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Never-Trump Evangelicals Reaping the Whirlwind as the Equality Act Makes Headway

(Ref. Char.) Reformation Charlotte has consistently argued that the Democrat party of Satan’s one and only purpose is to destroy morality rooted in a biblical worldview. The Democrat party’s platform reads like the antithesis to the Ten Commandments and there is nothing the party stands for that a Christian in good conscience could support. Nothing.

Yet, the never-Trump Christian “thought leaders” found in progressive outlets like The Gospel Coalition (TGC) have been relentless in their anti-Republican rhetoric arguing that the social justice promised by the Democrat party is well enough reason to vote Democrat and that faithful Christians can disagree cordially.

No, they can’t. And today, they are seeing why.

Joe Carter, a prominent contributor to The Gospel Coalition, a former staff member of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), and an associate pastor at David Platt’s McLean Bible Church in the Washington D.C. area has been nothing but clear in his anti-Trump rhetoric over the years.

Carter, like his former boss at the ERLC, Russell Moore, has spent countless hours trying to convince Christians that Donald Trump’s personal immorality gives Democrats — who want to murder children, force the celebration of homosexuality, and strip the Church of her religious freedoms — the moral high ground.

Russell Moore, before Trump was elected in 2016, spent an entire year writing, tweeting, and speaking to Christians about how immoral it would be to support Trump.

Now, they’re reaping what they have sown.

Joe Carter recently penned an article at The Gospel Coalition…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte