
FTC Suing Largest Christian University in US (Grand Canyon) for ‘Deceptive and Abusive Telemarketing Practices’

Months after it was announced that Grand Canyon University (GCU), the country’s largest Christian university, was being fined $37.7 million by the federal government for allegations that they misled students about the full costs of some of their programs, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has also announced they’re suing the 120,000-student school for “deception.”

According to a recent notice on their website, the FTC is suing GCU, Grand Canyon Education (GCE) and GCU president Brain Mueller for “deceiving prospective doctoral students about the cost and course requirements of its doctoral programs and about being a nonprofit” while also engaging in “deceptive and abusive telemarketing practices.”

For the former, the FTC says that some of GCU’s doctoral programs advertise one price to finish, when in reality, 98% of students require additional “continuation courses” to complete, adding thousands of dollars to the cost of their program. They also say that “the defendants also used abusive telemarketing calls to try to boost enrollment at GC” and that “GCE advertised on websites and social media urging prospective students to submit their contact information on digital forms. GCE telemarketers then used the information to illegally contact people who have specifically requested not to be called, as well as people on the National Do Not Call Registry. GCE has also made illegal calls to numbers it purchased from lead generators.

Responding to the varied allegations, GCU claims they are being “unjustly targetted” by the government and that this is much ado about nothing.

“To be frank, the substance of these claims is so frivolous that they could have easily been resolved in a 10-minute phone call had the agencies chosen to do so. We would have disagreed with the agencies’ conclusions but believe a reasonable accommodation could have been reached in each case in a spirit of cooperation. Instead, the agencies have chosen to, quite literally, make a federal case out of what should be minor disagreements.”


Largest Christian University in US (Grand Canyon) Faces Record Fine After Federal Probe Into Alleged Deception

(AP) The country’s largest Christian university is being fined $37.7 million by the federal government amid accusations that it misled students about the cost of its graduate programs.

Grand Canyon University, which has more than 100,000 students, mostly in online programs, faces the largest fine of its kind ever issued by the U.S. Education Department. The university dismissed the allegations as “lies and deceptive statements.”

“Grand Canyon University categorically denies every accusation in the Department of Education’s statement and will take all measures necessary to defend itself from these false accusations,” the school said in a five-page statement.

An Education Department investigation found that Grand Canyon lied to more than 7,500 current and former students about the cost of its doctoral programs.

As far back as 2017, the university told students its doctoral programs would cost between $40,000 and $49,000. The department found that less than 2% of graduates completed programs within the range, with 78% paying an additional $10,000 to $12,000.

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This article was written by Collin Brinkley and published at the AP. Titled changed by Protestia