
Gospel Legend Kirk Franklin Recorded Delivering Vile, Profanity-Laced Diatribe Against Son

Gospel recording artist Kirk, Frankin has apologized after a vile, expletive-filled diatribe against his son, Kerrion Franklin (32) was recorded and uploaded to Instagram.

In the video, Franklin goes off on his boy, telling him:

“When your b**** a** starts disrespecting….You need to get your skinny, motherf****ing a** back out of the g*dd**** way before I put my foot in your a**.”

Kerrion repeatedly tells him “I dare you…I dare you…Shut the f*** up…I dare you” and Franklin shouts back:

“Boy, I will break you neck ni***. Don’t you ever disrespect me!”

The elder franklin uploaded an apology video later that day, explaining that he and his family had a toxic relationship with their son, who has been counselling on and off over the last 20 years, and that he lost his temper after feeling extremely disrespected by his son, explaining:

Recently, my son and I had an argument that he chose to record. I felt extremely disrespected in that conversation and lost my temper and I said words that are not appropriate. And I’m sincerely sorry to all of you. I sincerely apologize…I’m not perfect…I’m human and I’m going to make mistakes, and I’m trying to get it right. Please keep me and my family in your prayers.” 

Critical Race Theory Featured News Social Justice Wars

Eric Mason Challenges His Opponents to Fisticuffs

Eric Mason is the one the loudest voices for the Woke Religious Sect within Evangelicals. In a tweet posted on November 7th, Eric Mason challenged those who challenge his tweets to a fight.

Maybe he is unable to match wits with his critics so he has to resort to violence.

Breaking Featured Righteous Defiance

Breaking! Vindication For MacArthur as Judge finds ‘There is no court order’ against Grace Church

Los Angeles County Superior Court announced late Thursday that there is no court order prohibiting Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church (GCC) from holding indoor worship services, despite threats from the county, and rejected the county’s attempt to sanction GCG and hold them in contempt over its defiance of COVID-19 restrictions.

Though Superior Court Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff ruled in the church’s favor, the next salvo will soon be fired, as the County plans to seek another restraining order against Pastor MacArthur and GCC in a hearing scheduled for Monday.

We reported in an earlier story that the County is seeking $20,000 in fines and sanctions from GCC for 8 separate violations, desiring to hold them in contempt. This ruling by the Judge continues an escalation between the church and the County hell-bent on shutting them down.

Special counsel Jenna Ellis, one of the lawyers representing GCC, said in a statement:

“We are pleased with the outcome today. Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff correctly found there is no court order prohibiting Grace Community Church from holding indoor services. LA County continues to harass and target Pastor MacArthur.

Having failed to get a court order to shut down the church they have sought three times, they’re going to try again by hauling us back into court. Ironically, LA County said in its application for contempt that, ‘Grace Church cannot thumb its nose at the court when decisions don’t go its way,’ yet that’s precisely what LA County is now doing themselves. We will simply continue to defend our client’s constitutionally protected rights because church is essential.”

The battle between MacArthur and the County of Los Angeles was kickstarted when the County sent a letter on July 29, informing GCC that their recent decision to restart in-person services after nearly 5 months closed was a prosecutable violation, as the State Public Health Officer issued an order prohibiting indoor operations at a variety of establishments, including churches and other houses of worship.

The County also threatened them with massive fines if they chose not to comply, which was around the time that they procured legal counsel.

MacArthur, for his part, said that regardless of everything else happening, and no matter what fines are given or who may come against them, they will continue to have their regularly scheduled Sunday morning church service:

We’re not meeting … because we want to be rebellious. We’re meeting because our Lord has commanded us to come together and worship Him.

Featured Social Justice Wars

Colorado Neighborhood Confronts and Runs Off Antifa From Pro-Police Rally

A Fort Collins, Colorado neighborhood was having none of it when Antifa protesters came to disrupt a pro-police rally, and chased them off, sending them packing with tails between their legs amid shouts of “Bye-bye, commie scum. Bye-bye, go home” and “Somebody about to get tangled. You guys came to the wrong city, boys and girls.”

The video shows 20 or 30 men and women immediately confronting Antifa protesters who looked scared to death and not expecting this sort of resistance. They quickly pushed them back in an intimidating show of force, as many in the neighborhood were open-carrying. Commentary from the videographer explains:

So we’re currently marching the Antifa commie b******* out of the neighborhood because no one wants Antifa in the neighborhood. Nobody wants them here, so we’re marching them out.

At one point a scuffle broke out, and someone uttered these immortal words of sound advice, “Everyone keep your hands off your weapons. Keep punching each other in the face, just don’t shoot anybody.”

Within minutes the police arrived and Antifa members took swings at the police, resulting in two of their party being arrested.

One of the men chasing them off even managed to score a prize. While not quite a german luger, he did capture a black Antifa hat, much to his delight. The rest of the Antifactsists ran away, and the neighbors rejoined the rest of the crowd for the pro-police rally, grinning ear to ear as one man declared:

Well, that was the best first 5 minutes of any rally I’ve ever been to!

Warning: Language.