
Charismatic Prophetess Says Houseflies are Sometimes Demonic ‘Monitoring Spirits’ Who Need to be ‘Bound’

Jennifer Leclaire, the former Senior Editor of the flagship Charisma Magazine and the current Senior Leader of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries and Awakening House of Prayer, seems to be battling a whole zoo of demons daily. Previously, this mainstream charismatic leader explained that Christians ought to be wary and on guard for the ‘merman spirit,’ an ‘octopus spirit,’ and our personal favorite, the ‘sneaky squid spirit‘ that Dr. Michael Brown so vociferously defends.

Continuing to demonstrate she’s as crazy as a rat in a coffee can, Leclaire teaches that demons sometimes spy on people in the form of houseflies and that, in her case, she had to “bind, blind, and deafen these monitoring spirits” to get rid of them:

Monitoring spirits invaded my house in the form of flies.  If you’re not spiritually minded,  you will think this is nuts, but it’s not.  These monitoring spirits,  these flies,  they came out of nowhere.  And every time I would kill one,  two more appeared and I would curse them to die and I would find them on the floor.

Listen,  after several days of battling this,  I began to find dead flies all over my house.  They were even in jars.  They were everywhere.  This is demonic.  I’m not saying all flies are monitoring spirits and I’m not saying all flies are demonic.

 What I am saying is that anytime you feel like you’re being spied on,  when you see strange phenomenon,  many times there’s an enemy behind that event or occurrence.  So what you have to do is bind,  blind,  and deafen these monitoring spirits.  I have all sorts of YouTube videos where you can find more prayer and more help.  Visit my YouTube channel.

h/t The Holy Nope