
Jesus Christ Simulator? New Video Game Allows People to Play Through The Gospels as The Messiah

A Christian video game designer has created a virtual reality game that allows players to play as Jesus through the gospels, with the final levels being crucified and then rising from the dead. The promo material for the game ‘I am Jesus Christ’ explains:

“Walk in the footsteps of Jesus in this incredible first-person retelling of the story of Christ from birth to resurrection. Perform amazing miracles, interact with a cast of biblical figures and travel around the Holy Land from Jerusalem to Galilee. Become the Messiah in ‘I Am Jesus Christ.”

The game is the brainchild of Maksym Vysochansky, who created it for SimulaM games. In an interview with Premier Christian News, he explains that he hopes kids “will use this game to learn more about who Jesus Christ is.”

“If you are, for example, from a Christian family and you see that your child is playing games, why not give them this game as a test and say ‘hey, check out this game and maybe you’ll learn something.’ You can learn more deeply about Jesus Christ and then later you can learn by yourself, by reading Bible or stories, whatever you want it to do.

This can be a first step, especially for young generation of teenagers, to jump into the environment and to see the whole story behind Jesus Christ.”

The game has been in development since 2019, and Vysochansky expects to have it out to early access testers by December 2022, with a launch date around Easter 2023. The Church of Scotland has already given its blessing to the endeavor, telling the Telegraph:

For centuries, the story of Jesus Christ has been retold in different ways – from mediaeval mystery plays to Hollywood blockbusters.

“Anything which helps people to think about him and discuss his life, mission, ministry, death and resurrection in new ways can only be a positive thing.