
Kyle J. Howard Repents of All Racism, Joins James White at Apologia Church

In a move that has caught everyone off guard and left woke Christendom reeling, Kyle J. Howard, notorious race-baiter who is traumatized by his own shadow because it’s not black enough, took to social media to publicly repent of the obstreperous racism that he has carried on for so many years, declaring, “I finally believe that there is neither Jew nor Greek.”

Furthermore, in another shocking twist, Howard announced he’s planning on moving to Arizona in July to sit under Dr. James White, a man who only five years previous declared he would not feel safe meeting one-on-one to be mentored on how he can be an ally to white people.

When we reached out for comment, White affirmed the decision of Howard to move in order to sit under his tutelage and mentorship but then started going on and on about how many debates he’d done, how many tattoos he had, and something about Greek participles. We could not get in a word edgewise and hung up the phone after he started advocating for theonomy, concluding the interview.

Many of Howard’s friends have expressed their disbelief at his change of heart. Julie Roys, who is having him speak at her upcoming restore conference, lamented this on Facebook:

Dwight McKissic declared that Howard was persona non-grata with him from now on and was being ejected from the Facebook group “Secret Sadducees against the SBC.”

Perhaps the person most critical of them all was Beth Moore, who took to Twitter to express her disappointment with her oft-noted nephew, writing this status and tweeting out this photograph:

Howard, however, took on a more reflective and conciliar stance, noting:

I’m sorry, Beloved, but it’s clear to me that CRT is of the devil. This whole time I thought I was fighting racism, but I was only fighting myself. It’s evident, Beloved that I don’t understand what racism is, how it’s manifested, and how to identify it. I know many are disappointed that I won’t be able to help them advance the new notion that reparations are a gospel issue, but Beloved, I will be with you in the heart. In fact, I bought a Blue Lives Matter shirt to remind myself of this very thing.

Lastly, I’d like to offer a special apology to Protestia, who is my most Beloved of all. You are my precious. I know you’ve been detailing my many acts of malfeasance for years, warning others about my dark and deranged heart that sees microaggressions and racism under every rock. You were right to do so, to inform the masses of my leaven, and I endorse every one of your posts.”

As for what he will do for Arizona for employment, whether he has a job lined up or not while he sits under the tutelage of Dr. White and the folk at Apologia, Howard says he will continue his counseling sessions, as well as plans to form a new startup.

I already have a business idea. I will retrofit Trump 2020 MAGA hats to say “2024.” I can’t wait until that lovable rascal comes back on the scene—the greatest president of my lifetime. I should have treated him better. Donald – if you’re out there and you see this – I’m sorry.”

[Editor’s note: We would only post this today of all days.


Julie Roys Condemns James White, John MacArthur for Signing Statement Against Abuse of Power

In a series of posts on social media, Julie Roys of the Roys Report has blasted several well known pastors for signing the ‘The Frankfurt Declaration,‘ complaining about the incongruity of men she decries as “some of the most abusive Christians leaders I know” signing a statement which begins’ In the course of human events, it sometimes becomes necessary for people of good faith to speak out against the abuse of power.’

The Frankfurt Declaration of Christian & Civil Liberties is a statement issued by “A few concerned pastors from different continents, moved by an emergent totalitarianism of the State over all realms of society, and particularly the Church.” Signed by pastors from all across the world and varying denominations, specific signers that she tagged in her post include John MacArthur, Phil Johnson, James White, Tom Buck, and Voddie Baucham. 

Dr. James White quickly bristled at being included in the “most abusive” list. As the two had an exchange, it became apparent that the Frankfurt Declaration was simply a vehicle to level charges at these men for refusing to disassociate from John MacArthur, who she has repeatedly accused of covering up sexual abuse and excommunicating a mother for refusing to take back her child-abusing husband- a claim we’ve debunked repeatedly over several posts found here.

After White continues to take exception to the charges of being an abuser, Roy argues that she didn’t accuse HIM of being abusive, she only included him in a list with several men she has specifically called abusive in the past, including Wilson, MacArthur and Johnson, because he doesn’t call out abuse or disassociate himself from abusers.

White wasn’t having any of it, and ‘final word’ offered minutes before he stopped engaging with her and the accusations against him.

We reached out to Roys for comment and she did not get back to us at the time of publication.


Prominent Christian Leaders Introduce Statement Against Last 2 years of Govt Totalitarianism

Several well-known Christian leaders have announced and released a new Statement called The Frankfurt Declaration of Christian & Civil Liberties.

In the same vein as the Danvers Statement on biblical manhood and womanhood, the Nashville Statement on gender and sexuality (many of the same signatories), and the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, the Frankfurt Declaration has been issued by “A few concerned pastors from different continents, moved by an emergent totalitarianism of the State over all realms of society, and particularly the Church, and the disregard of God-given and constitutionally guaranteed rights during the Covid crisis, joined in common cause to craft a solemn declaration, which seeks to address these threats with the timeless truths of God’s Word.”

Signed by pastors from all across the world and varying denominations, some of the more notable North American signatories include Voddie Baucham* John McArthur, Joe Boot, Tom Buck, Josh Buice, James Coates, Phil Johnson, Jeff Durbin, Jacob Reaume, Justin Peters, Aaron Rock, Tim Stephens, Doug Wilson, and James White.

Consisting of five articles, they serve as a repudiation of the last two years of totalitarian government policies and practices on the citizenry and the church. Summarized by snippets in the denials, their points are prescient.

Article 2: “We therefore deny that human governments are morally and ideologically neutral and always know or seek what is good for their citizens and that their narrative should be unconditionally trusted. We reject any deception, fear-mongering, propagandizing, and indoctrination by the State and mass media, and all reporting on critical world issues which is premature, selective, or ideologically manipulative. We further reject the assertions of any so-called “scientific consensus” which abandons the scientific method and ignores or suppresses the concerns of dissident voices.”

Article 3: “We therefore deny the dehumanizing actions of a governmental authority or any other
institution to subject any person to psychological manipulation and intimidation. This includes
fostering suspicion of others by portraying them as potential threats to the common and
individual good. We likewise oppose the State’s mandating of medical decisions for its citizens,
and the criminalizing, enforced segregation, vocational disempowerment, and any other
deprivation of rights of persons who choose not to comply with their government’s medical

We thus reject all forms of medical coercion and any restrictions on individual
freedoms for people who are not infected with any contagious, life-threatening disease; this
includes the implementation of vaccine passes, social distancing, or mask-wearing as a general
prerequisite for access to public places or for participation in work or social life.”

Article 4: “We therefore deny totalitarian ideologies of governments which do not recognize the
boundaries of their authority and usurp the authority delegated by God to the Church or the
family. In particular, we reject the tendency of governments to centralize beliefs and conduct
for their citizens by creating an authoritarian society in which the State is absolute.”

Article 5: “We therefore deny that any other authority has jurisdiction over the Church to regulate any
of its affairs in matters of faith and practice, or to relegate its activities to a non-essential status. We thus repudiate all actions of the State that impose coercive measures over the Church and criminalize, inhibit, or regulate any of its activities which are undertaken as acts of service toward its Lord.”

You can se more backround on the statement here:

*Baucham is in Zambia now, but you get the drift.

Church Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff SBC

SEBTS Chapel Speaker Delivers Woke Gospel: + ‘There’s a Possibility of Lynching’

Well, well, well Danny Akin. For one part of the “seminary six” who signed a statement declaring that Critical Race Theory is incompatible with scriptures, you sure have a lot of explaining to do.

This, of course, is the result of James White, Pastor of Christ Our King Community Church in Raleigh, North Carolina preaching a Chapel Message at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) on February 2nd.

SEBTS is one of the six seminaries operated by the Southern Baptist Convention, a repository for all those delicious cooperative dollars that SBC congregants sacrifice so greatly to give and is overseen by Danny Akin, surely the squirreliest of the bunch. Though Akin distances himself from CRT in word, he does not do so in deed and practice, with frequent collaborator Pastor White demonstrating that the message of Critical Race Theory is alive and well at SEBTS.

In the sermon, White “connects Mark 2:1-12 and the hypostatic union with American chattel slavery and social justice, accusing conservative Baptists of leaving the resurrection of Christ out of gospel presentation.” Include an obligatory reference to a fear of lynching by white folk and a note that the gospel of forgiveness of sins by faith in Jesus isn’t enough, and you have one for the ages.

The point of the story is this. It’s not who’s Southern Baptist, who’s not Southern Baptist. It’s not even simply a doctrinal argument. The point of the story is the doctrinal argument that clarifies who Jesus is. That’s what’s at stake. And it’s at stake because historically, when you’re a slave holder, historically, when you’ve not honored the Imago Dei, historically, when you’ve enforced and endorsed segregation, historically, when you haven’t changed positions of power, here’s the problem with that. Historically, when you align up with the nationalistic America rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ, the problem with that is simply this: that you misrepresent who Jesus is. And so Jesus changes the whole trajectory of this. So now that it’s about him, the paralyzed guy just happens to be there in the midst. Similar to being a tool of the story. I got news for you: I know you think that your ideas and everything are so important, but you’re simply just a product and a tool of the story about Jesus. And honestly, I really don’t care whether the Southern Baptist Association goes forward or not, because what’s most important is: will the gospel of Jesus Christ and will Jesus be represented correctly? That is what’s most important…

I serve a Christ who does the impossible when we do the unthinkable. I hope this is a generation that doesn’t get distracted. See, I serve a Christ that I can talk correctly about the historic reality of who we are as black people and white people. I serve a Jesus, who, where we can talk correctly about the injustices that’s been done to the black church. I serve, see, you got to understand, I’m even dressed that way today, because, understand something. From the top up, I’m dressed for the conservatives. From the top up, I’m dressed for you. From the bottom down, I got on my jeans because I’m ready to do some work. Then I got on my boots, too. And I wear a bow tie as a reminder that I tied this myself, and by tying it myself, my neck will not hang from anybody’s rope anymore, because I’m afraid of what I might say that there’s a possibility of lynching. Because black men often had to say those things, and their speech was relegated off of that. But my speech will not be relegated. I tied this myself this morning. And I have to wear that to remind me of speaking truth…

What you see here in Mark chapter 2 is the hypostatic union. That’s to help some of you seminary people out, to make sure that you understand your education is valued and very much so. But it’s the hypostatic union, that you see God and man at work. Don’t try to put him in a box. He’s the God that can deal with the pain of what you and I are going through. He’s a God that’s very present in any kind of sociopolitical framework that you might want to take him out of. But guess what? He’s also the God that can heal and has authority above all of that. God and man always comes together in the hypostatic union that we see here in scripture. Jesus could have just left him on the pallet. He could have just said, “I forgive your sins,” and that would have been enough. See, I’ve heard many say you just need to preach the gospel, and that is enough. But Jesus is showing the holistic purpose of him being God and man. He doesn’t leave this man paralyzed, because when you leave someone simply talking about forgiveness of sins, you leave them at the cross but you don’t take them to the three days later of the resurrection.

And so when you only preach necessarily theological truths without sociological and practical realities, you got a cross gospel but you don’t have a full gospel, because the resurrection says there will be change. You cannot have theological truth without social impact, because that would mean you would say that people are free and still leave the chains on. We’ve had a history of that. We have. You don’t simply have vertical celebration without horizontal reality.

[Editor’s note: Thanks to @wokepreachertv for the clip, transcript, and even part of the video description. It’s not theft, it’s flattery ;)]

podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Gay Harassers, James White goes PostMill, and Mark Dever Lies About Trayvon Martin

On this episode of Polemics Report for February 27, 2021, JD covers the latest news stories from, including Christians charged in New Jersey with “intimidating” homosexuals by preaching the truth, the propensity for young people to errantly identify as homosexual, and Mark Dever’s historical revisionism regarding Trayvon Martin before discussing “anti-truth” in modern culture and Rand Paul calling out transgenderism for what it is on the floor of the Senate.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

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