
Florida Baptist Convention Demands Southern Baptist Convention to Terminate Engagement with Guidepost Solutions

(Disntr) The Florida Baptist State Convention has expressed its strong opposition to the Southern Baptist Convention’s decision to engage Guidepost Solutions, a firm that has been tasked to investigate and evaluate the Executive Committee and establish an abuse reporting hotline. The Florida Baptists’ governing body, the State Board of Missions, unanimously passed a resolution stating that the retention of individuals or organizations that promote views contradictory to the Scriptures is an inappropriate use of Cooperative Program dollars.

The resolution demands that the Southern Baptist Convention terminates all engagements and negotiations with Guidepost Solutions and its subsidiary, Faith Based Solutions, and reassess its decision to use them. Florida Baptists reiterated their commitment to protecting their members from sexual abuse and cooperating with legal obligations in reporting and investigating sexual abuse. The State Board of Missions also established policies and procedures to prevent abuse, report incidents of abuse, and provide survivor care.

The Southern Baptist Convention established a Sexual Abuse Task Force at its 2021 Annual Meeting and engaged Guidepost Solutions to carry…to continue reading, click here.

This article was published at Dissenter