Coronavirus Righteous Defiance

Pastor Who Chased out ‘Gestapo Police’ from Church Faces New Warrant

The pastor who made international headlines after twice kicking out Calgary police from his church because of their seeking to disrupt his service, chiding them for their obscene presence on his property and screaming at them from the top of his lungs that they are behaving like “a bunch of Gespato Nazi Communists Fascists!” is facing a new ultimatum from the government and Alberta Health Services “Let us crash your church service or go to jail.”

The authorities have been granted a warrant that gives police permission to enter the church from 8am- 8pm, 7 days a week, and to inspect the service to ensure that not more than 15% of people are gathered, as well as they are following social distancing protocols. Interference or denying them access in any way, such as chasing them off and blasting them as a bunch of freedom-stealing Nazis, will result in the police being given the power to “do anything necessary” to arrest him for obstruction.

Rebel News has obtained a copy of the court order, which reads in part:

In the event the Respondent, Artur Pawlowski or any other person refuse to grant any Executive Officer access to the Premises or hinders or interferes with the Executive Officer in the exercise of his or her powers, then any member of Police Service…shall be permitted to accompany and assist the Executive Officer and use such reasonable force as they consider appropriate to gain access to the Premises and allow the Executive Officer (or anyone assisting the Executive Officer) to exercise his or her powers pursuant to section 59 of the Act…”


It is further ordered that, in making an arrest under this Order, Law Enforcement is authorized to do anything necessary to carry out the arrest, including the use of as much reasonable force as may be necessary to make the arrest, and without warrant to enter any place where on reasonable grounds Law Enforcement believes that the offending person may be found.

Sadly, it looks like Pastor James Coates won’t be the only Alberta pastor heading to jail for the great crime of preaching in his church and declaring “God over government” in how the church is run.


Pastor who Chased ‘Nazi Police’ from Church: ‘Like a ‘Flashback to Life Under the Boot of the Soviets’

The pastor who chased several police officers from his church for disrupting his service, shouting at them, “Out of this property, you Nazis, Gestapo is not allowed here. Don’t come back without a warrant,” has explained that his passion and harshness comes from experiencing “communist dictatorship behind the iron curtain, under the boot of the Soviets.”

In an interview with Mark Styne, Artur Pawlowski, Pastor of The Cave of Adullam church in Alberta, Canada, explains:

Police officers could break into your house at five in the morning, they could beat you up, torture, they could arrest you for no matter what reason they would come up with…

There was a famous saying in Poland when I was growing up by the police: give me a man and we will find something on that man. So it was like a…flashback when those police officers showed up at my church.

Everything kind of came back to life from my childhood and the only thing I could do is to fend off the wolves as a shepherd and I used my voice to get rid of them…We as lions should never bow before the hyenas and that’s what they are right now…

I have been warning Canadians for the past 16 years that that’s what’s coming. I could smell it, I could see it at every corner, the implementation of what we are seeing now…history is teaching us that those people will never give up their new gained powers. You got to demand those rights back, you have to fight for your rights, they’ll never give it back to you freely.