
ICYMI. Andy Stanley Says George Floyd Was ‘This Generation’s Samson’

On May 30, 2020, Andy Stanely put up a post on social media where he declared that George Floyd, the man killed by Derek Chauvin, to be “This Generation’s Samson.” He writes:

Dear George, I accept.

Perhaps without realizing it, and certainly without choosing it, you are this generation’s Samson. The last chapter of your life was lived with one hand on the pillar of POVERTY and the other on the pillar of INJUSTICE.

The Samson of BIBLICAL FAME positioned himself between the two central pillars of a pagan temple and accomplished MORE in his death than he did while living. Perhaps you will as well.

Your death destroyed our excuses.
Your final breath was an invitation.

I accept.

From what we can tell this is a wholly original post and was not a reposted meme. The post garnered both support and derision for the short time it was up. Andy Stanley quickly pulled down the post after a brief period of backlash, but not before it was screenshotted and immortalized.

Similarly, a few satellite campuses posted it to their Facebook pages when it was first uploaded and then quickly deleted it. The admins overseeing the Facebook page of Buckhead Church, one of North Point’s multisites, had it up the longest until it too disappeared.

Stanley is currently embroiled in controversies over his church’s tolerance and celebration of homosexuality.

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Pastor Says He Could Feel George Floyd’s Pain in His Own Neck, Says It Was God

(Capstone Report) Olin Holly, the Executive Pastor of Guest Experience and Pastoral Care at Atlanta’s Victory Church, tells a story in June 2020 of how God told him to lie down on the floor of his garage to feel what George Floyd felt as he was dying.

Then, during his “sermon,” he rips off his outer shirt to show the black tank top he was wearing and said that this is what George Floyd was wearing the day he was “murdered.”

He then goes into a schpiel about how he is talking to God and telling God that he can’t imagine the pain that George Floyd went through. According to him, God then told him “I don’t want you to imagine it, I want you to feel it.”

He then explains that God told him to go into his garage and lay face down next to his car. So he went to his garage and started weeping. From this point, well, you’ll just have to watch the video yourself to see the complete meltdown he has on stage re-enacting the death of George Floyd.

One question nobody seems to be asking, though, is if he can feel all the pain of the people George Floyd hurt.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.