
Funeral For Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter Includes John Lennon’s Communist Anthem ‘Imagine’

Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are the only two Southern Baptists to serve as President of the United States. Clinton became a member of a Methodist Church, along with his wife, upon taking office in 1993. However, Jimmy Carter remained a Baptist after marrying Rosalynn, a Methodist. Carter was credited with becoming the first self-proclaimed “Born Again” Christian as a part of his Presidential campaign, professing a faith that heavily emphasized social gospel in alignment with his big government brand of Democrat Politics. 

The Carters are considered an institution at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains Georgia, a church that maintained dual affiliations with the ultra-liberal cooperative Baptist Fellowship and SBC, before finally breaking ties with the SBC over the SBC’s 2000 Baptist Faith and Message stand against female pastors and the SBC stand against homosexuality.

Maranatha Baptist Church now functions as a Jimmy Carter-themed shrine and tourist attraction, with the church’s website featuring more mentions of the Carter family than Christ. Carter has stated, “I believe that Jesus would approve of gay marriage.” He explained his unbiblical views in an interview with the Huffington Post, arguing, “I think Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else, and I don’t see that gay marriage damages anyone else.”

Following the death of Rosalynn Carter on November 19, a memorial service for the first lady was held at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church in Atlanta, GA. The service was attended by President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, all five living former first ladies, former President Bill Clinton, and former President Jimmy Carter. 

In keeping with the social-gospel theme of the Carter family religion, the brand of Globalist VIP attendees who devoted their careers to building big government, and the setting of a United Methodist Church-a denomination where pretty much anything goes, country music power couple Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood were invited to perform John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s communist anthem “Imagine”, a song that embodies every ideal of communism, globalism, and universalism, in a way that denies the realities of heaven, hell, and the coming righteous judgment of God.

 Most Bible-believing Christians can’t imagine a church that would allow such sacrilege in the sanctuary. Then again, it is the United Methodist Church, which is rapidly downgrading into a denomination that is nearly identical to Unitarian Universalism in the scope of its heretical teachings.