Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Pat Robertson Tells Trump to Give Up and ‘Move on’ After Prophecying his Victory

Televangelist Pat Robertson, 90, the living embodiment of the expression “creeping decrepitude has finally crept up on me,” has contradicted a prophecy he gave several months ago where he declared Trump was going to win the election, now saying about the President, “You’ve had your day and it’s time to move on.”

Robertson is no stranger to self-contradiction and absurdity. He’s been deceiving millions of people for literally decades, telling supporters that it’s ok for a husband to divorce a wife with Alzheimer’s, that Christians who believe in creationism are stupid, blaming wives for their husbands cheating on them, and a host of other nonsensical things.

Now, though he specifically prophecied that Trump would win a second term and that after a few years an asteroid would strike the earth and demolish it, he’s now saying that it’s not to be, and that Biden will take the win.

In a transcript poached from our frenemies at the hive of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist, Robertson tells The 700 Club (so named because less than 700 people out of his million audience members are even Christians):

 I think it is all over.  I think the Electoral College has spoken. I think the Biden corruption has not totally been brought to fruition, but it doesn’t seem to be affecting the Electoral College, and I don’t think the Supreme Court is going to move in to do anything, and I think we [are] going to see a President Biden, and I also think we will be seeing a President Kamala Harris not too long after the inauguration of President Biden.

With all his talent, and the ability to raise money and draw large crowds, the president still lives in an alternate reality. He really does. People say, “Well, he lies about this, that, and the other.” But no, he isn’t lying. To him, that’s the truth.  He had the biggest crowd on Inauguration Day. He had more people than ever (?), he was the most popular… he saved NBC with The Apprentice.  You go down the line of things that really aren’t true, and you know, people kept pointing to them, but, because they loved him so much and he was so strong for the evangelicals, the evangelicals were with him all the way.

But there was something about him that was good, that God placed him in that office… he’s done a marvelous job for the economy, but at the same time, he is very erratic, and he’s fired people, and he’s fought people, and he’s insulted people, and keeps going down the line, so it’s a mixed bag.

And I think it would be well to say: You’ve had your day and it’s time to move on.

Though Robertson doesn’t acknowledge this direct contradiction to his earlier prophecy (oh yeah, he also falsely prophecied twice that the world would end in 1982 and then 2007), his shifty shenanigans are par for the course for charismatic ne’er do well‘s. It’s what they do. They blaspheme in God’s name and then move on as if they never said it and we don’t have video of them lying through their teeth.

May Robertson repent, or be rent in two.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

SBC’s LifeWay will Sue the Pants Off Ex-President Thom Rainer After All

In the shortest cease-fire ever, LifeWay has uncrossed their fingers from behind their back and has re-upped their lawsuit against Thom Rainer after a brief detente, choosing to proceed with it rather than seeking alternative methods of arbitration. We brought you the details of this case in our Theologically Bankrupt LifeWay Halts Legal Action Against Morally Bankrupt Thom Rainer article, where we wrote:

The world’s worst organization, LifeWay Christian Resources, has taken a step back from the brink and has put a hold on its breach of contract lawsuit against the winner of the 2018 Worst Christian award, former president Thom Rainer.

LifeWay was suing Rainer for violating his non-compete clause by heading out to enjoy a multi-book, multiyear agreement with rival Tyndale Publishing House while still serving as chief advisory officer for LifeWay. The suit claims this action violated their severance deal, as it would have allegedly given Tyndale a competitive advantage.

Apparently cooler heads turned to steam after all, with Thom Rainer’s son announcing that LifeWay is not a believer in “No take-backsies” and will bring the full wrath of the arm of the law against the embattled ex-president.

The post by Sam Rainer links to a petition, which has garnered about 500 digital signatures at the time of writing and explains:

“LifeWay CEO Ben Mandrell and the trustee officers decided to sue former CEO Thom Rainer without the knowledge of consent of the Board of Trustees. The immediate past trustee chairman, Dr. Jimmy Scroggins, has asked the board to withdraw the suit, but trustees have been denied the chance to meet thus far.

Tell the LifeWay trustees to seek a Biblical Solution for Life.

Tell them to WITHDRAW their lawsuit against Thom Rainer and seek resolution of the dispute OUT of court.”

The real travesty of course is that Rainer wasn’t fired and sued by the Southern Baptist Convention for his long-lived reign of theological terror, where he presided over and organization that packaged and sold a deluge of inspiringly awful material; a cornucopia of heretical trash that has run roughshod over the souls of many who turned to their offerings for guidance, wisdom, and sound biblical teaching. Page after page of theological “filthy rags” was produced and pushed under Rainer’s watch, and he made a mint doing it.

One particularly noteworthy act of scumbaggery was with the pushing of “heavenly tourism” books. Rainer was warned in emails that Alex Malarkey was recanting his book, The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven, but he mocked the messenger and dismissed his concerns and continued to sell the book. When Malarkey’s Open Letter to Lifeway (originally posted on this very news site) made international news, Thom Rainer’s spokesperson at Lifeway lied and said he just heard about the book being fraudulent, and immediately pulled it down. When we released the emails showing Rainer knew much sooner and didn’t care, choosing to profit from the book anyway, Rainer simply said, “No comment.”

We will update details on this slap-fest accordingly.