
Spiritual Child Abuse? Charismatic Revival Night Sees Young Children ‘Slain in the Spirit’ (Caution, Hard to Watch)

We last wrote about Jenny Weaver, the former homeless drug addict and self-cutting Wiccan-turned worship leader after she led a charismatic children’s conference that had kids as young as four years old being encouraged to speak in tongues, prophecy, and get slain in the spirit.

Now she’s actually doing it.

At a November 11, 2022, Core Group revival meetup, Weaver, in a very hard-to-watch video, performs what can only be described as spiritual child abuse. Telling the children they’re about to get “wild for Jesus,” she asks them to come to the front to worship because “they’ll create an atmosphere for God” and won’t get “arrogant” or doubt that the Holy Spirit is in the room. 

At the conclusion of the service, she specifically targets the children, ‘speaking in tongues’ over them while proclaiming, ‘the Lord wants to baptize you in the Holy Ghost.’

With music reverberating through their bodies and surrounded by other kids, she amps them up so much that they become teary, overwhelmed, and succumb to the unbiblical, creepy charismatic invention known as ‘slain in the spirit.’

In response to the criticism, Weaver was unapologetic, writing on her Facebook wall:


Want to Hear RUSHING MIGHTY WINDS as Angels Break Up a Prayer Meeting to Blow a Shofar? Of Course You Do!

A charismatic worship leader is claiming that angels appeared in the form of rushing mighty winds during their April 11, 2022 prayer and worship service, blowing a shofar in a miraculous event that was witnessed by 250 attendees.

We last wrote about Jenny Weaver, the former homeless drug addict, and self-cutting Wiccan-turned worship leader, after she led a charismatic children’s conference that had kids as young as four years old being encouraged to speak in tongues, prophecy, and get slain in the spirit. 

When talking to the gathered folk, Weaver says in a video posted on social media as proof of the good tidings, that she hears a shofar and asks who is blowing it. When no one responds, she declares, “the angel of the Lord is here! the angel of the Lord is here,” and flops around on stage for several minutes, overcome by something, while the crowd shouts and screams. She describes it like this:

ANGEL COMES INTO THE MEETING!! You can literally hear RUSHING MIGHTY WINDS!! . All the musicians got off the instruments and we have at least 250 witnesses to having actual winds blowing on them, and heard the shofar blown! LISTEN at the end to the tongue and the interpretation of the tongue which was a message sent by GOD!!


I’ve never in all of my life experience anything like it, even the temperature and atmosphere changed, we all felt it!!!!! God is real!!!!!!

It is a certainty that the ‘wind blowing on them’ and the ‘rushing might winds’ she heard from the angels was in fact the HVAC unit kicking it.

Sadly, like the time Kat Kerr took a picture of God the Father’s hand in the sky, we’re not convinced.