
Megachurch Pervert-Pastor John Blanchard Gets Prostitution Charges Expunged

Rock Church’s thoroughly disgraced and disqualified ‘pastor’ John Blanchard appeared upbeat this past Sunday, appearing on stage and praying over a baby during a dedication service just days after learning that the prostitution charge he acquired for soliciting a minor is getting expunged. According to America Press: 

“An expungement removes arrests and/or convictions from a person’s criminal record entirely as if they never happened. Even a court or prosecutor cannot view a person’s expunged record. 

Two years ago, the embattled lead pastor of the 4000-member Rock Church International in Virginia Beach, VA, was busted by police for trying to hook up with an underage prostitute. When questioned by police, Blanchard claimed he had no idea how he came upon a well-known prostitution website in the first place and no idea how he came to start texting the number, blaming his lack of memory of the whole situation on “brain problems.” 

He also strenuously defended his innocence, telling detectives, “I didn’t do anything wrong. I was just going to talk.”

His insistence that “he only wanted to talk” doesn’t explain why he drove two and a half hours to see a 17-year-old girl, why he only wanted to ‘talk’ for an hour, requested a QV, ( sex worker lingo for a quick visit) asked her how much money he should bring, and was concerned about whether or not she was law enforcement.

Despite being caught dead to rights, Blanchard would eventually receive a sweetheart deal and agree to receive the equivalent of sex-offender-related counseling, particularly “psychosexual evaluations,” in exchange for seeing the charges dropped. However, this deal wasn’t offered to any other of the 16 men who were arrested and charged, prompting lawyers to express their confusion over the special treatment- as sex-offender counseling is something they’d have to do anyway.

The decision to drop charges against him rankled Chesterfield police chief Jeffrey S. Katz, who came out swinging against the prosecutor, publicly criticizing them for the move. He also blasted the judge for granting Blanchard’s lawyers the motion to seal all the case records, particularly when there was so much evidence. 

Throughout the whole affair, Rock Church has stood by Blanchard, who insists it was all innocent and above board and is still listed as the senior pastor on the Church website.

While the church has claimed that he has “voluntarily stepped back as lead pastor and from all his ministerial duties until this present situation is totally resolved, that is simply not true, with CP reporting that he was found preaching up a storm at the Power and Authority Conference hosted by Global Fellowship Church, where he was lauded as a “man of God” that possesses a “prophetic voice to the body of Christ.”