,” the former student, who was 22 when Becki performed oral sex on him and is now 32, said. “She didn’t go into specifics, but said, ‘Oh, me and Jerry play games all the time, like “Would you rather?” with people on campus.’ I’ll never forget that.”

A close friend and neighbor of the Falwells told POLITICO that Becki confided to her about the relationship with the student. When the friend warned that Jerry would be upset to hear about it, the friend said, Becki told her that the only thing Jerry would be upset about was…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by By MAGGIE SEVERNS, BRANDON AMBROSINO and MICHAEL STRATFORD and published at Politico. Title changed by Protestia.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Liberty University Announces Forensic Firm and Falwell-necessitated Misconduct Website

Liberty University has taken the next step in their pledge to launch a comprehensive review of their business operations and shady practices, hiring global forensic law firm Baker Tilly US to investigate the University, as well as setting up a website to “facilitate the reporting of potential misconduct to the investigative team.” This is a continuation of their decision that was announced in late August after the gross moral failings and sexual shenanigans of president Jerry Falwell Jr. were revealed.

According to an LU press release:

The web-based portal is hosted on encrypted services.  It permits confidential submission of sensitive information from current and former Liberty University employees, contractors and business affiliates.  The website was developed and is hosted by a third-party vendor independent of Liberty University.

Those with information they believe might be useful to the forensic investigation into potential misconduct in business operations of the University and/or any improper decisions or actions by current or former members of University leadership, are encouraged to visit the portal at to learn more and file a confidential report.

The website reporting is only available for 60 days, and rest assured that while not strictly designed for us, we at Protestia contacted the firm and listed a series of grievances and questions of impropriety, particularly the notion that Falwell left the University on “good terms” and as a result received a multi-million dollar payout.

We wrote about this two months ago, when we said:

Liberty University has declared themselves complicit in Jerry Falwell Jr’s sin by covering up and sweeping everything under the rug, agreeing to pay the disgraced former president $10,500,000 following his resignation, content to see him leave peacefully rather than insisting that he be held accountable for his actions. 

Falwell is receiving the full amount under the terms in his contract because he is departing from the University officially in good standing with them, without admitting to any wrongdoing and because the university has chosen not to formally accuse him.

‘The board was gracious not to challenge that,’ said Falwell, relieved at being able to get out with millions in his bank and refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing or sin on his part. ‘There wasn’t any cause…I haven’t done anything.’

Furthermore, according to sources, Falwell will be given the privilege to consult for the school during its transition to a new administration, offering advice and input into the new President who will be replacing him and acting President Jerry Prevo.

If the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors had any sort of integrity or strength of conviction, they would not have allowed Falwell to leave in good standing with them, staying silent as his insistence that he has done nothing wrong despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

They wouldn’t have chosen not to formally charge him, but rather would have enacted disciplinary procedures, showing the world and their students that they take these sorts of things seriously. They should have challenged his compensation. They should have fired him for gross misconduct and sexual malfeasance. They should have kicked him out, publicly, acknowledging that he did do something terribly wrong.

But no. They are allowing Falwell to slink away, undercover, in good standing, with $10,500,000 dollars and likely the last word they will ever say on his behavior, allowing the impression that ‘hasn’t done anything’ to stand in the chasm.

We await to see what is uncovered.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Newly Released 911 Call From Intoxicated Jerry Falwell Jr.’s House Describes ‘A Lot Of Blood’

(People) Just five days after he stepped down from his posts at Liberty University amid scandal, Jerry Falwell Jr.’s wife called police to report that he was intoxicated and bleeding in their Virginia home, according to a new report.

Becki Falwell — whose affair with a former Miami pool attendant, and Jerry’s alleged involvement, sparked controversy — called police in Bedford County on Aug. 30 to report “a lot of blood” from her husband’s apparent injuries, according to records and 911 audio obtained by HuffPost.

Becki reportedly phoned 911 around 2:30 a.m., and said that she had been in church around 11 p.m. when Jerry, 58, called her and told her he fell down the stairs and was bleeding. When she arrived home, the doors were locked, so she used a chair to break into the back door, HuffPost reported.

When asked by the dispatcher if Jerry had been drinking alcohol, Becki, 53, reportedly answered “yes,” but declined to respond when asked if he’d been drinking “heavily.”

Evangelicals often avoid alcohol, and at the Christian Liberty University, which was founded by Falwell’s pastor father in 1971, students are prohibited from drinking, per the student code of conduct.

Becki was asked about Jerry’s alcohol intake once more, and the dispatcher said that his excessive bleeding could be from drinking, as alcohol thins the blood, HuffPost reported.

“The more I tell you the name, the more you’re going to understand why we’re not talking to you right now,” Becki reportedly responded.

Medics and emergency responders eventually arrived at the residence and found Jerry with multiple cuts on his face…

To continue reading, click here:

Editor’s Note. This post was written by Rachel DeSantis and published at People. Title changed by Pulpit and Pen

Breaking Evangelical Stuff Featured

Breaking: Jerry Falwell Jr. Claims Blackmail over Wife’s Affair Led to Downward Spiral

UPDATE# The pool boy has responded and claims that Jerry Falwell Jr. was an active participant in these sexual encounters, and has provided screenshots and other evidence to Reuters. See more of that developing story here

Jerry Falwell Jr, currently suspended from his role as President of Liberty University over a recent series of very poor decisions, revealed late Sunday that he has been experiencing depression and emotional hell for years after a former friend who had an affair with his wife has been threatening to expose it and extort them.

The embattled Falwell revealed in a statement to the Washington Examiner, posted below in full, that his wife, Becki Falwell, committed adultery with family friend Giancarlo Granda almost a decade ago, confirming longtime rumors.

“Shortly thereafter, Becki had an inappropriate personal relationship with this person, something in which I was not involved – it was nonetheless very upsetting to learn about. After I learned this, I lost 80 pounds and people who saw me regularly thought that I was physically unwell…”

As a result of the affair, Falwell says that a “fatal attraction” scenario emerged, with Granda behaving in destructive, dangerous, and predatory behavior towards the family, threatening to expose and destroy them over the sexual indiscretion if they did not pay him large sums of money in exchange for his silence.

Though Falwell says that he’s forgiven his wife and their relationship is stronger than ever, this secret they’ve been living with has caused Falwell to become depressed and has taken a severe mental toll. Falwell hints that this emotional duress has contributed to his recent professional and personal troubles (the infamous unbuttoned-pants yacht picture) and explains that as a result of the trauma that he’s getting professional help, writing:

I am now dealing with things in a way that I should have done before – including seeking to address the emotional toll this has taken. I shouldn’t have been afraid to admit my vulnerabilities and to reach out for assistance from the mental health professionals who could have alleviated this pain and stress. I am committed to speaking out and sharing with others at Liberty the importance of seeking counseling instead of thinking you need to be tough and try to bear these burdens on your own. I am in the early stages of addressing these issues. As well as the trauma of this experience has brought us to a very challenging point in our lives. [sic]

The decision to release a public statement also comes after Liberty’s Board of Trustees convened on Friday and decided to postpone any decision on Falwell one way or another- neither firing nor reinstating him, but rather for the time being allowing Falwell to remain on paid leave of absence, saying in a statement:

“The decision whether or not to retain Falwell as president has not yet been made. The University and its Board members have decided to not publicly comment on the various rumors and claims about Falwell at this time. Instead, the Board intends to use this time of leave to look into them as part of the process of determining what is in the best interest of Liberty University.

The various rumors about Falwell include this incident which has now come into the light, as well as invariably his perverse propensity to “Like” pictures of his students in bikinis on Instagram, discussed here and here.

August 23, 2020

My family has been blessed with the opportunity to serve Christ and our community over the past 50 years – from when my father founded Liberty in the early 1970’s through today. When my father suddenly passed away in 2007, I quickly and unexpectedly went from being the lawyer working in the background on the business aspects of the school to becoming a very public person, having to overcome my fears of speaking in front of audiences of tens of thousands, with many more responsibilities to the Liberty community and to my own family.

My priority was to build on my father’s vision and to work hard. Thanks to the help of the Board and the extraordinary Liberty faculty, executives, staff, and community, we have ensured the University’s sustained growth and financial health while providing the best and most modern on-campus and online educational and spiritual resources to a wider range of students both in person and through digital platforms.

My commitment to Liberty became and has remained my primary focus – and while I am so grateful and thankful for our collective successes, I also realize in hindsight that there was a toll that this took on me, which extended to my family too. During this time of reflection for us and this especially challenging year, and even more so following the events of the past few weeks, my wife Becki and I agreed that this was the right time for me to share more of our story, because the Liberty community deserves to hear it directly from me and from us.

During a vacation over eight years ago, Becki and I met an ambitious young man who was working at our hotel and was saving up his money to go to school. We encouraged him to pursue an education and a career and we were impressed by his initiative in suggesting a local real estate opportunity. My family members eventually made an investment in a local property, included him in the deal because he could play an active role in managing it, and became close with him and his family.

Shortly thereafter, Becki had an inappropriate personal relationship with this person, something in which I was not involved – it was nonetheless very upsetting to learn about. After I learned this, I lost 80 pounds and people who saw me regularly thought that I was physically unwell, when in reality I was just balancing how to be most supportive of Becki, who I love, while also reflecting and praying about whether there were ways I could have been more supportive of her and given her proper attention. I came to realize that while it may be easy to judge others on their behavior, the King James Bible reminds us – “Thou shalt not commit adultery, but I sayeth unto you, that whoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart.” In fact, there are ways we may all be sinning, but the Lord believes in this self-reflection.

I was and have always remained fully devoted to Becki and we have shared many private conversations to better understand and support each other and to strengthen our marriage. Thankfully, our love has never been stronger. Becki and I forgave each other, because while her indiscretion may have been more obvious and apparent, I realized that there were important smaller things I needed to do better too.

In Ephesians 4:32 we learn – “Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving as God in Christ forgave you.”

We extended the spirit of forgiveness to this man with respect and kindness, both for spiritual and religious reasons, and in the hope that we could help him find his way and allow us to put this behind us, without any harm or embarrassment to our family or to the LU community to which we have dedicated our lives.

During the years that followed, we got to know his family and other loved ones, good people who also really care about him. They shared and confirmed to us that he has periodically demonstrated emotionally unstable behaviors with some destructive tendencies, seemingly in response to his inability to achieve his professional goals. Based on information from other sources, we believe that he may have targeted other successful women in similar ways.

While we tried to distance ourselves from him over time, he unfortunately became increasingly angry and aggressive. Eventually, he began threatening to publicly reveal this secret relationship with Becki and to deliberately embarrass my wife, family, and Liberty University unless we agreed to pay him substantial monies. While this was very upsetting, we had been advised by trusted legal counsel that it was best to maintain contact with this person, as we tried to manage his increasingly erratic behavior and unreasonable demands while extricating ourselves from him both on a personal level and from that real estate transaction. It was like living on a roller coaster.

While completely dedicating ourselves to Liberty, we were also suffering in silence during our personal time together, while simultaneously trying to manage and deal with this increasingly threatening behavior, which only worsened over time. We were doing our best to respectfully unravel this ‘fatal attraction’ type situation to protect our family and the University.

Even years after the improper relationship had ended, this person continued to be aggressive with Becki and me in a variety of ways. We finally decided that we had to further withdraw completely from him, which resulted in him stepping up his threats to share more outrageous and fabricate claims about us (under the guise of that business entity). He clearly moved forward with this plan through a specific member of the media who has continued to badger us, as well as other members of the media, regarding the false claims about the nature of the relationship based on the individual’s misrepresentations. Over the course of the last few months this person’s behavior has reached a level that we have decided the only way to stop this predatory behavior is to go public.

We have categorically rejected this person’s demands while dealing with him and this particular member of the media who seemed just as obsessed with the prurient, untrue aspects of this story, however fantastic.

Even though I continued successfully working with our entire Liberty team to achieve so many of our goals, I am now dealing with things in a way that I should have done before – including seeking to address the emotional toll this has taken. I shouldn’t have been afraid to admit my vulnerabilities and to reach out for assistance from the mental health professionals who could have alleviated this pain and stress. I am committed to speaking out and sharing with others at Liberty the importance of seeking counseling instead of thinking you need to be tough and try to bear these burdens on your own. I am in the early stages of addressing these issues.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on thine own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will guide straight thy path.”

The trauma of this experience has brought us to a very challenging point in our lives, but we are strong, our faith in Christ is greater than ever, and with His help and with those in the community who we love and who appreciate the impact of forgiveness, we will get through this. We ask for your prayers and support.